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Pregnancy & Parenting - 2 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

Remember two months ago I told you guys my brother Octivius Adrian is having a boy, but I forgot to mention he is having twin boys. He is having two and not one. He is having twin boys just like my cousin Anna. The boys are due at the end of this month. So we don't have much time to decide their names. They are pretty much set on these two names.

Ieyasu (E-ya-yard-su)

They already have a daughter name Olivia Vivienne.

Takumi Kai Li
Ryu Ieyasu Li

2007-06-02 16:35:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

i cant find it anywhere

2007-06-02 16:28:06 · 9 answers · asked by Idrankhemlock 2 in Baby Names

dont even say that 12 y.o shouldnt babysit. she is different. she is VERY responsible!! she is almost 13. i let her babysit once before just to test for free. i came back and the dishes were done, the house was vacummed and the kids were sleeping!!!! Shes amazing!! So i was just wondering what to pay her??!! We are going out at about 8:00PM and coming back at about 3:00 AM. so she will be sleeping over. but we know her like that so she can.

2007-06-02 16:20:19 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I was just wondering if you got paid to be a surrogate mother, or if it was illegal to sell a baby from your body or something. It sounds like a retarded question. I loved being pregnant and I would help someone out of the kindness of my heart if I got the chance, I was just wondering. How do you get started being a surrogate mother. Or is that one of those things you do for someone you know who needs it. I was just curious so please tell me all you know about surrogat mothers.

2007-06-02 16:03:25 · 19 answers · asked by Pregnant with Baby #2 6 in Adoption

2007-06-02 16:00:26 · 13 answers · asked by Tu 2 in Newborn & Baby

I'm sure this is a real stupid question. I found out I am going to be a Father. Now I freak out about every little thing because I want to make sure my baby and my wife are safe. We went swimming today and my wife got sunburned pretty bad. Is that okay with her being pregnant? or does it really have nothing to do with it? She is about 13 weeks.

2007-06-02 15:56:36 · 10 answers · asked by TheVan 1 in Pregnancy

I found out i need Cryotherapy and i was wondering will this effect me and my husbands chance of getting pregnant? Also for women who have had this done is it painfull? I had a biospy done and that was very painfull for me would the pain be more or less then the biospy was? Thanks!

2007-06-02 15:55:23 · 4 answers · asked by missy 5 in Trying to Conceive

I am nursing my 8 month old and also have one who is almost 5 and one who is almost 3. With my other two, I am sure I did not ovulate until I'd had a few "periods", which came back at 10 mos PP w/ #1 and 5 mos PP w/ #2. Haven't had a period yet with this one. I started to feel like I was going to about a week ago, but it didn't come. I've had way more frequent bowel movements and urination, been very thirsty, increased appetite, occasionally very mildly nauseous or light headed. I am usually absentminded, but feel moreso today than usual. Do you think I might be pregnant again?

2007-06-02 15:54:09 · 9 answers · asked by Bertha B 1 in Pregnancy

I have a thirteen month old and a friend insists I get Stride Rite shoes because the soles are flexible. Will I endanger him by purchasing shoes at Target? I am going to look for shoes with flexible soles.
A Worried Mom

2007-06-02 15:52:30 · 14 answers · asked by Dana E 2 in Parenting

Not the common sense stuff, like use a condom everytime.

Something different.

Things like using water based lubes instead of oil based and flavored condoms are weaker than regular ones.

Stuff like that, that everyone wouldn't know.

And this is just for assurance, so don't get you panties(or boxers) in a bunch, and start preaching about me being too young, cause I'm not having sex and I don't really plan to(not that it is your concern anywho). Even If I was, when I make my mind up, it's made, so it wouldn't work. And don't even try to tell me I shouldn't be thinking about sex because for one, my mind is the only place where I have real control and privacy, so don't you dare think you will tell me what I should think about and two, if I didn't think about it, I wouldn't know what I know about safety. But yeah, It is for future reference, just in case.

Thanks in advance and have a good day(or night, depending on your location).


2007-06-02 15:49:58 · 13 answers · asked by Cloud Nine--Sez YAHH 2 tha hatas 4 in Adolescent

Okay I was with my friend and she shoplifted, I didn't take anything but she did. They banned my friend and ME from the mall, the movie theatre and any of the stores and restaurants in the same general area for a year, and I didn't even do anything. The only thing I had in my purse was used make-up and a brush and a cell, that were all obviously used and from at least a month ago and apparently I stole that. Half of the make-up was almost gone! and the other half was obviously used. The cell had dents and the brush had hair in it! So they banned us for a year? And even though my friend stole something, from the surrounding area too? That's a little unreasonable, I mean there is a lot in the surrounding area that isn't even part of the mall. And we're under 16 and canadian if that matters. But was it really necessary to ban ME from the mall and surrounding area because of my used make-up?

2007-06-02 15:49:35 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

2007-06-02 15:45:21 · 5 answers · asked by tellme 1 in Pregnancy

My daughter wanted me to get on here and ask for peoples opinions about Teachers.. She wants to know if you think they just Blabber or if they actually Teach? LOL!! I know this is a silly question, but she's too cute to not ask for her on here. Thanks to all of you who are NICE ABOUT IT !!!

I told her some blabber and some actually teach......

2007-06-02 15:39:01 · 29 answers · asked by polonium-210 3 in Grade-Schooler

My hubbys name is Stephen Robert and we were thinking to name our baby boy Robert Stephen. is this cute? Were going to name it Kayleigh Emma if its a girl.

2007-06-02 15:37:07 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

I'm hardly twelve and kids are already swearing, talking about sex, and the girls are freakin' 12-going-on-21! For that reason, I hang out with more of the boys in my grade (I'm a girl) and the girls make comments like "does she have something against being GIRL?!" and "act your age!". For cryin' out loud, I'm acting my age. I'm not flunking, cussing, or dressing like a sl*t! Then they call me crazy because I love to write. How many of you agree that this is crazy? Smiley in need :o(

2007-06-02 15:22:14 · 33 answers · asked by Smiley 3 in Adolescent

As cute as she is, she is hard to understand. She will be starting school in Sept. and i am afraid her speech will not get any better. I tried almost everything thrown at me. I read to her religously, I buy grammer games you name it. I was wondering on new ideas. A therepist is to costly for this single mom. Help us please!!

2007-06-02 15:06:21 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

my girlfriend jus gave birth to our child, and we are not married, and we were having a hard time on the last name. is it possible to give the child both last names? if so they told her at the hospital (i wasnt there when they said it) that with non married couples the baby is given the mothers last name, and i was just thinking to myself that thats not really fair. is this true or did she just lie to me?

2007-06-02 14:48:58 · 16 answers · asked by vid_a_lou 2 in Baby Names

In my state there have been at least 3 cases that made national headlines about mothers who murdered their children. In all 3 cases: Andrea Yates, Deanna Laney, and Dena Schlosser, they were all determined to be legally insane and were either acquitted and/or sent to a mental hospital.
Of course they were insane!! No sane person would kill their child!
Then you have people like Susan Smith and Darlie Routier, who are in prison either on death row or for life.
I just saw this website about a little girl who was killed by her dads girlfriend: http://www.codiaston.com

What is going on in these peoples heads??

What do you think should happen to these people who kill children? Nothing can bring these children back, but they deserve justice in some way.

2007-06-02 14:48:19 · 18 answers · asked by LittleMermaid 5 in Parenting

i need help,need to find good techno artists.Thta have a lot of songs,or atleast one good song.Please and thank you♥

2007-06-02 14:13:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

I know an obvious alternative is Elijah, but we aren't hot on it.

2007-06-02 13:58:45 · 15 answers · asked by In Luv w/ 2 B, 1 G + 1 3 in Baby Names

I know a boy you could obviously do Liam, but I need one for a girl.

2007-06-02 13:49:29 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

did u ever get that ur whole lower body from pelvic line down was really sore during pregnancy?
so far i have had really sore hips and pelvic line now am startin 2 get my thighs being pain i cant walk with out it hurtin should that be happenin i had mentioned about my hips being sore 2 the midwife and advised me 2 c a physio but anything i can do other than relax

2007-06-02 13:37:45 · 4 answers · asked by mummy of 2gorgeous boys 3 in Pregnancy

Which names do you like as a middle name it must come from the bible and no longer then 6 letters long
First name is Johannes

2007-06-02 13:35:47 · 23 answers · asked by ooxme0w 1 in Baby Names

our other two children are boys and they are named Jackson and John and for our little girl we like the names:
Jayden Nicole
Marilyn Grace

Which one do like better? honest opinions please! Thanks! :D

2007-06-02 13:19:40 · 26 answers · asked by :D haha 4 in Baby Names

right here the thing when i found out i was pregnant and told my parents they were fine about it because i am old enough etc
but i noticed they started acting different like they were newly married(all cuddly n all that stuff) they were not really like that as much before and feels like i am having 2 be the parent in the house because they are always doing stuff like blarring music and things that people my age would do. n tbh its startin 2 make me feel out of place.
is that just there way of reacting 2 be grandparents?
this is there first grandchild they are in there early 40s

2007-06-02 13:19:08 · 6 answers · asked by mummy of 2gorgeous boys 3 in Parenting

2007-06-02 13:17:14 · 19 answers · asked by mskworldbawlin 1 in Adolescent

I am currently 29 weeks pregnant. According to my ultrasounds, my last menstrual period was Nov 10, 2006. I dont remember, but I believe that my last period was on Nov 5th becuse my last known period was Sep 2, 06 and my cycle is about 32 days. According to this info alone, when did I ovulate???

2007-06-02 13:14:53 · 6 answers · asked by mommy2be 1 in Pregnancy

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