i do not want to sue for money, but i need to stand up for my child when i see his rights are being violated. i just want equal treatment.
this is about zero tolerance policy, which means that any party involved in anything intolerable will be suspended, whether or not, they started it. my son didn't start this, but he has been suspended for sexual harassment while the other child went scot free, no consequences at all. you can learn more about the situation in my last two questions. Ive been looking for answers.
Not only has my son not had a voice whatsoever in this case, but neither have I myself. my son is 13, and the boys had been calling eachother gay, with the other child continuosly instigating my child. the other child told his parents, and they complained. Also a girl had been kicking my child, and nothing happened to her either. This is not zero tolerance. sexual harasment is not something to take lightly on my sons record.
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