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Law & Ethics - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

Is the word "asshole" considered profanity? If so, what are some just as insulting alternatives?

2007-08-08 14:49:05 · 6 answers · asked by razz300zx 1

I've tried legal services, and I was denied because my ex also went there. I've searched some student lawyer program but it doesn't work on family law cases.

I'm going in and out of family court to inforce my parenting time which was court ordered. My ex girlfriend has lied to the court clerk in the initial status conference stating that I was going to kidnap my daughter to southern california. After being placed under supervised visits and nothing was founded. My ex again fabricated another lie to keep me from my parenting time with my daughter. We never had these problems when we were together. She just being vendictive...

What should I do, I haven't had my parenting time for over 15 months

2007-08-08 14:06:51 · 3 answers · asked by L.A. Guy 1

large drink? The guy says yes, then the guy throws the open drink at the guy in the window, then drives off. This guy had a friend who videotaped all this. Can the cops get him for assault? These bad guys promote softcore violence and pass it as cheap entertainment.

2007-08-08 13:54:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Someone I know wrote 2 checks totalling about $400 in an account that was closed. The signature of the original check account holder was forged. Who gets in trouble? The person who unknowingly had the checks forged and cashed or the person who made it out and cashed them? Is it too late to reopen the account and cover the checks if its been five days? How serious of a crime is this if it's a first offense?

2007-08-08 13:43:59 · 9 answers · asked by james g 1

2007-08-08 13:14:51 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

If he ISN'T? I wonder how the blood got in his PANTS, and why he told his driver, "I think I killed someone."

2007-08-08 13:02:47 · 5 answers · asked by thewordofgodisjesus 5

Im 17 and ive been dating a guy that is 25. I may be pregnant, but we dont know for sure yet. I have my legal guardians consent to be with him. By the state of west Virginia's law is that legal? if not..how much trouble can he get into to?

2007-08-08 13:01:53 · 14 answers · asked by scorned1228 1

I need to know where I can go to pay my rent of 1273.00 ? I am in norfolk, va 23505. I want to know where I can go to be financed this money. I do not have this money now and I need to pay it within five days from now.

2007-08-08 13:01:31 · 10 answers · asked by nexus 1

On our local news a black woman say's she expect violence in the streets if the City (other tax payers) don't provide her & her neighbors with Fans & Air Conditioneers, she appeared to be a woman in her mid 30's, there were around 20 male neighbors complaining also.

They didn't show other minorities complaining or asking for hand-outs, they showed several "Cooling-Centers" filled with African Americans.

I asked my next door neighbors who are hispanic, they came from Mexico 10 years ago if they needed cooling...she told me her husband was at work and their 400k house was plently cool, 69 degrees she said.

I told her what I saw on the news and she said those people do nothing but complain and want free hand-outs from the other tax-payers

I was shocked at the threrat of violence...the black woman said they would riot if they didn't get help from others..now!

how can we help these people?

2007-08-08 12:58:58 · 11 answers · asked by LoveUSA 2

My sister is 19 years old and she was in a car accident, she was awarded 10,000 for bodily injury. Her lawyer had her come to his office and sign the back of the check, stating that he had to deposit it into his account then deduct 3300 for his fees then cut her another check in 4 days. It has been a week and when she called he stated that he had to first pay the hospital bills before he gives her the check. We called the hospital and they stated that her health insurance has already covered all of the medical bill, so there is no bill out there. My question is what can she do to make sure the lawyer is not pocketing money that is rightfully hers and just saying that he is paying medical bills, also was she supposed to sign the check over to him and around how much of it should she recived considering ther aren't any outstanding bills?

2007-08-08 12:36:06 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

after I got off work tonight one of my co-workers called and told me our boss instated a new rule after I left. When you walk through the door all cell phones are to be given to the manager and locked in their office. Is this legal? if not can I get a copy of the law some were to prove it to her?

2007-08-08 11:41:52 · 18 answers · asked by chris p 2

My divorce decree, withdrawl order and my child support has been coming out of the state of Texas for the last 8 years. My ex and I just got finished with a big custody battle. We are not stationed in Texas we where in Oklahoma and now in Kentucky. Since my home of record is Texas, does any other state have the right to come in and take over my child support without my consent or the state of Texas knowledge? I need some big help. My ex moved everything to the state of Oklahoma with no notification to me or the state of Texas and now they will not send me any information on what is going on. My child support is incorrect and they won't fix it because they say he made a payment. Any advice I could get would help. Thank you. Is there a federal Child Support Agency that governs over the states and how could I contact them if there is one.

2007-08-08 11:39:02 · 1 answers · asked by txemt372 2

my brother has a warrent he failed to appear to court. His been having this warrent since last December, we got pulled over around 4 months ago and the cop told him he had a warrant for his arrest, the cop said it was only for $500 and to go get it taken care of cause next time he was going to go to jail. Will he wants to take care of it but his scared to go to court, whats the worse they can do to him????

2007-08-08 11:27:49 · 12 answers · asked by p_girl1221 1

I am divorced and remarried, ex-husband is also remarried. My husband and I had to file chapter 13 back in 2004. March 2007 we were discharged from bankruptcy. My exhusband says that he had to pay what I didnt pay on those bills I threw into bankruptcy. He now says I owe him over $11,000. and wants me to pay it back to him. In the meantime I am taking him to court because he owes the kids $28,000+ in back child support. So what he proposes is that we negotiate by subtracting the $11,000 from the child support he owes the children. Is it possible that the creditors went after him for the bills I threw into bankruptcy, also, I live in a community property state.

2007-08-08 11:13:17 · 4 answers · asked by Brown eyed girl 7

How much time can a woman use to have a baby with a complicated birth? This is different that FMLA. Under FMLA this woman is running out of time. I understand that the Family Care Act is more worker friendly.

2007-08-08 11:10:47 · 3 answers · asked by Ben H 1

Some law firm from UTAH called my mother's answering machine left a rude msg that they are going to sue me and take me to court over a Providian CC I once had. I called them today and and the guy hung up on me 2x. Finally I called back and got a "manager" he basically told me that the collectors sold it to them and they will serve me papers and sue me if I do not pay it off. I am a student and only make $8/hour!!! He basically is trying to force me into paying a sum of $25 a month w/post dated checks! He also is demanding that I get to a fax machine immediatley so he can fax me some papers to sign and then wants me to give him 3 months worth of post-dated checks! I don't know what to do but I have had other bills that I am worried about paying besides a cc bill from 5 years ago! Is there any free legal advice, can they really do this and should I sign those papers???

2007-08-08 10:59:19 · 11 answers · asked by greenangel192002 2

My son is facing a felony. It is his first offense. I live 70 miles away and would have to take the day off with no pay to go. Is there a reason for me to be there? Will it make a difference?
His father will be there, he lives close to him.

2007-08-08 10:52:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay so I moved in with my 2 roommates a little over 2 months ago, neither of which I knew. Sadly, one of my roommates is this crazy chick from Texas, no offense. Anyways, she basically used me and my other roommate to get an apartment . Her parents got so sick of her that they pay for her to live in California. Long story short, we got in a fight, she pulled a knife on me, I have gone to the apartment manager a million times with a restraining order, and a police report stating that she broke the restraining order. She says that she will leave when she finds a new place, but every single day there is a fight. I have had to call the cops 3 times. The apartment manager says I need to get her arrested to get her out, but she runs everytime the cops show up. I don't want it to get to where she has to stab me in order to get her the hell out. I start school in a few weeks and she has completly made my life and my other roommates a livving hell. Any advice please help I am desperate

2007-08-08 10:52:01 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was watching the news this past weekend and heard there is some governor trying to do away with "Ladies Night's" at local bars and clubs. If I remember correctly, this MALE political figure was arguing that it's sexist and degrading to women.

I understand why someone would think that, but c'mon...it's been around for centuries and I have NEVER in my life heard of anyone complaining about it -- unless it's a guy being a baby about paying having to pay $ to get into a bar on this said night. But regardless, that has no bearing on this political figures reasons for banning Ladies Night's -- unless of course he's trying to seek revenge on all those nights he had to pay 5 bucks to get into a club.

Anyways, what does everyone think about this?????

2007-08-08 10:45:16 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Thanks to our lack in immigration control and terrorists we now have to supply prospective employers with a employment history for the previous 10 years. My question is where do I get this information at no cost to me. Seems to be nothing free in the Freedom of Information Act, Thanks Slick Willy!

2007-08-08 10:37:53 · 7 answers · asked by burlapsac 2

he hasnt been in the picture and im sure hes never going to be but i was still wondering?

2007-08-08 10:31:03 · 11 answers · asked by lala 2

Should suspected terrorists not be allowed here....and if not a suspected terrorist, should the fed govt make a law saying only allowed here for one year, and then make an appointment with someone in the govt to renew that every year to keep track of the status of non americans....i think non americans ruin this country by taking all the resources americans can use and create a terroristic and religious threat to hurt american citizens....i live in fear sorta cause i don't know maybe someday some al qaida might come down my street and blow me up with a bomb around him, just wondering if anybody can speak up about this besides me, thank you for your concern

2007-08-08 10:27:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

They thought that they are government agency so they can do whatever they want. This has been going on since last year, they invoiced us some ridiculous amount which our company has never agreed on. Even though we have written complaint letter to headquarter, they just forward the letter back to the field office which they are the same groupie!!! I'm wondering what can we do now seems even though headquarter of USDA wouldn't even help. I just got a phone call from USDA saying that they will transfer this debt to collection agency or even the U.S Treasury, but they refuse to give us a written response - all they do is just phone call, they don't even do email!!!! Awww, so frustrated - my boss is not going to pay for this unjustified amount but I feel like I’m stuck in between, coz I will be the only one who needs to deal with the whole thing til the end, help!!!!!
What can I do???

2007-08-08 10:18:13 · 2 answers · asked by Lucy 3

The bible states that all plants that come from seed are a gift from god then why do we swear an oath of truth on it for possesion charges?And south of the border a self proclaimed god fearing prez is so against it.hyprocrocy at it's finest.

2007-08-08 10:16:31 · 8 answers · asked by cosmo_02 2

The death penalty is a right form of punnishment for the most serious crimes like murder.
How then can most european countries just have life imprisonment without parole as the punnishment for the most serious of crimes? I think the european union should reinstate the death penalty for all of its member states kinda of how america uses it for serious crimes over there.

We still can have a great human rights record like the usa and still impose the death penalty in serious crimes commited.

The european parliament should reconsider their issue on the death penalty and should pass a law having capital punishment
as a legal form of punishment.

2007-08-08 10:10:48 · 16 answers · asked by Alan A 2

If something has been posted in the public domain at some point (eg a podcast), is it then legal to offer it for download?

2007-08-08 10:02:21 · 3 answers · asked by snife 2

Do you think there should be a guilty but insane sentence instead of innocent due to insanity? If they are insane does that mean they are not guilty? Can they be guilty and Crazy? Shouldn't any person even the insane be Punished and kept off the street to prevent them commiting more crime and Harm?

2007-08-08 09:59:02 · 3 answers · asked by spidermonkeyfingers 2

Recenty I bought a branded watch ( cost - Rs.11000 ) from a reputed dealer, with this watch i recieved a apple ipod as a gift. After using it i came to know that its a fake ( it was chinese copy of apple Ipod, which apple service center identified as not a geniun ipod).
on these grounds what can be done. Plz advise.

New delhi

2007-08-08 09:53:38 · 8 answers · asked by Tarun 1

have written a bad check and got a letter today sayn that in 10 days the merchant may chose to pursue etheir criminal or civil action against me.... what does each onre of these mean and does it mean im gonna have a warrant for me in 10 days?

2007-08-08 09:40:16 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

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