Okay, so I know that frequent urination is common--I normally have to urinate a lot and always have since I can remember---so even starting in early preg. I had to urinate a lot. But, I had a weird experience and I was wondering if anyone knew why this happened, or had it happen. I am currently in week 15. So, last night all of a sudden I felt like I had to go really, really bad, so I ran to the bathroom and nothing came out. It didn't hurt or burn, just nothing came out. I left the bathroom and within 5 minutes, I felt the same. It was so urgent feeling that it was as if I would pee my pants if I didn't go, but again nothing came out. This happened over and over for about 2 hours and then once I went and it was like a flood gate--and a relief that I finally urinated. After that it didn't happen again. I have ruled out kidney stones or bladder infection--no pain at all and it went away, so...any ideas?
Would the baby have been big enough to cause this? Maybe in a weird position?
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