Maybe you need to behave like a father for him to behave as a son. talk to him, communicate.
2007-06-02 10:54:34
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
So many answers on here already, this one will probably never be seen by anyone. But I got to try.
What a funny 180. Sad funny, not haha funny.
It's usually the kid ashamed of being seen with the parent and everyone saying it's normal, don't worry about it, etc.
Well, guess what. The way kids behave in public today, maybe it's time parents felt some shame. Maybe with that shame, they will start parenting to change the childs behavior.
2007-06-03 05:51:13
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If you are serious - God help both of you.
Perhaps your son is severely disabled in some way [I hope not, but is this what you are so ashamed of?]
You must have something to do with him, if you are out and about together??
I think you need to give some more information, like why and what you are so ashamed of, before we can understand your dilemma and help you with an answer.
2007-06-02 22:48:38
answer #3
answered by iamjustcurious 3
How can you be ashamed of your own child. I am just horrified by that question. Come on now, that is your son. Even if it wasn't your son being embarrassed of anyone your with is a problem you have and its called insecurity. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated. Please go get some professional help because this is not normal. Please do not let your son hear these words because if it doesn't hurt him now, it will effect him later.
2007-06-02 11:45:12
answer #4
answered by Miss YSL 4
That is awful!! My heart goes out to your son! I can't even imagine what he feels like not to be loved my his own father! Poor child! I think you need to talk to someone and get help so your son can have a father he deserves. It is not your sons fault and am sure he just wants to be loved by you!! At the age of 8 I can't even imagine that he could do something so terrible to make you disgusted by him. Please go get help so your son does not grow up knowing his father didn't love him and was ashamed of him. If your not willing to get helpl then I think you just need to stay away from your son altogether!! Good luck!
2007-06-02 10:54:45
answer #5
answered by baby1august 3
being ashamed of your own child and wanting to pretend your not his father is not only wrong, its borderline emotional abuse. Your child will see that and will feel like you hate him. At 8 yrs old I'm sure he does things that don't make you happy, but he's a kid and with proper teaching he will learn. I feel sorry for your son and think that you need some massive counseling.
2007-06-02 11:03:12
answer #6
answered by angelmomma 3
Just think some day he will grow up to be just like you, ashamed of his father and not want it to seem like you're his father when you're out in public.
2007-06-03 07:26:57
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i don't think that u can!!
he is your son and although u might be ashamed ( for whatever reason) he will ALWAYS be your son and you cant change him or your relationship!
u have to remember that he is a young boy and you are influencing - teaching him what is right- and discriminating or judging isn't right!
he will be hurt if he finds out that u are shamed of him- tell him you are proud of whomever he is!
2007-06-02 18:31:00
answer #8
answered by Zoe Sampson 2
God, how can u be ashamed of ur son. Its usually the other way around where the child tries to pretend ur not his dad.
2007-06-02 10:53:07
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Hey that is not cool. I have a daughter who's father is no longer in her life. How can you do that to your son. When he gets screwed up don't sit on ur a$$ and wonder why.
2007-06-02 15:02:28
answer #10
answered by Anonymous