WHO AGREES WITH ME!!! ?? our countrys should be doing more about animal cruelty ? its so unfair! if we kill somone we will get life in prison or somthing if we kill a dog or an animal we will be lucky to get 12 months!! it is so unfair there a so many people out there right now hurting and starving and bashing poor innicent animals! they cant fight back , or punch you and tell you stop, and if they bite you they get put down , yeah killed,, its so unfair they have hearts of gold,, and they have brains and feelings aswell if not more feelings because they cant tell anybody how they feel, and theres people killing them everysingle day,, and not much is happening about it, look at our poor whales people are killing to make **** that we dont need , and the elephants getting killed for there tusks wich we dont need , and dogs getting killed becaus they bit someone that deserved it or because they were brought up to attak because of there owner and they get killed for it! IT NEEDS TO STOP!
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