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Pregnancy & Parenting - 15 November 2006

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

Im 34+2 Doc says baby should be able to make it to 36 weeks as long as I stay off my feet. Will 36 weeks be ok for the baby? What if I go at 35? I want him to be healthy and come home with me from the hospital. He is already (weight and hight) meauring 2 weeks ahead of schedual. Do you think he will be ok? A friend had a baby at 33+6 and he came home after 2 days and a cousin had her baby at 33 weeks and after 3 day watch for jaundice he came home.? My baby should be just fine around 35-36 weeks right? (I will try hard to keep him there till atleast 37 but if I can't does anyone have an encouraging words?)

2006-11-15 02:35:45 · 14 answers · asked by Ash1227 2 in Pregnancy

well we wanted to wait but now im thinking i dont want to.but i want to know but what sucks is i cant keep a secret! especially like that! i should just wait shouldnt i? has anyone else had this delimma? my fiance doesnt want to know! but i think i do now!

2006-11-15 02:34:55 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

The think is i have had be nasua, and my boobs have been really sore, i have missed my period, by about 10 or so days i was suppose to start on the 1 to the 5th and its the 14th right now and i took that test, ;and the first line was really light, but still visualibe, and the second one was really dark, could the test be invaulde, or could i be pregant or not. Please help...

2006-11-15 02:34:30 · 18 answers · asked by rebecca j 2 in Pregnancy

at first i was throwing up but now my head is killing me and my whole body is hurting, whenever i get up or move it feels like someone just beat me up or something and i have a temperature..what do you think i have? ive never had anything like this before..btw ive had it for 3 days so far

2006-11-15 02:34:07 · 6 answers · asked by deannaa 1 in Trying to Conceive

I am in my 16th week of pregnancy. I had some complications during the early 4th month, so I had abdominal ultrasound already 5 times till now.
I heard from some friends that having ultrasound too many times is not good for the baby due to some rays being passed. Is this true ? any one who has correct information please share. In general how many times do they do ultrasound through out the pregnancy ?

2006-11-15 02:33:44 · 19 answers · asked by cathy 1 in Pregnancy

Im 20 and I'm into my 24th week pregnant with twins. i havent slept for wat seems like forever, because i cannot get comfortable in any position in bed. I've also been told by a friend that i shouldnt sleep on my back as there is pressure on a nerve when you are pregnant. is this true? has anyone else had trouble sleeping when pregnant, what did you do?

2006-11-15 02:33:36 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

my cousin just gave birth a month ago and she didnt know about the pregnancy until the baby was due. She got her period for all 9 months and she only gained 12 pounds... she was very shocked when the doctors told her she was having a baby... is it really possible not to know you were pregnant????

2006-11-15 02:33:15 · 8 answers · asked by Kristy =] 2 in Pregnancy

i love to bath with my brother.
i am 15 and my brother is 13.
i enjoy rubbing his back
giving him shampoo
and he applying lotion on my back.
we share a common room
and are mostly nude in front of each other.
is it ok???

2006-11-15 02:32:43 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

Ok, I haven’t had a period since August. I took a pregnancy test a couple days ago and it was kind of crazy. I took the kind of test where it turns all pink first before it shows you the results. Well, I took the test. It turned all pink, that was normal. All of the sudden under the test line and the other line it started turning white (guess it was getting ready for the pinkness to go away and for the positive lines to show up). I started getting all excited. I saw the line starting to show up in the positive line, then it started fading. After 5 minutes, it came up negative. But im positive that I saw the positive line. Now, I can see the line a lil but verily, its almost unnoticeable. Do you think I could still be pregnant? It was a dollar pregnancy test, cause that’s all I had at the time. Me and my fiancé have been trying to conceive for 10 months now.

2006-11-15 02:32:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

2006-11-15 02:31:33 · 11 answers · asked by mill 1 in Newborn & Baby

I'm only about 15 weeks pregnant and not only am I getting up every 2 hours to pee, but I'm also having to clear my nose of all the mucus! Seriously just as often, has this happened to anyone before or is there any hope for clearing it up. I read up a little on it and found out its called Mucusitis... is there any chance I'll breathe normal again while pregnant?

2006-11-15 02:30:15 · 14 answers · asked by thezookeeper 4 in Pregnancy

Me And My Partner Have Been Trying Everyday For 3 Months To Get Pregnant And Nothing Is Happening. I Dont Know WHy So I Want To Go See A Doctor And Ask Him Or Her When Is THe BEst TIme For Me To Get Pregnant.

2006-11-15 02:29:50 · 7 answers · asked by Kelly & Matt 1 in Trying to Conceive

my son turned 9 months old on november 3rd and he now can sit up unsupported. he learned that about 5 weeks ago....he can not crawl but when i stand him up next to a table, he loves it and does not like when i put him back down so it does seem like he has some motivation. I just think he is lazy on other things. as for food...i give him 3-8 ounce bottles and 2 jars of food a day...any more and he will puke. he is defintely not ready for 3rd foods, table foods, bread finely chopped up, greber bicuits or puffs...he constanly will gag. when my daughter was his age, she was way ahead of him in everything. does anybody have a child that is just taking their time?

2006-11-15 02:27:57 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting


this girl is claiming to be pregnant by my boyfriend it was before we were together officialy and everyone knows shes been wit his brother and other people too she will claim she isnt sure who the dad is why does she "think" its my boyfriends when it is born how do we get a test i mean if its his brothers it could kinda look like him and i am pregnant now with his baby and we have been together for 9 months it took me that long to get pregnant i just dont believe her baby is his i know it sound rude but she had 2 kids that got taken away so she isnt even ready for another baby....please help and be nice

2006-11-15 02:25:52 · 8 answers · asked by tesnrut 2 in Pregnancy

my son is 3 1/2 and the pull ups they sell in stores are too tight for him. any brand that sell larger sizes?

2006-11-15 02:24:16 · 7 answers · asked by mom_princess77 5 in Toddler & Preschooler

I am still having vaginal secretion even after 4 days, is this normal, is it still the residual semen that is being discharged. I am worried as we are trying to get pregnant? Can someone help?

2006-11-15 02:23:26 · 4 answers · asked by Sam27472 1 in Trying to Conceive

I had PROTECTED sex with my partner on sep the 15...a week later on the 22nd her period was supposed to come... however it did not come until 11 days later...that was on OCTOBER THE 2nd...Her next period was due nov 2nd...and she hasnt get it yet?

Today is nov the 15...2 months after me and her had PROTECTED intercourse....can she be pregnant? whats the latest you can tell?

2006-11-15 02:21:43 · 4 answers · asked by ticosport9 1 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

OK heres my problem...last month my husband and I had sex ALOT (we are TTC) hoping that this month that we would get pregnant but on the 11th of this month i got my period, but the weird thing is usually after myperiod my vaginal sensation/CM is usually dry...but this month it has been very wet, sticky and alittle stretchy and still is today...my BBT dropped to 96.2 on the second(and last) day of my cycle...it is usually in the 96 range at the beginning of my cycle but the day my period ended it went up to 97.2 and has been in the 97 range for 3 days now and that is not normal for me and I have also have had slight cramps. If anyone else has had this can you tell when what it ended up being just a messed up cycle or could be pregnant?

2006-11-15 02:20:46 · 3 answers · asked by sjeboyce 5 in Trying to Conceive


What is your view on abortion?

2006-11-15 02:18:47 · 24 answers · asked by AndrewL 3 in Pregnancy

I know I could call my dc but I dont want to sound like a pain in the ***! Has this happened to anyone else. No im not breast feeding. Its not a heavy period but its deffanitly there

2006-11-15 02:17:59 · 12 answers · asked by BOOTS! 6 in Pregnancy


Where can I find a John Deere sweatshit for 12-18 months.. I have tryed everywhere... My sons Grandpa has a ranch and loves john deere and we will be visting soon.

2006-11-15 02:16:22 · 4 answers · asked by BABYBUG 2 in Newborn & Baby

my wife is 17 weeks pregnant, what is the minimum time she can give up work and claim maternity pay?

2006-11-15 02:15:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

ok we hve been trying to concive for 3 mnths I know people say not to let the man do oral on you cause it can harn the baby...but my question is what if your trying to get preg and when your hveing sex your not wet enough so he uses his spit can that kill the sperm????

2006-11-15 02:15:01 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Trying to Conceive

is it a less chance or a bigger chance while ur on ur period?

2006-11-15 02:13:16 · 17 answers · asked by a_angelalready 1 in Pregnancy

My sister is 16, a sophmore in high school, works at McDonalds and a social maven. She has an overwhelming network of friends, hook-ups, boyfriends and general bad influences. She paid to have the cool phone that opens to a keyboard and texts all the time, she has a computer in her room where she is a total myspace "whore", she lives with her dad and treats him horribly. She never does anything around the house, she talks back, she does things behind his back that she should not be doing, and worst of all she is failing in school.

I need real positive suggestions for what we can do to help her get on track, we only have a little bit of time to work with here - she gets older, dumber and more rebellious each day.

2006-11-15 02:11:50 · 8 answers · asked by temptedlonging 3 in Adolescent

I would like to tell my family and coworkers in a special way that I am expecting our first child. Any ideas would be appriciated.
Thank you

2006-11-15 02:11:11 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

i pride myself on my organizational skills.....although i am a procastionater...can you be both? i guess thats another question for another day....anyway... ill give you an idea that i am so orgaized ...everything is color coded ..even xmas presents...my son who is 10 has color coded his books for each subject.....he does not stay organized with it...what more can i do other than going thru his books every evening or going to school with him to make sure he has everything in its proper place...this has become a big deal because he has not been turning in homework because he has forgotten or has lost it. but i know that he has done it because i check it every nite....i work some evenings...and also have a 1 year old....i feel outta control because hes not staying organized...what can i do? and is it my fault because im over organized and did alot of what hes reponsible for now for years?

2006-11-15 02:10:38 · 3 answers · asked by michelleleea2 3 in Parenting

I am not sure if i am pregnant or not...i had sex a montha nd a half ago, i got a period but it was a little light...i waited till a couple weeks then took a home pregnancy test it came out negative..a week later i wentto the docotr and had a urinalysis and bloodtaken and it came back negative..is it possibnle for the me to be pregnant?? my last period cam a day early and was norml..but i have really irregular periods.. i havent had any symptons of pregnancy and if i was pregnant id be a about two months along...any help would be great..

2006-11-15 02:09:36 · 6 answers · asked by mary 1 in Pregnancy

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