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Pregnancy & Parenting - 15 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting

Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

His mother takes drugs and although me and the father have split now we still get on but Im worried that he will want to take the baby to visit her, or take the baby to his house. Im happy for them to see the baby as long as I am there, but I have already had his mother coming to my house shouting and swearing at me when I was 25 weeks pregnant. I still get along with the father and don't know how to tell him that I can't trust him with the baby because he is an alcoholic. I don't want my baby to be surrounded by these sort of people but he is still the dad.

2006-11-15 04:51:34 · 26 answers · asked by micci c 2 in Pregnancy

he has a smart *** mouth and he is always talking back i dont want to hit him and time outs dont work what else can i do......

2006-11-15 04:49:56 · 18 answers · asked by happybunnyjg 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

I went to the doctor last oct 26 to get a pregnancy test, they made me the urine test and they said is positive, is this 100 % trustable?

2006-11-15 04:48:22 · 12 answers · asked by Maria M 1 in Trying to Conceive

i have no idea what to get him....

2006-11-15 04:47:49 · 19 answers · asked by happybunnyjg 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

I live in America. If I fly to Africa and have my child, will my child be an African. Or lets say I fly and have that same baby in Italy. Is my child Italian?? Or, lets say I fly to Russia and have this child. Is my child Russian?? Kobe Bryant was born in Italy. Is he Italian?

2006-11-15 04:47:33 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

im doing a project for school and i cant find anything on adoption statistics. I need to know roughly how many children are adopted each year and how many people are waiting to adopt each year, and how many children are actually put up to adoption each year. 10 points to the first accurate answer that seems fit. thank you.

2006-11-15 04:45:54 · 5 answers · asked by Julie 3 in Parenting

Hi, I am really worried to use my laptop.. I generally keep it very close to my abdomen(I mean the keyboard touches my abdomen when I use it).. Does it cause any pregnancy complications like birth defects and miscarriages? I heard that harmful radiations can cause the baby to have birth defects.Does laptop emit any such harmful radiations? please help!

2006-11-15 04:44:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

has anyone tried the crying it out method to get their baby to sleep. mine is almost a year old and still can't fall asleep on her own. we started crying it out last night, took an hour before she fell asleep. how many nights did this take in anyone else's experience?

2006-11-15 04:44:35 · 15 answers · asked by book girl 1 in Newborn & Baby

i believe i am three months but since then ive had my period. my stomach has grown bigger and i go through all the symptoms.
but just about a month ago i had intercourse again and i havent had a period am i 3 months or alittle under 1 ?

2006-11-15 04:43:09 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

If possible, I personally describe myself a guy kinda calm, kind, faithful, optimistic, generous, helpful, respecting, seek truths, but always put myself into fear and anxiety for small itsy bitsy issues.

What would you name me? why?
And what you named your child / children?

2006-11-15 04:41:33 · 56 answers · asked by Bradley 2 in Baby Names

I asked if anyone has actually had one. Someone asked what it was. Its when the baby is full term and the baby is delivered vaginally and as soon as the head appears,they stick scissors thru his/her skull and then pull the baby out and leave it to die by suffocation. Someone else said someone had it done she knew. Why would anybody wait so long? Im pro life anyway but full term? Thats twisted!

2006-11-15 04:40:19 · 19 answers · asked by TrofyWife 4 in Pregnancy

although work is near by and dont run for more 4minutes is it safe for thr baby? I'll to have get out just that little bit extra..but im worried incase it effects the baby?Thanks

2006-11-15 04:37:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My last period was 10/28-11/01. On 11/12 I bled a dull red color. I thought i was starting my period, but i knew it was too early. then the next day nothing came out. I know i'm not due for a period for another week or so, but could this be implantation bleeding? My husband and i Have ben trying for a couple months now, and this never happened. Would it be too early to take a test?

2006-11-15 04:37:27 · 5 answers · asked by Sammi_b 1 in Pregnancy

I am 4 weeks pregnant and started to eat 2 tsp of ground flax seed in the morning

2006-11-15 04:37:26 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

Yes, I know it is currently illegal but it wasnt always. My question is has anybody here actually had one?

2006-11-15 04:33:49 · 11 answers · asked by TrofyWife 4 in Pregnancy

just found out i am pregnant (15 dpo) and was wondering if i should be worried to find brown spotting (slugdy though) sorry TMI. it wasn't alot maybe dime sized. also i work 2 jobs one in an office, then at night i work in a grocery store you think i should call off for a few days to take it easy off my feet or just stop worrying so much?

2006-11-15 04:33:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

There seems to be an oily substance in my urine. Is this normal?

2006-11-15 04:30:27 · 3 answers · asked by How could I have burned paradise 1 in Pregnancy

I have 2 little girls, 4 and almost 2, and we just found out that we were having a boy. I am from a family of all girls, so I have no experience in raising a boy. The only person I have to ask advice from is my mother in law, and it has been 28 years since she has had a little boy. So I was wondering, besides the physical aspect, what is the biggest difference in raising a boy than raising a girl?
At least I know the MOST important part, make sure the penis is pointing down in the diaper, or there will be pee everywhere!LOL
Thanks to everyone!

2006-11-15 04:30:07 · 11 answers · asked by tnmomof2as 3 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I have been having unprotected sex with my boyfriend for a while now and I am wondering if I could be pregnant or if it could be something else. I dont have and increase or decrease of wanting to eat. I get slightly sick here and there a different times during the day. I also get really crazy bouts of dizzyness and light-headedness. My period before last came a week late and lasted about 6 to 8 days and was not at a consistant flow and stopped on the fifth day then came back the next. My last period came a week late and only lasted for 3 days and abruptly ended the morning on the forth day..... and when I say abruptly it was just gone between two bathroom breaks. I also have slight tenderness in the breasts and am peeing a little more then usual. I am very exhausted and have lower back pain. Do you think it could be pregnancy or something else? I am seeing a doctor about it this afternoon and came on here to seek a little advice and see what you all had to say. Thanks :)

2006-11-15 04:26:26 · 8 answers · asked by Marge F 2 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

When I was pregnant with my Daught that we lost when she was 10 days old, I did not get heartburn until later in my pregnancy. Also, I just went off the pill in August and I want so much to have another baby. I am not due to have my period yet until this weekend.

2006-11-15 04:26:05 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

Hello everyone!! Ive just got back from my OB appointment. Im 13 weeks and was expecting a doppler to hear the heartbeat. Instead she gave me a scan so i could see the heartbeat and the baby!!! Im soooo excited I can;t stop looking at the pic, even tho to anyone else it is just a blob, to us it is the most wonderful pic we have ever seen!!! After i popped to the loo and when I came back, I caught my partner sniffly with a tear in his eye, transfixed by the pic. I was so touched by his reaction and wondered how other men react when they see their babies on a scan for the first time? I would be interested in your experiences

2006-11-15 04:24:57 · 10 answers · asked by Serry's mum 5 in Pregnancy

I have PND but i am not sure if it has gone and turned into depression thinking about going to the doctors as the tablets dont seem to be working anymore. My poor husband is suffering, our marriage is suffering divorce is on the cards. The only interests i seem to have at the moment is surfing the internet wheres before i was so active inside and outside and emotionally strong, wheres now i am emotionally weak as a mouse!! Okay thank you all for listening to me moan and answer my questions

2006-11-15 04:24:49 · 10 answers · asked by jules 4 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Do you change diper after pooing?

what is the be.tter way let the baby poo in diaper completely then change the diaoper. or take off the diaper and hold her legs so she can poo whenever i think she needs to go.my baby is 8 months and she has constipation problem. so i hold her legs every morning to help her pooing. when i hold her leg she goes poo a little. and then starts playing. thank you

2006-11-15 04:24:15 · 7 answers · asked by gudiyak 1 in Newborn & Baby

I'm just looking for the overnight kind. I have tried lots of different brands of daytime diapers and none of them can hold the pee like Huggies Overnights.

2006-11-15 04:23:33 · 8 answers · asked by Rosey55 D 5 in Newborn & Baby

Do you change diper after pooing?

what is the be.tter way let the baby poo in diaper completely then change the diaoper. or take off the diaper and hold her legs so she can poo whenever i think she needs to go.my baby is 8 months and she has constipation problem. so i hold her legs every morning to help her pooing. when i hold her leg she goes poo a little. and then starts playing. thank you

2006-11-15 04:22:18 · 13 answers · asked by gudiyak 1 in Newborn & Baby

what is the be.tter way let the baby poo in diaper completely then change the diaoper. or take off the diaper and hold her legs so she can poo whenever i think she needs to go.my baby is 8 months and she has constipation problem. so i hold her legs every morning to help her pooing. when i hold her leg she goes poo a little. and then starts playing. thank you

2006-11-15 04:20:23 · 13 answers · asked by gudiyak 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

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