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Pregnancy & Parenting - 15 November 2006

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

2006-11-15 06:33:07 · 11 answers · asked by karadi 1 in Trying to Conceive

2006-11-15 06:32:25 · 29 answers · asked by theonly1claire 1 in Newborn & Baby

is it ok to drink green tea while pregnant? i usually drink about 4-5 cups a day i know its beneficial for the average person, but does any one know about with pregnancy?

2006-11-15 06:29:44 · 1 answers · asked by livsmom 2 in Pregnancy

I live in Washington state, so there are lots of rainy days in the winter. I want to find some things we can do together instead of watching videos and stuff.. Any ideas??

2006-11-15 06:29:42 · 11 answers · asked by ms. abby 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

how old and when do u think a female should start having babies?lol by the way this is not answers for me i just want to know ur opinions so don't direct these answers to me! thank you.

2006-11-15 06:28:56 · 13 answers · asked by Ms.Donna 3 in Pregnancy

2006-11-15 06:23:36 · 8 answers · asked by nels w 1 in Pregnancy

My son is turning 5. We live in a very rural area, but I want to do something fun for him. Should I have his party at McDonald's or something or should I just take him and a few of his preschool friends to Chucky Cheese (which is like 2 hours away)?

Also, how do you go about putting together a party at McDonald's if that's what I were to do?

2006-11-15 06:21:33 · 14 answers · asked by ? 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

Does anyone know how overweight you have to be to join a fat camp? I'm 13, 5'3, and 125 pounds. I'd like to lose 30 pounds and be 95 pounds. My two crushes are 95 pounds! I weigh 30 pounds more than them! That's not right!! I'm also very uncomfertable with my body. My "tummy" sticks out and I have fat legs. I want to be comfertable with my body and have nice legs and a flat stomach. Do you know of any reasonably cheap fat camps around Philly, Near New Jersey? Thanks!
P.S.- http://gerardarthurway.myphotoalbum.com

2006-11-15 06:17:37 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

2006-11-15 06:17:33 · 19 answers · asked by lamar_oglesby@yahoo.com o 1 in Toddler & Preschooler

2006-11-15 06:12:43 · 11 answers · asked by due_oct3 1 in Newborn & Baby

How old were you when you had your first child?

How old was your partner?

Do you wish you waited or do you wish you had your baby earlier?

My husband and I are trying to conceive our first baby, if I got pregnant today I would be 24 and he would be 26 and a half when the baby is born. I think becoming a mom in my mid 20's is perfect for me.

What about you?

2006-11-15 06:12:41 · 38 answers · asked by PrettyWifey 2 in Pregnancy

my friends son cant stand still has to be on the move, plus a new thing he started is that he keeps throwing his arms in the air, he even stops riding a bike or playing the computer to do it can you help.he is 6 yrs

2006-11-15 06:11:51 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

I am pregnant and due in June and this is my first and I am wondering what type of stuff I need for my baby besides just the crib and a carseat I really need some advice any information would be helpful.

2006-11-15 06:11:44 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My son is 14. He has no respect for most people but even worse for women. He is my stepson and has only lived with his father and I for about 4 months and alot of things are coming to light that are causing us to panic. I need help and advice form others who have been where we are. I also need info on websites where I can find printed material about respect for women. His father and I are going to have him research and write a report about that. Please IM me if you have anyting to offer!!

2006-11-15 06:09:17 · 14 answers · asked by melissa31011 2 in Adolescent

I'm at 7 weeks and just don't feel like myself. I have no energy, my boobs feel like they're being used as a punching bag, I feel nauseous pretty much all day. I don't have anyone to talk to because we are waiting to tell people until we hit the second trimester due to a previous loss. I feel like all I do is complain to my husband about every little thing. It's not that I'm not happy. I just feel so weird, like I've been taken over by a body snatcher! I'm so happy to be pregnant but so far I don't feel like I'm enjoying it....and I feel guilty for not enjoying it. Help! Please tell me I'm not crazy. I need some reassurance that I'm being normal.

2006-11-15 06:08:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

She's only 18 months old, will she be a racist?

2006-11-15 06:06:32 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Newborn & Baby

What words does / did your 15 month old baby say? Do you have a boy or a girl?

2006-11-15 06:05:10 · 6 answers · asked by Jacob's Mommy (Plus One) 6 in Newborn & Baby

I give up I am no longer stressing about this whole thing anymore I am going to put this into God's hands if he wishes for me and my husband to be blessed with another child he will give it to us. and if not then it is just not out time. I am not going to worry about this anymore. I am going to continue to take care of myself because I am just going to go by my gut feeling which is telling me that I am but if by the time that my next period is supposed to start if it doesnt by a week after that then I am going to go and demand to know what is going on. Wish me luck, and keep your fingers crossed for me, I am leaving this in the hands of God now, so I am going to go on about my days as if I am not even late and go about my daily activities and whatever happens happens and that is what I have to deal with.
Do you think it would be wrong if I still took the prenantal vitamins as a just in case so that if I am then I am already on the right track? Thank you and wish me the best

2006-11-15 06:04:46 · 17 answers · asked by Mommy to a precious baby boy 1 in Trying to Conceive

What words does / did your 15 month old baby say? Do you have a boy or girl?

2006-11-15 06:04:20 · 5 answers · asked by Jacob's Mommy (Plus One) 6 in Toddler & Preschooler

i am onthe pro-choice side against pro-life.

2006-11-15 06:03:19 · 6 answers · asked by JJ 1 in Pregnancy

My son just turned three and is still not completley trained. I dont know what more I can do Help!

2006-11-15 06:03:09 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

My child is in elementary and her jeans and pants are always too long. I usually cuff her pants but my the end of the school day the pants are dragging on the ground. I have had her pants and jeans altered but noticed my daughter grows faster than she does gaining weight and her pants are too short a few mths later.

2006-11-15 06:02:30 · 13 answers · asked by deedeeblessed 1 in Grade-Schooler

If your child is bullying someone and causes physical harm are they responsible or are the parents? Should they be charged with assault? What if they are bullying in school and hurting other children? I see punks on the streets these days and I do admin in a youth probation office and they stuff I read just baffles me. Should the parents be held responisble for letting there 10 year old roam the streets? Should the kids be charged with uttering threats, theft, assault? Kids are getting worse these days and it seems to me that if the parents stepped up to the plate and did something about it, streets would be safer. What is your opinion. Please keep in mind when they turn 18, their jeuvinille record is erased. They get a clean slate.

2006-11-15 06:01:45 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I try to save money by buying shoes for my 2 year old on ebay, anyone up on the "style" and brand that is in right now? Often times they sell brand new shoes but I am not sure how outdated they are. thanks a bunch!

2006-11-15 06:01:22 · 8 answers · asked by proudmom 2 in Toddler & Preschooler

I typically start my period mid-morning on Wednesday (I'm on bc, so it is very regular). This month I missed two pills and my husband and I are wondering if we might have gotten preg. I haven't started yet, but it's only like 4 hours late...is it too early to take a hpt?

2006-11-15 06:00:26 · 14 answers · asked by bwlj23 1 in Pregnancy

I have become so forgetful!! Yesterday I felt so bad my daughter had swim lessons at daycare and I forgot her bathing suit and her book for storytime, she was devistated and I felt so bad. There are many other things I have forgotten I am only 26. Anyone else have this problem? What can I do, I forget to write things down too!

2006-11-15 05:59:44 · 9 answers · asked by Jody 6 in Toddler & Preschooler

does anyone know of any good baby store sites or anything to try to find something on.. i am looking for the fisher price infant to toddler rocker. i am trying to compair prices to buy one for my boys. any help would be greatly apreaceated..

thanks jessica

2006-11-15 05:58:22 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

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