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Pregnancy & Parenting - 1 June 2007

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

2007-06-01 04:40:43 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

Would the anti abortion lot support this solution? or not?

Forcibly if nec but to all girls all over the world... reversibly sterilise (guys too) them so its physically impossible to get pregnant before puberty.

But allow all other processes to contine so they get oll the sexire, need for ssex and love enjoyment of it and personality... just no babies.

And take away 1/4 of the funds of the church and islam to irradicate all STDS from the planet...

With permission granted to all who want a baby only when over 24.

After having filled in forms daily for say 6 months in a stable relationship or older with exceptions if single.

Then its reversed. In other words wait till after then have lived somewhat, gained some life experience, hopefully finished education and bloody well sure.

So absolutely no danger of unwanted pregnancy or stds.

Oh and an active practicing single ex porn star/pole dancer lesbian made pope/head of islam.

a church ban on all homophobia

2007-06-01 04:40:01 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

I am only 9 weeks but I am so excited about my sonogram. Even though my baby looks like a little peanut I still want to show it to everyone. It's my first child. Am I being silly by getting excited about it? I just keep starring at the picture, lol. I can't help it. Anyone else felt this way when you got your first sonogram?

2007-06-01 04:36:02 · 24 answers · asked by SexyMommy2B 4 in Pregnancy

I go to the doctor Monday for my 12 week check-up. I heard the baby's heartbeat at 8 weeks with a vaginal ultrasound and the doctor said it was the right size and everything looked good. I am still very nervous about my next check up --seeing as the chances of miscarriage go down at 12 weeks. I still feel kinda sick off and on but so scared something will go wrong. Do others feel this way?

2007-06-01 04:18:29 · 7 answers · asked by Sarah B 1 in Pregnancy

i need help naming baby before its due date in december of next year

2007-06-01 04:11:41 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

7, 6 and 3 yr old. They are UNDISCIPLINED, RUDE, and UNGRATEFUL. They're living with us because their mom couldn't financially, emotionally, phsyically or mentally take care of them. The oldest one (i swear) is aneroxic! She won't eat anything I make. (She doesn't like tacos, enchiliadas, sphagetti) The middle ones not there.To say the least. He's messed up in the head. The youngest won't get up to use the tiolet during night time. She's even gotten to the point of hiding the clothes and DENYING it. I tell my boyfriend that they need a mom (Which I cannot be) They need SO MUCH attention and love. When their mom left them with us she never said anything about her 'problems' She brought them with the clothes they had on and never came back to pick them up. She called a few days later and told us she wasn't going to pick them up. NOW she wants them back. She has 2 other kids with her, no job, living with friends for 'free'.I want them 2 go back. Bf wants them 2 stay. What Should I do?

2007-06-01 03:39:58 · 26 answers · asked by Adrian & Jaslene's Mommy 3 in Parenting

I'm someone who's a clutterer, and I've noticed that not many people have heard about it. Maybe my question should be, "How prevalent is knowledge about the speech disorder of cluttering?"

It sounds a little like stuttering, but it sounds more like word confusion, nervous speech, or repeating the initial part of the sentence over and over again. Sometimes kids do this naturally until about five and then the children outgrow speaking like this.

Maybe people know it by different names than cluttered speech, like maybe they're calling it stuttered speech or something else.

I'm wondering what percentage of people out there know about cluttering in any way.

2007-06-01 03:34:25 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

Heyy I need some name ideas please...im having twins...one boy, one girl


2007-06-01 03:26:04 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baby Names

in particular a sassy 6 yr old girl...usually i do timeouts and they are usually effective or taking away something fun she was going to do...please give me some insight...thanks!!

2007-06-01 03:00:40 · 49 answers · asked by repodana 4 in Parenting

I posted this yesterday, and for some reason it didn't post my explenations, so here I go to try again.ok, my hubby and I are closing on our house today, but for the last 3 months we've been staying at his parents.they chain smoke like crazy, and have had no apprieciation, or respect for us or for anyone.and they are really bad alcoholics.I have held my toungue out of respect b/c I am in thier house, and so has my hubby, he feels the same way I do. they even wakeus up at 3 am! they will sit there and blow smoke right in my face, and I'm 28 weeks pregnant, and they expect us to leave our baby with thier cig stained, house after he's born that they never even clean, and is just discusting,I'm so fed up, and I need them to know how I feel.I want to do it in an adult fashion tho, so I really need some advise to keep things civilized.I know either way, there are going to be hurt feelings, I just need some advice. please only serious answers, as I'm already mad. thanks in advance

2007-06-01 02:52:49 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

2007-06-01 02:19:52 · 14 answers · asked by Mike R 1 in Newborn & Baby

Please tell me. I love my son to death even if he's half white.

2007-06-01 02:06:22 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

she has had formula before when she was just born...however today she has already vomited (i mean forceful, not spitting up) 2x in the last 20 mins and shes still signalling to me that shes hungry...could it be from giving her the formula last night and some this morning and then giving her breastmilk? she doesnt have a fever

2007-06-01 02:06:01 · 16 answers · asked by samzprecious1 2 in Newborn & Baby

I normally drink a lot of water. I am about 8 weeks pregnant, and last week I noticed that I cannot drink water. Whatever I drink in the morning, I throw it up right away. Now, I am avoiding drinking, which is really bad. I have to force myself to drink.
Are there any tricks to make myself drink water?

2007-06-01 02:01:36 · 14 answers · asked by sweetundina 4 in Pregnancy

My daughter wakes up every couple of hours and nothing my wife and I do to get her to fall asleep again works. We try singing to her and rocking her and giving her the pacifier which she refuses. The only thing that works night after night is giving her a bottle. Last night she drank two and we hardly got any sleep. She used to wake up screaming when she was a month old because, as it turned out, she is lactose intolerant. But she started sleeping through the night once we switched her formula. Later she would wake up when she lost her pacifier and fall back asleep once we put it back in, but this started about a month ago.

2007-06-01 02:00:11 · 13 answers · asked by Stan Y 1 in Newborn & Baby

My daughter has slept in my bed since she was 2m I think that it is weird since she is now 15m. Please the doctor said she will break herself but I am 1.5m along with my next child will this hurt her.

2007-06-01 01:52:05 · 16 answers · asked by lisa S 2 in Newborn & Baby

My step-son is 8 years old and his father and I are disagreeing on whether he should be able to go to the bus stop alone in the morning. He doesn't have to cross any streets, and would only be out there for about 6 minutes and it is only about 2 1/2 houses away and I'd be able to see him and hear him from my window. In the winter I definately take him out because it snows here and we sometimes have to walk in the street to get to his bus stop but with the warm weather here I see no problem with him being able to walk out to the bus stop or standing there for a few minutes. I see some of these parents who let their children who are obviously younger than he is walking to school by themselves and crossing streets that have no crossing guards and some of these streets are pretty busy streets. Is he being too over protective or should I just let it drop and take him out?

2007-06-01 01:47:47 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Grade-Schooler

I'm having perinial pain that is preventing me from having sex with my husband. I'm SO frustrated. I know it's different for everyone, but when should the pain go away? It's been 10 weeks, should I see my OBGYN even though they check me at 6 wks and said I was fine and could have sex?

2007-06-01 01:46:59 · 7 answers · asked by Rwebgirl 6 in Newborn & Baby

Does anyone know if it woulod be possible that i actually be pregnant if i got a negative from blood test yesterday. The reason i ask is that my cycle is 30 days and my last period was May 6th. I ovulated last week and on wed. and yesterday i thought i was having implantation bleeding. So i was wondering if it would show up positive if implantation was just occuring. I am ttc and had sex everyday during ovulation.

Is there a chance that i may still be pregnant or shoulod i just face the fact that i am not. I feel like i am. Thanks for your help.

2007-06-01 01:43:53 · 11 answers · asked by lynn1 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

She is only 8 months old, and since the age of 1 WEEK she has spent at least every second night away from them, with her grandparents. There is no reason for this, she has always been a very easy baby, it's just so they can drink. Since around 6 months they have stopped giving her formula, and give her non-fat milk and water in her bottles instead because it's cheaper. She never has regular diaper changes, and regularly goes 2 days without a bath. The thing is, her grandparents (although they love her), are no better, and my Aunt will hear no wrong against her son or his girlfriend. I try to care for her properly when l can, but l can't always be around (l have kids of my own). At eight months her diet consists of the milk/water, and fries! She is not sitting up properly yet, her hair is not growing well, she has no teeth,and is making no attempt to crawl. I know CPS won't intervene unless the neglect is really severe, but is it worth calling? ls there anything else l can do?

2007-06-01 01:42:48 · 22 answers · asked by Weeme 2 in Parenting

2007-06-01 01:04:42 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

my daughter is 7 in few weeks time any idea what would be good gift for her. i've asked her what she would like but she as no ideas ether. ideas will be great full

2007-06-01 01:00:36 · 20 answers · asked by dannyriley26 2 in Grade-Schooler

Am 30 and the picture is still the same I have never missed my period---and have not had sex over all these years till Early this year. Is it possible to have period without ovulating? and what are my chances of getting pregnant?

2007-06-01 00:17:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

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