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Pregnancy & Parenting - 14 September 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

When we picked our son's name we knew NO ONE with that name and had only heard of a few people with it that were people from the past. Everyone who asked what we were naming him said "oh we have never heard that before" except 2 people I knew - one from Hawaii and one from Japan from where the name originates. Now all of a sudden I have had 2 or 3 people come up and say oh our friends are going to name their baby the same name as your son! I am not mad - how could I be - I just think its weird and now (since he is only 8 months old) he will probably have 2 or 3 kids in his school or class named that! Has this happened to you?

2007-09-14 03:30:54 · 18 answers · asked by ? 4 in Baby Names

the reason why im asking is because i usually get mine cycle early in the morning but for some reason that didn't happened this morning, i only get some cramps and also some days that past i had some cramps , headaches, sore throat, breast full and lower back pain . i just keep my finger cross hoping that i could be pregnant. and also you too ladies who want to conceive. good luck

2007-09-14 03:30:09 · 5 answers · asked by lora 1 in Pregnancy

my son is 3 months old and i was wondering how to help him crawl and when do babies start to crawl?

2007-09-14 03:24:35 · 11 answers · asked by Shelby 2 in Newborn & Baby

I am 35wks, and can no longer remember life without severe back pain, hip pain and knee pain. I no longer know what it is like to not wake up several times in the middle of the night hurting so bad that I can't get into a comfortable position and I can't go back to sleep. Getting up from a sitting position is sheer torture to my knees. I go to a chiropractor once a week, have a maternity pillow and a maternity belt. I also have only 5 weeks to go until our baby gets here. :) So...all you moms out there. All I need is encouragement that the pain will lessen (or go away) after I have the baby. It has been so long that I haven't hurt, that I feel as though the pain now is permanent. If you have any suggestions to lessen the pain, that would be fine, but really all I am looking for is words of encouragement and understanding from those of you who have "been there, done that." I am not resenting being pregnant or the baby...just want to know that the pain will eventually go away.

2007-09-14 03:19:44 · 25 answers · asked by Jayden'sMom 2 in Pregnancy

If we are having a girl I chose Anastasia ----- Newman...I need a middle name. Any suggestions? No "R" names please. My daughter's initials are A. R. N. and I want this baby to have her own initials. Otherwise, I would choose the name Rain...it means "Abundant Blessings from above"

2007-09-14 03:18:37 · 20 answers · asked by Green Is Sexxxy 5 in Baby Names

Caregiver fell yesterday and my 3 1/2 month old son hit his head hard. Nurse line said not to worry but we could take him to the doc to check it out. We did. They sent us for an x-ray. Doc called this morning and said he has a skull fracture but not to worry because he is acting fine, eating, smiling, etc. Now we have a follow-up appt. with a neurosurgeon just to make sure everything is fine. Please let me know if you have ever had this happen, or have someone who has, what you did and how things turned out. I'm a new mom and scared and very angry right now.

2007-09-14 02:59:42 · 14 answers · asked by ? 6 in Newborn & Baby

i have to give him saline nose drops. I asked my doctor about it but he just said it was mucous from when he was born still in his nose and throat. I don't think he really knew what he was talking about because my son still has this problem at four months old!! I will be going to see him again, but has this happened to anyone else's children? If so what was the cause? Thanks for your comments.

2007-09-14 02:59:40 · 16 answers · asked by aceventura 1 in Newborn & Baby

me and my girls have a supper club thing we do every month. this month on the 20th we are meeting at a wings place and that morning i will be finding out what i am having *hopefully* whats a creative way to tell them what i am having?

2007-09-14 02:57:21 · 8 answers · asked by 2/08 is the due date! 3 in Pregnancy

Ok, I know this might be a damn question, but I came across this name somewhere... however I am not really sure how to pronouce it or if there are other says of spelling it! I have been looking for baby names. My hubby & I are currently trying to concieve our 3rd. And have been talking about names for quite sometime!! So, my questions are... how would YOU pronounce this name, is there other ways spelling it and what middle name do you think would look and sound nice with it? I was think Rose or Jane. Both of my other 2 children have 2 middle names, they are named after family members we are not sure if we are going to give this one 2 middle names or not! Thank you for your help with this!

2007-09-14 02:53:59 · 12 answers · asked by awesomemommy05 2 in Baby Names

i was having little ones all day yesterday and about 2 yesterday afternoon. they got stronger and i went to labor and delivery they checked me said i was 2 cms, said i was having contractions every 3- 5minutes apart. she pulled out some of the plug and it had blood in it. which has never happened before now. they checked me not even hour later and said that i haven't dialated anymore and sent me home. i contracted all night and went to sleep woke up hurting a little bit but not as bad as yesterday. still more bloody plug coming out. the nurse said they sent me home because they didn't want to get up during the night to deliver a baby. could it be time.

2007-09-14 02:39:06 · 12 answers · asked by michelecmof4 2 in Pregnancy

This is making me VERY uncomfortable there fore I do not realy do my best at work and are becoming deprest.
PLEASE is there someone who has experience this and can give me some advice.

2007-09-14 02:38:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

I had a pregnancy scan 3weeks ago, and was devasted to learn that my baby had died a few weeks earlier, i was aprox 12 weeks preg.
The baby was unplanned, and my partner had a vasectomy 4weeks before we found out I was expecting, we had just got used to the idea of having baby no.2 and now the chance has gone!!
I got told to go home and see if my body expells it naturally, I have just been for my second scan, and everything is still there, I have opted for another 2weeks of "wait and see" then I have to make a decision between having a pill inserted internally, and waiting in hospital for hours, or going in for a "d&c" ..I don't know what to do, I hate hospitals at the best of times and am scared of going under anasthetic, but from what some people have told me about the pill (sorry I can't think of the name!) that's very unpleasant as well.. has anyone got any opinions/experiences to share with me please.. I want to do the ostrich thing at the moment.(yes, very grown up I know,sorry

2007-09-14 02:32:03 · 16 answers · asked by izo 5 in Pregnancy

i'm 22 weeks pregnant and i have a severe headache i get nauseated and dizzy spells, I have had it for the past 3 days, I take tylenol it will go away but with out fail i wake up every morning with this severe headache, I am in Florida for a month and my doctor is in my state, I am on medicaid and will only cover me if it is actually an emergency, Is this normal or is it something that should definatly be checked?

2007-09-14 02:30:38 · 11 answers · asked by Pink_xX 2 in Pregnancy

My 2 1/2 year old refuses to hold my hand in parking lots & runs ahead to demonstrate his independence. When I try to hold his hand or pick him up to protect him, he screams, writhes, and bites. In the car, he loosens the five point harness on the car seat to free his shoulders and loosen his upper body from the restraint. He sometimes unbuckles the safety belt which secures the car seat to the bench seat in the mini-van. He hates the car seat! He wants to be independent like his 10-year old brother. Yesterday, when I was trying to get him into the car seat, he ran away from the mini van and into the street and nearly got hit by a car driving by. I'm at my wit's end. It's physically and emotionally exhausting. How can I rationalize with my 2 1/2 year old about safety issues??? I've tried the Barney safety videos, but to no avail.

2007-09-14 02:23:32 · 15 answers · asked by km 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

my daughter had c-section 14 days ago she has an infection in the uterous running fevers what could this be

2007-09-14 02:23:05 · 2 answers · asked by freddiehooper@sbcglobal.net 1 in Newborn & Baby

My son is 5. He got an office referral for his bus driver. She claims he has been getting out of his seat, talking at the railways, and hitting other students. I believe the first two, but when I ask her about him hitting someone she said she didn't see it but she saw burises he left. So I asked him about it and come to find out what really happened was him and a little girl have been pinching each other and horsing around. Apparntly the only reason the bus drive wrote my son up was because the other parent asked about the bruises. I know the other parent and according to both children they have been playing about like this for a few weeks but the bus driver never notified either of us, and only my son got written up. He goes to a gifted school, so misbehavior on a bus can lead to being ask no to return the next school year. I'm very upset that I was never told my son was misbehaving, and further it seems as if the bus driver only wrote him up because an upset parent approached

2007-09-14 02:19:25 · 18 answers · asked by bamagrits84 3 in Grade-Schooler

I have to buy a baby shower gift for a lady I work with who is having twins. I would like to buy her a matching outfit for them. I have no clue where to go online to look. I would appreciate help from someone who has done this before me. Thank you so much.

2007-09-14 02:18:06 · 6 answers · asked by Gary W 1 in Newborn & Baby

my baby boy will be 2 years old tommorrow and i need some toy suggestions!!! I have looked at some toys but not sure which ones to get!!!

2007-09-14 02:17:03 · 11 answers · asked by housewives5 4 in Toddler & Preschooler

with kids unbelievably stressful? Esp as you are not used to having your kids 24/7!
Honest, answers please, obviously I'm asking this question in light of kate mccann's diary! But I am not in a million years suggesting that anyone else in this world would drug their kids to go out for a meal! (IF THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED!)
Please don't take affence at this question, I have 4 kids and have always stayed at home, so I am interested how mum's who work cope when on holiday!?
When my husband is on holiday he loves every moment with the kids if their good or not.

2007-09-14 02:12:22 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

My son is 18 months old...he says "owe" everytime he has to pee....His pee looks normal and he acts normal except when he has to pee....He has a drs appt on Tues the 18 so i dont want to rush him to the dr...i was just curious if any one else has experienced this and what should i do to make him feel better until his drs appt? Please any advice is wonderful!

2007-09-14 02:00:13 · 4 answers · asked by tll 6 in Toddler & Preschooler

How do children bully other people in the common ways? If your child was bullied by another child/ other children and he felt hurt, what action will you take against him/her? Does your child/children bully or get bullied by others? What will you do if you caught your child/children bullying other people? Do you think female beats or bully other people too?

2007-09-14 01:56:29 · 6 answers · asked by Agent JipST 3 in Parenting

I have read unpasteurized things are BAD.. and in the same sentance it said to avoid cider. However, if the cider is pasteurized, is it OK??

2007-09-14 01:45:55 · 8 answers · asked by sonotech02 2 in Pregnancy

My fiance broke up with me three weeks after I found out I was pregnant. I'm currently going back to college. I was excited at first, but now I'm just very upset. He is now denying that the baby is his, and I don't want this baby to come into the world like this. He won't even answer my calls.

I am against surgical abortions and am borderline on medical abortions. I am 7 weeks tomorrow. I'm not young, like in my early twenties, so what advice would you give me? (Adoption is out of the question for religious reasons.) My mom died three years ago, so I'm feeling pretty alone right now.

2007-09-14 01:42:44 · 30 answers · asked by sublime 5 in Pregnancy

We've debated this a long time. After countless turn downs from my DBF this is what we have on our list:

Hunter Wayne Roberts
Remington Wayne Roberts
Coby Wayne Roberts
Brady Wayne Roberts
Mark Wayne Roberts
Kacey Wayne Roberts

Lawrence Wayne Roberts (his fathers first name, and my fathers first name) - although I dont like "Larry" for short

Garrett Wayne
Derek Wayne
Stanley Wayne (after my grandfather)
Rhett Wayne
Travis Wayne

Which do you like best? Which sounds best?

Thanks to all replies...
BTW we picked a girl's name already:
Amy Lena Roberts

2007-09-14 01:31:03 · 16 answers · asked by sweetypie9 3 in Baby Names

His cry is not as strong as it used to be and I don't know if maybe he's just getting sick but he does lil quick intakes of breath sometimes when he is asleep,it worries me and now I want to check him for asthma but don't know how they check for that or how old they need to be?

2007-09-14 01:30:55 · 7 answers · asked by Red 7 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

I want a name that is popular, or I want a nickname of a popular and cute name. A GIRLS NAME. I want it to be a name that describes a cute blonde 13 year old with short hair, and is adventurous. Imagine her like the girl Leslie from Bridge to Terabithia.

2007-09-14 01:27:23 · 23 answers · asked by Coconut Crazy 1 in Baby Names

What do you do about that issue? Right now, he's only seventeen months so what age do you be talk to children about what's real and what's not. Elmo is so sweet, and seems like a real monster, but one of these days my son is going to know that he's not real and then I'm afraid it will upset him. How does that work exactly? My parents raised me to believe in the Easter bunny and Santa Claus and when I found out that they weren't real it made it hard to trust my parents. I don't want my son to go through the same thing.

2007-09-14 01:20:02 · 16 answers · asked by crymeariver 5 in Parenting

my sister's baby is being released from the hospital today the baby should be coming home to my mother's home but they say that there's already too many children there being that my mom has her three other children.do you think they will let her take the baby if she let's them know that she is willing to move to a bigger space. i would take custody of the baby myself me and my husband have a huge house but ou have to be at least 21 years of age which i am not

2007-09-14 00:53:05 · 8 answers · asked by Saraiya B 1 in Adoption

What are some unique, strong baby boy names-preferably starting with "n" but anything will do. thanks!

2007-09-14 00:51:52 · 18 answers · asked by Yellowtulips 3 in Baby Names

My 4 month old baby girl sleeps much better when we prop her up on one of those maternity 'v-shape' pillows but when we lye her down flat she wriggles around a lot more which wakes her up.....

We only let her sleep with the pillow whilst sat next to her on the sofa or lying on the bed so she's always safe but I was wondering what age is it suggested to be safe to let a baby have a pillow ?

2007-09-14 00:47:56 · 25 answers · asked by Barty 1 in Newborn & Baby

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