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Pregnancy & Parenting - 15 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

I've been training my daughter for a while now and over the past few days I havent left the house so i can concentrate on training her. So for the past 2 days she has been going to th potty or asking to go to the toilet without ANY accident **huge smile**

Anyway my mother (7kids of her own) and my aunt (2kids) have said that they think it would be best putting her to bed in pants instead of a nappy as it will only confuse her, and dont giver her anything to drink at night. BUT my mother-in-law (2kids) thinks shes too young to be going to bed without a nappy...

HELP... need more opinions

many thanks XX

Ps.. My daughter will be 2 in March

2006-11-15 02:09:29 · 14 answers · asked by x !! Me !! x 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

Between anxiety/nervousness & stomach aches.
My daughter who is almost 8 is already experencing anxiety and gets stomach aches frequestly. After a few calls from school i made her a Dr. appt about it. I also deal with anxiety and nervousness....just naturally that way. But, the doctor said that there is nothing wrong if there isnt something to go with the stomach ache...ex...throwing up, diahera, fever there is not big problem. My daughter does VERY well in school...she is being tested for the county's gifted children program right now and is in the 2nd grade and can read at a middle school level. She's got a younger brother, and a step sister. She has absolutely NOTHING to worry about. All of our kids are so spoiled and get every and anything they want including attention from me. We spend tons of family time together because i am self employed and can do that. I go eat lunch with them at school and everything.
What can i do to help her? She gets it from me i guess.

2006-11-15 02:09:13 · 4 answers · asked by lisamarie_625 1 in Grade-Schooler

I get my 8-10 glasses of water a day... but I LOVE to drink caffiene free diet coke... should I stop completely, how many can I drink, or is crystal light ok???? I havent had my first doctors appoinment yet, otherwise I would just ask the doctor... anyone know what thier doctor told them or heard about this??

Thank You!! :)

2006-11-15 02:05:12 · 18 answers · asked by Kara K 2 in Pregnancy

i was looking at the brie cheese the other day and it said on the label not suitable for pregnant women!
Does anyone know why?
I know you cant have any raw eggs and stuff but wasnt aware about cheese

2006-11-15 02:05:09 · 16 answers · asked by ? 2 in Pregnancy

My 3 year old is just ornery. She bites, pinches, hits.... I've tried everything.. time out, spankings, I dont know what else to do. She wont stop. Any ideas?

2006-11-15 02:04:29 · 16 answers · asked by bubbles_n_ar 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

I had my last depo June 13, 2006. So in other words I was due for one Sept. 13 and I didn't get it. I was on it for almost 5 years and now I have been having symptoms of pregnancy. Never felt like this before except when I was pregnant. Symptoms....sleepiness, tender breats, back pains, headaches(never get them), stomach pains, heavy discharge. I took a test yesterday and it came back negative but according to a website if I would be pregnant it wouldn't show up til Friday or so. Has anyone else ever experieced this? Please help.

2006-11-15 02:02:41 · 6 answers · asked by cutiegurl102683 1 in Pregnancy

anyone who witness cramps and then back pains for a weeek and after few days figure out they were pregnant...aur figured they had periods..which one was it...coz i am witnessing the same and i knw for sure they are not my PMS..i took a test today as i am 3 days late for my periods and it came negative...plz answer...help will be appreciated...thanc

2006-11-15 02:02:26 · 7 answers · asked by -friend- 1 in Trying to Conceive

My 8-mo old son had a temperature this morning and I gave him Tylenol before I dropped him at daycare. They do not administer medicine at the facility so when it wears off in 4 or 6 hours he may need another dose. I did not do it, but I was thinking on my way to work, if I added the dosage to a bottle would that do the trick? Hmmm...

2006-11-15 02:01:30 · 22 answers · asked by bklyngirly 3 in Newborn & Baby

I never meant to intend that I would kill the baby or even give it up I was just looking for some sort of support for going through this while suffering the loss of my father. I love my children more than anything I just needed help with dealing with my loss. I guess I am too new at this site to know how to word things. My apoligies. I know god will help me through this I just really dont feel strong enough to do it.

2006-11-15 02:00:52 · 9 answers · asked by mommy 1 in Newborn & Baby

when to resume work after emergency laparotomy +salpingectomy for ectopic rupture?
I have been transfued 10 units of blood & was on ventilator in ICU post op. when it is safe to resume full physical activity & to not to care about mild pains. (as my sick leave is affecting my training time)

2006-11-15 01:58:30 · 4 answers · asked by rn 2 in Pregnancy

did it work for you?
how long did it take to get pregnant?

2006-11-15 01:56:34 · 4 answers · asked by SNAP! 4 in Trying to Conceive

How do I get my 4year old son to stop saying the B word, now he has his twin sister saying it.? spanking or washing his mouth with soap will helo?

2006-11-15 01:55:18 · 39 answers · asked by dana123 s 1 in Parenting

What will happen if you have a misscarriage will you have an operation what information can you tell me please people

2006-11-15 01:55:04 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

my son is 10. he is very unorganized. i help him out as much i as i can but he seems to be losing homework and not finishing in class assignments. we had parent teacher conferneces last week and found out that in 2 classes he had incomplete assignments. the teacher gave us until the end of the week to make things up. we made sure we did. even tho he is very smart gets great grades on tests and teachers enjoy him, his unorganizational habits have brought his grades down to below an 80 in 2 classes. he turned in stuff for one class, but didnt for the other. he said he "forgot". other than holding his hand at school what can i do? my hubby decided he needed to be spanked i was not at home at the time that the report card came home with all this info. i would have taken his electronics away. my hubby said he did that too.

what should have been done? and what can i do about my son?

2006-11-15 01:50:45 · 30 answers · asked by michelleleea2 3 in Parenting

How long does it usually take for the birth control pill to be out of your system? How long did it take you all? I've heard sometimes it can take 3 months. Is that true????

2006-11-15 01:49:22 · 3 answers · asked by Lauren S 1 in Trying to Conceive

is it possible that am going to miscarry....i already have a son so this is my second pregnancy. on the ultrasound the doctor couldn's find the sac...am really worried...please help!!!

2006-11-15 01:48:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My friends daughter is bulling the kids at her daycare (shes 2 1/2) it needs to be strick. Like when she gets spanked she doesn't car at all she laughs. HELP!!!!!!

2006-11-15 01:47:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

it is only on the outside not inside could a salt bath help

2006-11-15 01:46:09 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

One of my good friends swears she is pregnant. She sayst that she would be around 3 weeks....meaning she has not yet missed her period. She told me this morning that she has not yet felt morning sickness, breast tenderness (she says she never feels breast tesnderness around the time of her period) or any other symptoms of ealry pregnancy. I told her to wait it out, cause I have read that breast tenderness always happens in early pregnancy and that early pregnancy symptoms could also be early PMS symptoms. Is this true or am I wrong? I don't want to seem unsympathetic to what she feels but if she has no morning sickness, no breast tenderness and she is already 3 weeks....is she eally pregnant? what do i tell her the next time she calls? thanks for all your help in advance.

2006-11-15 01:46:03 · 8 answers · asked by lola 4 in Pregnancy

I would like to bring dinner for my daughter when she comes home from the hospital from having my grandson. She is breast feeding. Can I bring her shrimp, crab cakes or crab legs?

2006-11-15 01:45:29 · 5 answers · asked by springer 3 in Newborn & Baby

Can a guy feel a hole in a condom?

2006-11-15 01:42:12 · 16 answers · asked by that.one.girl 1 in Pregnancy

What would you do if your child had to pee and did not tell you untill the last possible minute and you had to rush them to the bathroom and they wet them selves?

Has this ever happened if yes please tell your story. How old was your child? How old are they now?

2006-11-15 01:41:30 · 14 answers · asked by Im_da_pimp 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

i am 11 weeks pregnant and i have had a pic line in for a month now because my morning sickness was really bad i lost 15 lbs because i never could keep anything down.i am eating again now that they started me on the tpn,

2006-11-15 01:39:55 · 1 answers · asked by nicole 1 in Pregnancy

of the man that raped her?

2006-11-15 01:34:32 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

After this episode the patient can relate to you the sounds she made, songs etc. Does this happen or could my elderly mother be doing this for sympathy. She has a long history of hypochondriac behavior.

2006-11-15 01:33:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

i have a 10 week old baby and she is still waking every 3 hours for a feed i have tried reducing daytime naps,upping her milk to that of hungrier babies,sticking to a normal routine of bath and bed etc.the problem is not getting her to sleep its the constant waking up.

2006-11-15 01:33:03 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

I'm a 14 years Indonesian old junior high student, that means I must wake up early in the morning exactly at 5:30 am, get prepared for school and catch the bus at quarter past six. Well, if you're from Europe or USA, you'll probably be surprised at the time i woke up because schools in Indonesia starts early, usually 7 am. When I woke up, i felt tired and unpassionate to go to school. I need some advice to woke up early without feeling tired.

2006-11-15 01:32:35 · 8 answers · asked by evan_jb 3 in Grade-Schooler

My babysitter loves my 7 month old. She takes great care of him. It's hard to find that now a days. She watches my best friends son also. Those are the only two she keeps. She gets paid 60.00 a week which is great for us. My son is a very good baby. He hardly cries ever unless hes teething. He occupies himself and goes to sleep with out a bottle or anything. Now that he is going there she started rocking him to sleep, holding him the whole time hes there. (she told me all of this). Now I see a change in him. He has to be rocked to sleep and wants to be held a lot more. I brought this to her attention and she shrugged it off. She is still doing all of that. Well for the last 4 days my sister-in-law has watched him. She has taught him to say momma, feed himself, and shes breaking the cycle of wanting to be held 24/7. What do I do when I take him back to the babysitters? How can I tell my babysitter to stop spoiling him when she don't listen? I do not want my son spoiled. Any ideas?

2006-11-15 01:30:05 · 12 answers · asked by Keith Perry 6 in Newborn & Baby

She has a past history of anorexia and is not allowed to see her weight while pregnant.
Unfortunately a fill-in nurse told her her weight and she broke down crying.
Now the dr.'s agreed to induce her at 36 weeks so she doesnt stop eating in an effort to not gain more weight.
I am 33 weeks pregnant myself and dont know what to say to her-
personally I dont understand and I feel that the dr. and her are being ignorant???
Isnt it a little selfish to harm the unborn baby in a fear of getting fat?
AM i being mean?
I cant help but feel a little disgusted at the situation-

2006-11-15 01:29:59 · 29 answers · asked by beAn*s MoMmy 2 in Pregnancy

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