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Law & Ethics - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I recently found out that my father died without a will. My stepmother hid that information. Said he was broke. I found out that he was worth $200,000. Since there was no will, aren't I entitled to a childs part? My stepmother despised my sister and I. Is it to late to take her to court he died in 1996.

2007-08-08 08:12:22 · 7 answers · asked by AJ 2

Some artwork from websites like allposters.com and art.com have prints, posters, and/or signs for sale that have no author listed underneath like most of the media. Does that mean that the artwork is public domain? There is no copyright information available. Here is an example:


as opposed to this, where the author is clearly defined:


2007-08-08 08:04:00 · 2 answers · asked by punchy333 6

he says that he has all legal documents to cover me from the law should they get involved,and he will share the money with me 60-40,what should i do there 12 million to be claimed and he is not asking me for no money or anything

2007-08-08 08:02:53 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Jet2 are basically claiming something was said on one of the calls I made to them and it wasn't would they let me have a copy of the tape? Also the person I spoke to was foreign and I seriously didn't understand some of what he said.

The problem is I spoke to 2 people and neither mentioned ridiculous increases in charges. Would they send tapes if it meant I possibly had a case against them. I accepted there was a charge but they are disputing whether I was told if the charge was increase ten fold over a few days.

2007-08-08 08:00:07 · 12 answers · asked by The Face 3

Ok, this is going to sound crazy, but yes, it is my life. The last time my boyfriend and I went to pick up his son, his ex went crazy, she started saying ALL kinds of crap, referring to my bra size and everything. She then proceeded to lift her shirt and bra and flashed us both. We called the cops to make a report because she would not let us take his son. I don't know if this was written in the report or not. If not, can I have someone write it in? Can she be punished for this? Much like a man that whips out his penis in public? Thanks...

2007-08-08 07:36:13 · 15 answers · asked by Jen 3

For example, OJ Simpson lost his civil suit for wrongful death, but no one is "forcing" him to pay-up with jail time etc...

2007-08-08 07:35:26 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

whats the differance between giving a 3 year old a cigarette to smoke or smoking in the same room as them years and years. should they not make both illegal? if not why not make them both legal, is it not just as stupid?

2007-08-08 07:30:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

a. articles of confederation
b. bill of rights
c. declaration of independece
d. constitution

2007-08-08 07:27:22 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I live in Ohio and just charged my ex with contempt of court for not allowing visitation. Who has to attend court for this? Just my ex?

2007-08-08 07:16:50 · 4 answers · asked by jimsusierickard 1

My father is suing us for Slander, he has 5 people in this suit already. I have not been named yet but I will be in the next week or so because I am siding with everyone else and I will defend them. The so call Slander is because we are defaming his name by saying he molested me which he infact did when I was 11 twice. A police report was filed but he was charged with Lude and Lucivious behavior and I saw a psychologist. The charges were later dropped due to lack of evidence (this happened in 1999). I have the police report and I can track the psychologist down if I must. I know the best defense to Slander is the Truth and he did infact molest me and I have never had a relationship with him because of it. Ever since this has happened when I was 11 he has DENIED it. My father is a crooked man and is studying law (everyone calls him a professional student) and he is going pro-se in this ridiculous suit. All I can see is that this is my word against his...I mean I do have the police...

2007-08-08 07:10:25 · 9 answers · asked by LosersSuck 3

We hear reports of people in the USA being awarded insane sums of money in damages for what seem trivial mistakes. If one percent of these are true it is a serious matter. You cannot blame greedy lawyers. They are out for what they can get. I blame the courts and juries for abetting a system which seems to be a legal way of stealing someone's money. Unfortunately, this practice seems to be gaining ground in Britain. Don't play the lottery - sue someone!

2007-08-08 07:05:32 · 4 answers · asked by galyamike 5

Many courts across the land are making men continue to pay child support even after DNA tests have excluded them as the father. Why is the court supporting the lying mother? They are sending a message to SOME women that if they lie long enough, the "father" (usually ex-husband) will get stuck with the bill. Aside from possible medical reasons why the biological father may need to be identified or additional sibblings and extended family, the court has assumed that he does not want to know his child. The court assumes that these women are sluts and have no idea where the man is they slept with. They put no responsibility on the woman at all. What about the other man's rights? What about the rights of his biological children? That money probably would put them through college. The court has made them all victims. This is not blind justice. This is irresponsible. It is never too late for the truth. The court cannot protect one person's rights while violating someone else's.

2007-08-08 07:03:15 · 26 answers · asked by third_son1971 2

I mean, I think most people would agree that Bill Gates shouldn't be allowed to own ICBM's, even though he could afford them. A butter knife in the right hands can be deadly. So who's to say what is an arm. What is OK to allow people to have?

2007-08-08 06:54:28 · 10 answers · asked by LG 7

4 college students shot execution style in Newark, NJ. What's going on?

2007-08-08 06:41:47 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

SPECIAL REPORT: Judge Reminds PETA That Dognapping Is A Felony
Posted On June 27, 2007

Yesterday, the latest People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) employee to run afoul of the law made her get-out-of-jail-free arguments before a Virginia judge. It didn’t go too well. At the end of a 90-minute “probable cause” hearing in the aptly named town of Courtland, Virginia, PETA worker Andrea Florence Benoit stood charged with the October 2006 felony theft of a hunting dog. And we learned a great deal more about this disturbing case, and just how far PETA will go to substitute its judgment for everyone else’s.
Before the hearing even began, the prosecutor declared that he wouldn’t pursue petty larceny charges related to a radio-tracking collar Benoit removed from the dog before she put it in a PETA-owned van. Benoit’s lawyer now admits that she took the collar off, but tossed it by the side of the road.

2007-08-08 06:38:03 · 13 answers · asked by US soldier 3

we had our place extra clean, i had family members come and help since my spouse is very disabled and the landlord knew about it since we lived there for a long time, he sent us a bill for stupid cost and now i want to dispute.

2007-08-08 06:34:48 · 11 answers · asked by Kimberley 2

My husband has court on Sept 7th 2007, does he need to take a lawyer with him? He got 3 tickets! and his license suspended for three months! I know he can get a driving permit if it is his firs offense which it is. I don't know what to do or how much money im going to need. Can someone help me...........

2007-08-08 06:33:26 · 15 answers · asked by MRP 1

They posted the link in hopes that people report it and said they cried when they viewed it. I clicked the link without knowing what it was. Of course I immediately shut down the page without viewing/or further investigating the site. I am now worried that my IP address will go on a list of child porn viewers!!!

2007-08-08 06:30:21 · 4 answers · asked by SugarFreeRedBull 1

there is no residew of any drugs on the oil burner and they told me that it is a pipe commonly used to smoke pot. but i bought the oil burner in a store so was it even legal for them to arrest me for this? and if so how can i make sure that they send it to the lab so my name can be cleared of these charges or will that do any good? can they still charge me even if there is no residew on the oil burner? any and all advice would be appreciated! oh and by the way i was arrested last saturday and spent saturday sunday and monday in jail for this before i was allowed to go to a bail hearing.

2007-08-08 06:27:10 · 8 answers · asked by deep_space_drifter 2

Truck drivers are charged more for traffic violations and tickets because they are professional drivers and should know better due to the number of miles they drive.

So should law enforcement, who should know the law and the consequences of their actions, be punished more than if a regular civilian committed the same crime?

2007-08-08 06:23:06 · 9 answers · asked by Dennis D 2

I don't know his name, address or work place. All I know is his cell number. He is one of my acquaintances and I used to call him by his alias or nick name, "lee". I let him borrow $300, two years ago but he doesn't want to pay back.
Is it possible for me to take him to small claim's only with his cell number? I am in Los angeles if that matters. I know I am dumb and I won't do it again but I need a helpful answer.

2007-08-08 06:23:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

how many people have you heard of, in the media or anywhere else for that matter, who have caused accidents to people or even death to people by drink driving. do you think a ban on alcohol should be brought in as a result of this.the government have brought in a ban affecting smokers because many people believe smoking is bad for you and all around you, well i ask if a man smokes 10 cigarettes and then drives his car will he carreer all over the road endangering peoples lives or will the man who has drank 10 pints then starts driving cause more danger to the public, i think what you will find is that the drinker will cause more problems than the smoker .please give me your views .

2007-08-08 06:14:38 · 41 answers · asked by dave a 1

I have a brother who got a felony conviction and after he finished his sentence, he came home with his head completely shaved bald and some suspicious tattoos. I am concerned he might have joined a gang because I hear some white particularly racist gangs shave their heads.
But when I asked him if that meant he joined a gang, he scolded me and made me feel stupid. He said "It's not like every man in the world with a shaved head is in a gang. Sheesh." But he never answered me! He did not come out and say he wasn't in a gang, he said "not every bald man in the world is in a gang". He wouldn't give me a direct answer.
I said I wasn't asking about every man in the world, I was asking about him! But he kept being evasive. If he is in a gang, Iam going to plant my big sister foot right on his butt and give him a talking to. Especially if its a racist gang. Am I being too suspicious?

2007-08-08 06:10:07 · 11 answers · asked by zz 2

If you are being sued and you admit the debt is yours and you intend to pay, must you go to the court hearing? I know if you don't then the case proceeds without you and the judgment is by default against you.
Now, when the judge decides that you must pay your debt, does he make it in one lump sum, or are payment arragements made? Does he take into consideration what you make and your living expenses? How does it work. I live in PA so wages can't be garnished. I don't own a car and I'm still paying on my house. Can someone explain what all is going to happen? thanks! And please, no guessing, only educated answers.

2007-08-08 06:07:23 · 6 answers · asked by jumbo lopez 1

I have a 2 year old daughter. Her father has visitation rights. He has decided not to see her any more because I will not reconcile with him. He has not shown up for the visitation for the last 5 weeks. If he comes around and wants to see her again, do I have to let him? Or can I just tell him to take me to court for new visitation rights? What is the law regarding this? I dont want him to disown his daughter and then keep showing up when ever he feels like it. That will damage her. She is finally over not seeing her dad. Do I have to let him see her?? Or his family for that matter, if they want to see her do I have to let them? I am in California

2007-08-08 06:05:03 · 8 answers · asked by hazeleyes_127 2

An aunt and uncle are the Co-exectors and my brother and I are the beneficaries. The thing is my aunt, uncles and their children went through my mothers apartment and took all the things that they wanted. Leaving my brother and I out of it. Now we are told that some things are in a storage and we have two months to get it out. My aunt is the only one who has acsess to the storage and can not seem to find the time to let us in.
There is very little money in an account at her bank maybe a few hundred, but the little trinkets of jewerly and such are more of importance, there is little money value to them. She was poor,

2007-08-08 05:58:29 · 12 answers · asked by pan_n_pandora 2

whereever and whenever they please?

Why do smokers feel angry that people dont want to breath their first and second hand smoke?

Why shouldnt smokers pay more for insurance...oh wait, they do. Does this also prove something considering they still smoke?

Should any smoker sign a waiver saying they will 100% pay for their own medical and not put a strain on health insurance or HMO?

Should smokers be forced to own air purification helmets that recycle the smoke into their body so that none escapes into the air?

2007-08-08 05:54:49 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

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