My 10 year old step son is visting us for a month during summer break. He lives in another state with his mom, and this is his first extended visit since I married into the family.
Problem is, he is an incredibly picky eater. I am at my wits end here. We ask him to take a bite of something, and he pinches the fork with the thumb and one finger, squinches his eyes shut, wrinkles his nose up, touches the fork to his tongue, then throws the fork down on the plate, runs to the toilet or the trashcan, and makes vomiting sounds.
This isn't just a behavior he reserves for the privacy of our own home, either. He does this in restaraunts...when he orders his own food.
I guess I've got two options, I could tell him that the food we prepare is all he has to choose from and let him go hungry until he decides to actually eat it, or I could feed him speghetti o's everynight like his mom does (yes, he acts like this at her house too, but she always caves). He's 10 yrs old and 96lbs. Help me.
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