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Pregnancy & Parenting - 29 September 2006

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Adolescent · Adoption · Baby Names · Grade-Schooler · Newborn & Baby · Other - Pregnancy & Parenting · Parenting · Pregnancy · Toddler & Preschooler · Trying to Conceive

Lol, I have no kids (yet), but I love this section! You all have a much more mature outlook on situations!!! I have another question. My friend told me about her bf's sister...let's call her Jane, who has two kids. At 26, Jane's still a very young mother. My friend is working on her teaching degree,&she's observing Jane's children for a project. The problem? Jane's children are enrolled in an after school program that she sent them to. My friend claims she does this so that she doesn't have to deal with them& can be with friends. The children are at school until 5p.m., then come home, have dinner,&after that, begin getting ready to be in bed by 7. This bothers my friend because she hardly has any time to do observing. However, my question is, do you think spending so little time with her during the week could be harmful to the children? Or is this time crunch a common situation among parents with school aged children? The children are 9 and 10 years old.

2006-09-29 14:17:57 · 27 answers · asked by LibraT 4 in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

Is she going to hurt the baby by not eating right? And I want to know is there something that I can get here to take that wont hurt the baby but it whould hurt her if she dont eat right? Its not that I want to hurt her but I do want her to eat right at any cost!!!

2006-09-29 14:17:52 · 15 answers · asked by James Henderson 2 in Pregnancy

My husband's grandchildren (aged 5 and 6) are overactive to the point of destruction. Each time they visit, they are in constant aggitated motion, shrieking and hooting, and racing from room to room, picking up any damned thing that strikes their fancy, spilling, tearing, breaking and generally tossing each room they enter into disarray.

The parents speak to them, but the kids are not *required* to behave like humans, and the kids know it.

Of course, any advice is welcome, but what I'd really like to know is, am I wrong to dread their visits? Is there something wrong with me to think this is unacceptable? Everyone else seems to think it's ok.

Thanks for any comments.

2006-09-29 14:05:24 · 25 answers · asked by silvercomet 6 in Toddler & Preschooler

2006-09-29 14:03:54 · 26 answers · asked by jingirl 1 in Pregnancy

thankyou so much for advice! will all this find the right places to go? fisrt time for me im not over eating but was way active before pregnacy and not a big eater now i eat for baby but not a buffeett..help! anyone else gain a gutt? never had one in my life!!!!

2006-09-29 14:03:39 · 17 answers · asked by REMI B 1 in Parenting

I am supposed to be ovulating today, and these past few days there has been no real "raw egg white" type of discharge. It's just damp down there to the touch, and about 3 days ago I hadthe discharge was of a creamy consistency. I usually get midcycle spotting too and it hasn't happened. So, what is the problem? I had ovulated on August 31st last time, and had my period for 5 days on the 15th of september. From september 8th-12th, I was with a guy, and he fingered me (he MIGHT have had damp precum on his hands), but he never went in my vagina. So, I shouldnt be pregnant, especially if I had my period on the 15th (3 days after this incident), right? I'm just worried, please help! Oh, my breasts are a LITTLE tender as well....not as much as when I have my period though.

2006-09-29 14:02:17 · 10 answers · asked by confused 1 in Pregnancy

We are a somewhat religious family, but dont go to church all that often, any tips on how to help my kid choose a path that involves God? she's 2...

2006-09-29 14:00:39 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler


I have a 2 year old her favorite games are ring around the rosie and patty cake peekaboo etc. anyone have any creative silly games to help her with letters numbers etc? please help!!!

2006-09-29 13:57:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Toddler & Preschooler

It looks really cool. like the write a word, like, I'M WIERD, and then right under it kinda over laps and it says i know... i can't get it to work, and programs u should have?

2006-09-29 13:51:48 · 5 answers · asked by la. 3 in Adolescent

does thid mean she will have to have a c section or is it to early to pridict. I'm not sure and her midwife didn't say much. also could haveing 2 3rd scan at 33 weeks have anything to do with being on anti depressant before she became pregnant?

2006-09-29 13:49:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

I have a 6 year old and a 3 year old. My kids love for me to play with them of course. Lately instead of playing with toys or playing games they always want to play make-believe. They pretend they're a horse or some other animal and they want me to play along. It's not so bad except it ends up being them telling me what to say every moment. I get frustrated with that sort of play. I'd rather do a craft or play a game or play with toys.

I don't know why I don't care for it but I feel bad turning them down when they want to play with me so I go ahead and do it sometimes, then feel bad because I am really not enjoying it. Any suggestions?

2006-09-29 13:49:44 · 8 answers · asked by Faith 1 in Grade-Schooler

If you carry high you are having a boy, if you carry low its a girl? A friend of mine really believes in this, she carried high and had a boy and we have another friend who is carrying high and just found out its a boy. I'm 19 weeks and I seem to be carrying lower so she's convinced I'm having a girl....

2006-09-29 13:48:13 · 21 answers · asked by Momof2 6 in Pregnancy

My b/f got pregnate went to the doctor and the doctor and several nurses told her that her due date was 9/27/06.Checked by ultrasound about 7 or 8 times b/c she had complications.And she started feeling sick n January.Ok she had sex on Dec.17/2005 w/her boyfriend.Then they broke up and she had sex w/a friend in January like the middle of Jan.The doctor told her that ur egg has 5 days from the day u had intercourse to drop. Ok can someone tell her that she got pregnate anywhere from the 17th-21 of dec. and its her boyfriends kid!! The only thing is that when she did it w/the friend that she was already pregnate hahahaha.

2006-09-29 13:38:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

My school has an "advisory" class we have to take. It's supposed to help us get used to the new school. And we have a consern box where we anomiously drop in conserns and the teacher reads them and as a class we say what we think they should do. Well a few days ago, (I'm a fan of the Backstreet Boys) I was trying to sit with my friend at lunch, and the people around her kept taking away my chair and telling me to go away because I'm a fan. Well I wrote it down and droped it in. When the teacher read it, sodenly a bunch of people started to laugh at me and humiliate me because they knew it was me. I almost started crying because of those jerks. The teacher tried to get them to stop, but she couldn't. They all humiliated me the rest of the day. Why do they do this?

2006-09-29 13:31:08 · 22 answers · asked by ajmcleanrocksmysocks 2 in Adolescent

So many kids in this world arenot taught to behave and act properly.

2006-09-29 13:29:25 · 16 answers · asked by Monika B 2 in Parenting

If thats true..do they do that before they know they are pregnant or not???

2006-09-29 13:28:25 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

2006-09-29 13:27:19 · 9 answers · asked by Young Mothers Network Services 1 in Pregnancy

There is this girl in my grade (10) who hates me for no reason whatsoever. She loves to talk about me but it doesn't bother me much. Untill now. She told my friend I was anorexic and bulemic. These are completly false statements. I am 5'3, 15 and a good weight for my size. I am skinny. I feel no need to throw up or starve myself as I am comfortable with my body image. This girl "Jaime" says she has proof that I am anorexic and bulemic. Like I said these are not true. I never throw up food on purpose ( only times is when I have stomach viruses). Last year I used to skip lunch but never had a weight or disorder. These are serious issues and shouldn't be joked about. Eating disorders can be deadly.Why is she saying this about me? People say its odd she says it about me because she seems to be anorexic. What should I do? Thanks in advance.

2006-09-29 13:25:52 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Adolescent

Back in april i had a had sex but, it was only in me for about 2 mins without a condom, the rest with condom which i no is enough to get pregnat, so i took a test and it came up negative.... plus i got my period, but then i would get these weird cramps in my stomach..... i have been gettin my period every month but its been off and light... the past month now, i have been very naseua, my vagina has been tingly like i have to pee alot, but dosent hurt, my stomach has gotten big and hard, and i just dont feel myself, i have took over 3 test and they were all negative, but my periods are off they are never heavy, im just scared, cuz i no it sounds crazy but i have all the symptoms, and im just scared if i am, cuz i would be far along and i havent known cuz the test cam negative but this month has been bad... with symptoms and everything, and my period last month was only like one day...
i went to see my gyno a month ago for my yearly pap smear, would it show in them results if i was??

2006-09-29 13:22:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy

thankyou for advice..scared to file not knowing what he can do when i do meaning can he have rights to child he dosnt want ..would it be better for child not to file and let father go? i have all information on him if i was to file that is not the problem..do the courts have them pay decent amount to make it worth the struggle to fight him??

2006-09-29 13:22:00 · 7 answers · asked by REMI B 1 in Parenting

I don't think it's appropriate at all, but that's what my girlfriend is doing tonight......

2006-09-29 13:21:33 · 43 answers · asked by yadedyah_dc 3 in Grade-Schooler

i thought by now she'd be saying at least "dada", but she doesn't say anything.... is that ok? how do i get her to say something?

2006-09-29 13:21:29 · 26 answers · asked by lost in space 6 in Newborn & Baby

Hi I am 9 weeks pregnant. Why is it that in my 6-7 week ultrasound I saw arms and legs and stuff like that. It was really neat. Then in my 9 weeks ultrasound today it looks more like a large blob than a baby like it did in previous ultrasounds. Why is that? Why do they look less like a baby now then before?

2006-09-29 13:20:54 · 7 answers · asked by plaster_employment 2 in Pregnancy

i had my period 9/17 and had sex yesterday 9/28, and ive been taking birth control for a week and 3 days and its not at the same time every day? he didnt *** but he precums alot and also he got me pregnant before but that was before i got on birth control.

2006-09-29 13:15:27 · 18 answers · asked by jennifertrinitysky 4 in Pregnancy

i have a 15 month old daughter.

it took 3 and a half months to conceive at first now i'm trying for my second and it's been two months nearly.

just wandaring if anyone got pregnant really quickly after there first child?

2006-09-29 13:13:42 · 12 answers · asked by mark lad85 1 in Pregnancy

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