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Law & Ethics - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

its from lbadan id like to check it out its from a lawyer they say id like to check to see whats up im not sure how though

2007-02-22 07:37:34 · 13 answers · asked by gmeister6969 1

I was recently given an assignment in which I have to defend smoking against someone that is explaining why it should be made illegal. I would like a sizable amount of tips and advice on how to do this successfully. I just need to make a class of high schoolers believe that smoking should never, or just not for now, be made illegal.

2007-02-22 07:14:36 · 30 answers · asked by thisisjohnnygalt 2

Inquiring minds want to know.

2007-02-22 07:02:08 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

My brother and I would like to help my sister by letting her have my deceased parent's home. Since she has a mental disability we do not want her to sell the home and then blow the cash. Is there a cheap way of doing this? Is there an alternative to going to a lawyer and having the house put in trust for her? Could we be custodians through a bank or something? Also, with any of our names on the inherited house, would we have to pay income tax. This is a small estate.

2007-02-22 06:55:18 · 4 answers · asked by Joyce 2

I need a tool, then I remember, I loaned it to my neighbor, but he never returned it. I have asked him to return it several times, what do I do now ?

2007-02-22 06:46:59 · 22 answers · asked by Pink Freud 1

I mailed a letter to a bunch of state education administrators, reporting a problem with a high school test approved by my state's education department. I basically showed (using documented research) how the test is fairly bogus in terms of the way it's used (Sort of like having an advanced placement test in French where you only had to get one answer correct out of 10 to get college credit--that's not the real test--just using it for an example.) Should I worry about some good squad tracking me down (I put my return name & address on the letter).

2007-02-22 06:39:11 · 4 answers · asked by holacarinados 4

2007-02-22 06:23:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have an invention and it's not been patented yet. I have a different invention that I want to keep and manufacturer so I want to sell my one idea to fund the other. What is the process for selling an idea? This is a great idea and I am sure I could sell it and make a huge amount of money. Let me know what you all think. Has anyone sold an idea to a company and made a killing on it?

2007-02-22 06:22:58 · 2 answers · asked by ebusiness4us 2

today i went to the college to better myself and when i go out there there has been times i get hurrassed by the local fuzz today i was in the workout room and they threatind me told me i was tresspassing and that i had to fight or flight there was 2 big dudes with the security tring to push me to have a throwdown they told me if i did not leave imediately i would be arrested i said for what being on the exercise bike there the ones that seek me out dont start nothing wont be nothing i know the pen is mightier than the sword in the workout room they censor our music and listen to krappy channels i am a student and i will not go back is it ok for them to discriminate against people with disablitys why are we treated like second class citizens i dont even have the right to better my self they are bad people trying to prevent me from dwelling in the good i left on foot in the cold and had to cross the high way they followed me and i was half dressed in the locker room trying to dress

2007-02-22 06:12:32 · 5 answers · asked by peter w 4

What miscarriage of justice especially with the judge. What a shame of American sick men. You ladies have done a poor job of raising them, huh? Here they screwed away on a dying woman, sick!

2007-02-22 06:09:32 · 14 answers · asked by zeepogee 3

2007-02-22 05:59:15 · 6 answers · asked by christine 3

2007-02-22 05:58:24 · 4 answers · asked by christine 3

my question referes to U.S laws

2007-02-22 05:57:43 · 4 answers · asked by christine 3

this is a law, is that correct? when was this law founded? before the law was founded what was the previous law?

2007-02-22 05:56:08 · 9 answers · asked by christine 3

My husband is one of 4 sibblings owning a family business, another sibling is opening his mail before giving it to him, is this ok?

2007-02-22 05:50:58 · 7 answers · asked by jackk 1

Recently, at work, we had a very important employee give his two weeks notice. His importance is magnified by the fact that nearly everybody else at the company has quit, with him being the only one with over a year of experience. (He has over a decade here.)

The employer said that because his name was on the proposals when customers signed contracts with us, they could be sued by customers, and in turn would sue him for not staying. As a result, the job he was going to take rescinded their offer, despite the fact that the pay was better, the hours were less (he's often here till midnight), and he'd be treated much, much better.

As you might guess, I'm desperate to get out of here, but this development concerns me, because I'm probably the second most important person here behind him. I've got my name on all sorts of contracts! What do I do?!

2007-02-22 05:47:47 · 13 answers · asked by Rainier 5

My grandfather passed away in 1989 and always told me he was leaving me something. My grandmother told me after his death that he did not leave a will. Just a couple of months ago the will was found. No family member is talking to me so they won't tell me what the will says. How do I search for and prove that my name is on the will. My grandfather and I were very, very close and he never told me lies. I do not know where to turn. I have asked those family members not talking to me what the will said and they won't say!

2007-02-22 05:41:25 · 7 answers · asked by art.services@sbcglobal.net 2


This woman is upset that her black son was shot by cops. What she didn't mention was that her son had a gun, and shot at the officers before being shot back.

So, if a black person is shooting at you, you shouldn't shoot back, because that would be racist?

2007-02-22 05:41:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think it should be legalized but under the same sense as alcohol because even a teacher of mine has said that everything is good in moderation.

2007-02-22 05:34:12 · 21 answers · asked by truthofcontroversy 1

I cant exactly remember the statistics for the national bankrupcy list because people cant afford health care and they dont qualify for Medicaid, but i believe that about 17% of the population dont have enough money to afford health care and they dont qualify for medicaid as well. If anybody has a real opinion on this then please answer.

2007-02-22 05:33:23 · 11 answers · asked by Sesshoumaru 1

What do you all see when watching the Anna Nicole Smith trial for who will have rights to her body for burial, and if you can see all the greed from all sides blatantly causing a circus of this serious issue.

2007-02-22 05:32:59 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

In June of '05, my now husband had a DNA test conducted on himself and his "child". Subsequently, we found out the child was not his. Two years later, the mother of the child is suing him for support. My husband and the mother of the child were never married, never lived together, and he never signed any papers or birth certificate, acknowledging that this was his child. He did, however, pay support (without an order). The child is now almost 3. My question is, are we going to be held responsible for this child under California Paternity laws? So far, my husband has only had to make a statement to the department of child support services and request and "official" DNA test to be done by the state. Is there anything we should be worried about? We're not interested in recouping the support money we're out already; we just want this to be over! (Who wouldn't after 3 years of harassment and basically losing a child?)

2007-02-22 05:28:09 · 5 answers · asked by isisrocca82 3

I put his tooth on a chain and am wearing it as a necklace so everyone knows how tough I am. The dude I fought wants his tooth back and claims he will sue me for it. Why does he want it back? He has no grounds for a lawsuit considering they can't reattach a tooth...right?

2007-02-22 05:25:20 · 12 answers · asked by Mullet Man 2

My son Matthew Jerome Powell was shot and killed while in handcuffs by the LAPD of the Rampert Division. He was only 24 years old. He was my youngest son. I wish someone would help me get public awareness about this being done too often. This shooting happened on January 22,2007. Please help me! My name is Demika Jade-Powell his mother. I can be reached at area code 252-332-5792 or 252-367-2273 . A Grieving Mother

2007-02-22 05:23:44 · 6 answers · asked by bingolver 1

We are living in a world where people kill each other. To stop the killing we kill people who kill other people. It sounds awful and barbaric but this is how it’s done. Death penalty is needed everywhere because it is the most effective punishment for people who committed a murder, or a serious crime. “Death and Justice” by Edward Koch explains well why capital punishment is needed and what will happen if we don’t have a capital punishment and I strongly agree to the author that death penalty is needed.
I agree with the capital punishment because there is just no way to punish the people who committed the serious murder or other terrible crimes. Some say that they disagree with the capital punishment because it’s too barbaric and there are other ways to punish them enough. I agree on the fact that it’s barbaric and inhumane, but this is needed because if we want to punish the serious killers by just putting them in a jail for their life, what difference would it make? Yes, we are keeping them out of our society and make our life safer but we have to think about what that criminal might think while he/she is in the jail. They might actually enjoy, because they just killed a person and still living in a jail, eating food, and making friends. If we officially say that all the capital punishment is banned from this world, all the criminals out there might think that worst thing could happen by killing someone would be just going to a jail and to keep these people in the prison, government needs money and where do they get the money? It’s from our taxes. I don’t understand why we need to pay taxes to keep the criminals in the prison. They could have taken our family’s life and if that happens, not a lot of people who are victim’s family would have such a forgiving and understanding mind. We want them to commune with themselves and feel sorry for what they have done. But how do we know that they actually feel sorry and sad for what they have done? Putting them in a jail for their life is not enough. They took a precious life away and it can be paid with only with their own life. They have to understand taking somebody’s life is a serious thing. We don’t want to put the idea of killing is not serious by banning the capital punishment and furthermore, in the essay “Death and Justice” by Edward Koch shows some good points why we need death penalty.

2007-02-22 05:23:32 · 5 answers · asked by eshn7 1

My son Matthew Jerome Powell was shot and killed while in handcuffs by the LAPD of the Rampert Division. He was only 24 years old. He was my youngest son. I wish someone would help me get public awareness about this being done too often. This shooting happened on January 22,2007. Please help me!

2007-02-22 05:21:12 · 2 answers · asked by bingolver 1

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