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Pregnancy & Parenting - 2 June 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

Friend of mine is due in september and needs name for baby girl that starts with letter A or J Thanks

2007-06-02 13:10:51 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

2007-06-02 13:04:14 · 19 answers · asked by theprettyone 1 in Pregnancy

Okay, i came up with these names for my future children, showed them to my best friend, and she laughed. what do you think?


2007-06-02 13:04:03 · 21 answers · asked by Drama Queen 2 in Baby Names

i have just notice am starting 2 get an outy bellybutton i am nearly 29weeks pregnant and wonderin is that when most women started gettin theres?

2007-06-02 13:00:22 · 11 answers · asked by mummy of 2gorgeous boys 3 in Pregnancy

i had my baby may 25 i had sex with two guys i slept with guy number 1 in the middle part of august then we broke up so i start sleeping with guy number 2 in september i have regular menstrual cycle but i forgot when i came on my menstrual.

2007-06-02 12:59:54 · 19 answers · asked by dee18 2 in Pregnancy

is there such a thing called a missed abortion? is it where the body does not accept being pregnant and basically destroys itself? just i heard it from my sister who was readin some type of book and it had it in it

2007-06-02 12:57:14 · 5 answers · asked by mummy of 2gorgeous boys 3 in Pregnancy

My 9 year old daughter called me from her friends house bawling her little eyes out and said mommy please come and get me but she wouldnt tell me why she was crying on the phone. I didnt bother to ask to talk to the parents I just jumped in my car and flew over there. She was watching for me from the window. She ran out the door and flew into my arms literally almost knocking me over. I asked her again what was going on but she didnt want to tell me. So I asked her friends mother if something happened and she said no. But once we got home she told me that her and her friend went to the playground (she's not allowed to go by herself so that upset me) and they didnt know it was past the time when they had to be back. The girls mother went and got them and when they got back to the house, the friends father spanked BOTH of them! My daughter has never been spanked in her life so she was mortified. Im mortified. How should I address with them because that upsets both my husband and I.

2007-06-02 12:53:25 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

Like it if said for 3 years and older, would you let your 2 or 2 1/2 play with it or not?

2007-06-02 12:50:29 · 9 answers · asked by The_Pink_One 3 in Parenting

Sarah or Sara?

2007-06-02 12:43:44 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

a good friend of mine called me today to ask if i had delivered my baby yet. (she lives out of state and i havent seen her for about 5 months). at the end of our conversation she threw a complete curveball at me, however. she proudly announced that at the age of 51 she was officially 13 weeks pregnant with her first child and asked me if i would be the god parent of her baby. i told her that i would gladly be her child's god mother before asking her about her prergnancy. turns out she was on fertility drugs for 3 years after trying to conceive naturally for 6 years with her husband. i never even knew!!

she's fit for her age but had a knee injury last year which has been acting up as of late causing her to limp, and her doctors have said she may need to use a wheelchair later in pregnancy. i'm so happy for her but i can't help but think what she's doing is unfair for her child... i'll hopefully be visiting her in august with my baby and was wondering about ways i can help her out?

2007-06-02 12:33:13 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I'm just at 5 months pregnant and am having a hard time taking full, deep breaths. I knew that there was a chance that would happen but I was wondering if anyone knew of a natural way to help me breath a little better.

2007-06-02 12:25:36 · 8 answers · asked by FaerieWhings 7 in Pregnancy

My 10 year old step son is visting us for a month during summer break. He lives in another state with his mom, and this is his first extended visit since I married into the family.
Problem is, he is an incredibly picky eater. I am at my wits end here. We ask him to take a bite of something, and he pinches the fork with the thumb and one finger, squinches his eyes shut, wrinkles his nose up, touches the fork to his tongue, then throws the fork down on the plate, runs to the toilet or the trashcan, and makes vomiting sounds.
This isn't just a behavior he reserves for the privacy of our own home, either. He does this in restaraunts...when he orders his own food.
I guess I've got two options, I could tell him that the food we prepare is all he has to choose from and let him go hungry until he decides to actually eat it, or I could feed him speghetti o's everynight like his mom does (yes, he acts like this at her house too, but she always caves). He's 10 yrs old and 96lbs. Help me.

2007-06-02 12:22:25 · 12 answers · asked by AngG 3 in Grade-Schooler


if u deliever a healthy baby early as 32weeks onward do they still keep the baby in till he or she has reached there due date? even if everything is good?

2007-06-02 12:12:47 · 4 answers · asked by mummy of 2gorgeous boys 3 in Pregnancy

My fiance is 2 months pregnant, and hasn't been in the mood for about a month and a half. She use to love it when I would "touch her," so in these VERY rare instances that we'll actually have sex, she doesn't want me to "touch her" down there, which was a SURE FIRE way she'd end in a climax. It makes me feel unattractive, and undesirable. I've tried talking to her about it, but her response is "I just don't want you to." It's actually giving me a somewhat of a depressed feeling. I really don't like this. What should I do, or what CAN I do?

2007-06-02 12:11:36 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

...but hopefully i can get some answers here. who can i contact when i suspect a child is being abused? actually i have eye witnesses who have told me things and one of them is the grandmother to the child. i feel sooo bad for the kid, how can i help? the grandmother has already contacted authorities and they didnt help her and shes afraid if she takes it further that her own safety will be jeopardized. any advice? thanks

2007-06-02 12:09:46 · 10 answers · asked by dee_the_genius 7 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Its been almost four months since my last period and the time i had sex.Im not quite sure what to do because i wont be fifteen till september.My boyfriend is 15 what is some great ways to find out if i am.In the past four months i havent thrown up i am just nausatted,my back hurts occasionally and my stomach feels hard.HELP PLEASE!

2007-06-02 11:34:38 · 30 answers · asked by Diamond Lady 2 in Pregnancy

that you will not allow your daughter(s) to own/play with?
If so, which one(s) and why have you forbidden them to play with them?
In my situation, I will not allow my daughters to play with BRATZ dolls. They are dressed inappropriately and trashy.
And as far as the cartoon goes(I only saw a part of it briefly), I see now how they got the name BRATZ.

2007-06-02 11:19:02 · 8 answers · asked by (no subject) 4 in Parenting

I had really sharp pains in my stomach, nausea, fatigue, lower back pain, dizzyness, headaches frequent peeing. I am constantly hungery, When I burp it comes up vomit, & my boobs were so sore that I couldn't even touch them. I had my period but it wasn't normal. The 1st day it was just spotting & some excess blood, the 2nd day was almost normal but not quite, the 3rd day was just like the 1st. The 4th & 5th day were so light I didn't need a pad. My boobs were really sore than to but I figured that was cause of my period. But now I am no longer on my period & I still have some signs others have gone away. I still have lower back pain, frequent peeing, I get cramps, & dizzyness. I still have the constant hungerness & when I burp I vomit instead. My boobs arent as sore anymore but once in awhile they tingle or my nipples hurt. sometimes these signs go away but return. I took a pregnancy test the 3rd day into my period & it came back negative. I havent taken 1 again. Could I be pregnant?

2007-06-02 11:14:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

There was this boy named Todd in my class. He was the most cutest boy in the whole school. At the begging of my sophmore year, he would always tap me on my shoulder, wrap his arms around my waist and stare at me during class. I gladly gave him a chance & we started going out and after about a month, I decided I was ready to give up my virginaty. He was the perfect person to start with. The sex was good. He knew wxactly where to place his dick to make me scream & moan and eventualy, I became pregnant. This wasn't something I had planned. What went wrong? I was so confused. I didn't tell my mom & she still doesn't know today. When I told Todd about my condition, he turned WHITE. He didn't say anything. I decided to let him be for awhile because I knew how shocked he was. Anyways, a week later, I heard he decided 2 move to Los Angelos with his father. He abandoned me when I needed him. Well, I am currently 3 months pregnant. I can't do it on my own. IDK what 2 do. Should I keep it or not?

2007-06-02 11:07:40 · 22 answers · asked by Christina 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

2007-06-02 11:06:41 · 5 answers · asked by lovepacprincess360 2 in Newborn & Baby

We just had our 20 week ultrasound and found out IT"S A BOY!!!! I'm very happy it's a boy......now to pick a name!!! I like the name JACKSON ALEXANDER after my grandpa......What do you think????? My husband is concerend that people will think micheal Jackson as soon as they hear the name.....and neither of us want that. Any other suggestions that start with J. would be great.

2007-06-02 11:06:32 · 20 answers · asked by janinewood 1 in Pregnancy

Why do some parents named their kids such boring names, even though there are such a variety of cool names to choose from? Why would you just name your kid (no offense) something like Mary, when there's nothing original about that name?

2007-06-02 11:04:11 · 30 answers · asked by ♥ karisa ♥ 2 in Baby Names

I just want to make it easier for him, he gets very upset

2007-06-02 11:02:24 · 11 answers · asked by froggy 4 in Toddler & Preschooler

what pregnancy symptoms did u not get while u were pregnant
so far i have had no craving,naseua or morning sickness

2007-06-02 11:00:58 · 10 answers · asked by mummy of 2gorgeous boys 3 in Pregnancy

i like to sleep naked, but theres the ever existing fear of getting caught, how do i make sure not to get caught?

2007-06-02 10:59:35 · 18 answers · asked by danny_c_93 1 in Parenting

I've told my son that when we're in public he is to call me Mr. Yorgason rather than Dad. He keeps forgetting. I've warned him and warned him.

2007-06-02 10:55:59 · 33 answers · asked by Haiku 1 in Parenting

2007-06-02 10:53:06 · 16 answers · asked by Chuck 1 in Pregnancy

2007-06-02 10:45:56 · 10 answers · asked by Chuck 1 in Pregnancy

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