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Law & Ethics - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I'm trying to find out the policy on this: If a woman, who is getting prenatal care, is on methadone, and has no other prescriptions or illegal drugs in her system, gives birth before being able to completely withdraw from methadone (getting off methadone too quickly causes fetal distress), will the hospital automatically get child services called? Or because it is a prescription, will they leave the family in peace? My sister is at an extremely low dose but is terrified there will still be methadone in the baby, not only for what the baby would endure, but because child services in our state snatches children then abandons them into foster care (usually in very poor neighborhoods), and over 100 children have been murdered by foster parents in the past 15 years here. My sister's other child is in private school, very well adjusted and well cared for, and she is terrified they will not only take her baby but ruin her older child's life as well-they have unlimited power, it seems. Help!

2007-11-30 04:34:00 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone know anything about the supermarkets and the civic recovery scheme? If you get told they intend to seek compensation from you by the Civil Recovery scheme what does this involve and mean? Does it depend on what the "act" and "deed" were? Does it go on record? Do you have to get legal representation? How long does it take to be processed? What if you won't pay it?

2007-11-30 04:30:43 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 16 yr old daughter had a baby last month with another 16 yr old! I know its young! The father says if that baby is his he wants custody! they have alot of money..they own a business! I have nothing! =[ Will a judge look down on us for lack financial stability! my daughter is a wonderful mother..no drugs no drinking and in school to finish her education! The father has seen the baby 3 times and then stopped when he couldnt get back with her! He has dropped out of school and partying for months now! soooooo many questions..but this one i fear the most...loosing a grandbaby to the fathers family! Which by the way does not accept the baby! They deny its even thier sons! help help help ty ty!!!

2007-11-30 04:30:12 · 4 answers · asked by mary72 1

I rented my house to a couple, they never paid another months rent and it took me 3 months to get them out and they owe me $1500. I found a new address for them and by the time I could serve a small claims case they had moved. I then checked again and found them at another address which I attempted to have them served at - they were gone again. Isn't there something illegal about signing a lease and staying in a house only as long as it takes to get them legally evicted? They have moved from place to place only staying about 3 months which is how long it took to go through the courts. Isn't this some form of fraud they could be arrested for? I can't get my money but they need to be stopped

2007-11-30 04:21:44 · 8 answers · asked by just_a_hick 4

This morning were presented with a summons to court on the charges of intentional killing of an animal, which is entirely false. In the summons it says that the neighbor witnessed my husband throwing a piece of tainted meat over the fence into their yard, which their 3 dogs ate and died.They state that the meat smelled like kerosene and they sent it off for tests which came that it tested positive for Bifenthrin. They state the time that they witnessed it was 2:00 on a Thursday afternoon. My hubby was at work on that day and has 3 witnesses to that, so I'm not concerned with that, but in order for him to appear in court he will have to miss work along with his employer and 2 fellow employees who are our witnesses. Can we recover lost wages for us and our witnesses, and/or sue them for libel? What are the penalties in Tenn. for filing false police reports? oh, and they claim the dogs died as a result of poisoning when in fact they had someone to shoot the dogs.They're suing for $1,050.

2007-11-30 04:16:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need your opinion, the way I think is that drugs should be legalized and controlled by the goverment, they can charge a heavy tax, and use the tax money to cure and feed people in needs. This way I think that drugs would be controlled. And the money would not be going to drugs dealers. Do you agree ?

2007-11-30 04:15:52 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can it be a friend over 18 or must it be someone who is the legal guardian? I would be a taking a friend and am just wondering so I don't have to go to the place and find out that she can't get it done because I'm not a legal gaurdian.

2007-11-30 04:14:44 · 29 answers · asked by Ryan VV 2

I rented my house to a couple, they never paid another months rent and it took me 3 months to get them out and they owe me $1500. I found a new address for them and by the time I could serve a small claims case they had moved. I then checked again and found them at another address which I attempted to have them served at - they were gone again. Isn't there something illegal about signing a lease and staying in a house only as long as it takes to get them legally evicted? They have moved from place to place only staying about 3 months which is how long it took to go through the courts. Isn't this some form of fraud they could be arrested for? I can't get my money but they need to be stopped.

2007-11-30 04:11:51 · 7 answers · asked by just_a_hick 4

2007-11-30 04:08:17 · 5 answers · asked by Ku$her. 2

Lets say you meet a girl on a dating site, and she says shes 18 or 20 years old. Lets say if the girl is really only 16 or 17, can you be arrested and prosecuted just for meeting her. Can dateline have a decoy and say she is 23, but really only be 16 years old, then bust you. If I did meet a girl online, I would first ask her for her ID when we first met, just to make sure she was of legal age.

2007-11-30 04:06:58 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had the conversation with a lady at work who is getting child support. She said that most men just accept what the judge says without asking the question why. Questions like " Why I have to pay 28 to 35 percent of my income for one child?, or Why don't I have as much right to that child as the mohter does?, Why don't joint custody mean what it says Joint Custody?" They come in the court room already feeling they are going to lose, so they just accept what is being told to them. I mean I agree that a man should pay child support for his childern, it is only fair. But if the government wants you to pay the amount you would have paid if you never left, than you should get the rights to the child as if you never left. Guys give me your opinions on this topic?

2007-11-30 03:49:52 · 18 answers · asked by lilgotti56 1

Why are there no laws to prevent racism against a white Englishman?

2007-11-30 03:45:24 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend had his restaurant business (LLC) closed down yesterday by his landlord and forced out. He had bought it from someone (with proof of sale) who was originally on a lease for that space with the landlord. But apparently when he made the sale to my friend he was not on a lease with that landlord. My friend had been dealing only with this middle person and had not signed a lease directly with the landlord but had actually payed the rent for two months to this middle person. The landlord now has eased the property to some other third person and has this forced my friend out of property by force (with police) without any notification. What are the next steps of action he should take legally and who should he file a case against ? Eveything inside the building (including equipement and misc utensils and furniture were fully invested by him) and he needs help to get his investment back. Otherwise he will be broke. Please help.

2007-11-30 03:32:11 · 6 answers · asked by Bigsy 1

well me and my boyfriend are together and now the state is making him pay child support. i'm on the medical card but that's because neither on of us can put them on the insurance until we've been at out jobs for 5 yrs....we got 3 more to go.
i'm on food stamps because we make 900 a week. so i want him of because they take to many taxes so instead of making 900 now we make 800....any answers...if anyone has any stupid remarks don't even bother i have no time for stupidity this is a serious matter!!!!

2007-11-30 03:29:23 · 17 answers · asked by LUCY JUICY 1

I am aware that it determines its validiness. But I need other reasons why?

2007-11-30 03:29:19 · 3 answers · asked by tom_allen95 2

What is the point to these jobsworth people making laws to keep jobsworths in jobs-Legislation is pointless if it means the square root of zero.FFS-'As far as reasonably practicable'-how pathetic a statement of guidance is that?-Have you ever heard anything as ambiguous and pass the buck in your life?

2007-11-30 03:25:18 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

that someone in your family commited, would you turn her or him in?

2007-11-30 03:24:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My child support worker called me and asked me who the person was that signed the ex's child support summons papers. It was his new live-in gf. I asked her if she could do that and the worker said she was not suppose to so now he has not been served. I told her who she was and that she lives there. Is this going to make it where he will not have to show up for court and i will have to wait even longer for my child support order???

2007-11-30 03:23:43 · 4 answers · asked by fantasy gal 5

i know a friend and he was charged with weed the police said they seen hem throw.now he is taken it to a jury trial.what is likely that the state will take to trial?

2007-11-30 03:15:45 · 6 answers · asked by john j 1

10 points for the CORRECT answer

2007-11-30 03:10:12 · 6 answers · asked by who am I 2

To keep this kinda brief... SB777 is a referendum that was signed into law by the Govener in Ca. This bill is gona pave the way for onesided views on sexual orientation to be implemented in the classroom, while at the same time deeming contrary views as fostering a " discriminatory bias". If this get's passed into law then as early as 2008 grades K-12 ALL SCHOOLS WILL BE FORCED!
To positively, teach about homosexuality, bisexual and transgender student issue's. If it's not stopped.... SB777 is clear that... NO TEACHER INSTRUCTION and NO SCHOOL ACTIVITY, could "Reflect" or "Promote" a "DISCRIMINATORY BIAS AGAINST ANY PERSON...." Who is homosexual, bisexual or transgender...
What SB777 Does... IS SILENCE ALL OPPOSITION TO IT... and Teacher would be "FORCED" to "PROMOTE" homosexuality!

For more info you can Email me!
I'm not against anyone and the life that they choose, But I am agianst them teachin that to my 5yr. old!

2007-11-30 03:06:25 · 8 answers · asked by Jus Me 5

My grandmother died in Feb 07 and she left my daughter and my brother $8800 to go towards their school as long as they have passing grades. Here's the issue, she left the money to my uncle to be used for those purposes, when I saw a copy of the will I called him back in September about it and he basically said he wasn't giving me the money for my daughter.

What should I do? I don't have money to sue him, and I make too much to get legal aid. I called a few lawyers and even though they think I have a great case, I don't have the $2500 to retain a lawyer. Should I take him to small claims court? Also, my brother is no longer in school, so should I sue him for the full $8800 or for half of that??

I'm a single parent with two daughters and I'm at my wits end about this? Should I just drop it?

2007-11-30 02:56:01 · 4 answers · asked by eventmixology 2

Can anyone give me links or precise information regarding the following (in the U.S.) :

1. Can a cop ask you for your I.D. for no reason at all (he wants to see where you live for example)?

2. Can a cop search your back pack, purse or coat without giving you a reason?

3. Must an American citizen carry I.D. on them at all times (even if they're not driving)?

I'm not really interested if you're caught at an underage party, or at a place where drugs are being sold, I'm talking about the average citizen out walking about at 10 a.m. (going to the local coffee house for coffee) and a cop asks to see their I.D. for no reason at all.

2007-11-30 02:54:36 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I work in Kansas if this is a state issue.

2007-11-30 02:49:58 · 5 answers · asked by ddcrown2003 1

I mean i was just driving the car and had no idea it was in there so when they asked to search the car i said yes then they asked if it was mine i said no but i didn't want to get my boyfriend in trouble so i said it wasn't his either. So when i go to court will they be able to charge me?

2007-11-30 02:42:32 · 11 answers · asked by triplediamondchica 2

Now let's get this right, it was the children who named the 'Teddy Bear', NOT the teacher.

I overheard on the radio somebody say it was time to send the S.A.S. to get her out before they behead her.

What do we do now?

2007-11-30 02:41:38 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is this guy at work, that is constantly coming on to the women in this company. One day while in my office he insinuated that my lips were DSL's and then another day while he told me to go lower with my arm while he was bending down while I was sitting in my chair. Now, would these comments be considered sexual harassment? Also, has anyone on Answers been sexually harassed and if so, what did you do about it? Thanks

2007-11-30 02:37:28 · 8 answers · asked by Rogue 5

A young child, that parent / person is charged with murder?
2. If a 'criminal kills a pregnant woman, the killer is charged with 'double' or two murders.
3. A mother causes the death of an unborn child, she is NOT charged with anything criminal.
Please, can anyone supply an intelligent answer to my question? I am highly confused, within my own mind, about this murder, double murder, and yet abortion is o.k. 'double standard' thing.
I seldom get into this category, so if this is a question that has asked before, please forgive my entering into this category, uninformed.
Thanks, I'M HERE

2007-11-30 02:31:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have a neighbor (and mind you, my neighborhood is, well, not the best) that parks their jeep in front of the house.... They drive one vehicle that has tags from like, Indiana or something, and this Jeep has tags from Iowa.. It is really irking us off that they are taking my parking spot, so in turn, I have to get up early in the morning and move my car so my boyfriend can get out of his parking spot. Anyways, we never really notice the Jeep going anywhere, and they have lived here (in Missouri) for more than a month, so they should have switched everything over already. I was wondering if there was a way to find out if the car is stolen, like with the plate number, a site or something maybe? I don't know, I just really don't want a stolen car sitting out on the curb in front of our house (again!)...

2007-11-30 02:15:52 · 4 answers · asked by *-whitz-* 4

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