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I was recently given an assignment in which I have to defend smoking against someone that is explaining why it should be made illegal. I would like a sizable amount of tips and advice on how to do this successfully. I just need to make a class of high schoolers believe that smoking should never, or just not for now, be made illegal.

2007-02-22 07:14:36 · 30 answers · asked by thisisjohnnygalt 2 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

30 answers

From strongest to weakest....

1. Smoking is a right protected by the Constitution. Cite the 9th amendment to the US Constitution "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people". At the time the Consititution was passed, smoked was widespread and many of the founding fathers farmed tabbaco. Therefore, it can be fair read that the constitution contains a right to smoke. Also, this can viewed as part of the right to privacy that has also been embraced by the 9th amendment.

2. Smoking is a personal choice, that the government is ill-suited to police, if the ills of smoking are to overcome, it should be via education and social pressure.

3. Having the goverment police smoking would only foster law breaking and organized crime. Look what happened when they outlawed liquer!

4. Smoking is a tradtional pratice, that is cullturally important.

5. Tabacco is source of revenue.

I'm against smoking, but in favor of favor of critical thinking. This sounds like a good class.

2007-02-22 07:43:37 · answer #1 · answered by tallthatsme 4 · 1 0

Smoking is never good.

However smoking is a freedom. We have freedoms in this country. There are plenty of laws on the books that defend the non smokers in public from smoke. So the only person that is being harmed by the smoke is the smoker. Does smoking put a debt on to society. Yes. But no more then alcohol or other freedoms. First of all making smoking illegal will merely create a black market for cigarettes and add to crime. However it is a slippery slope. To what extent do we legislate peoples lifes?
We cannot become a society that legislates peoples daily lifes even if their actions do cause some cost to society.

You know what. This is a tough argument. Because lets face it smoking is horrible it is a terrible burden to society and if we could get just one or two generations off of cigarettes then that would ge that. Watch the movie thank you for smoking.

I don't know. But the only angle I can think of is to what extent do we legislate peoples freedoms. Do we go all the way into the bedroom. Do we make food that is high in fat illegal. Do we make liquour illegal. Good luck.
You know what I thought about this. The only argument they can really make for making smoking illegal now is the general cost to society for medical care. First of all there are a lot of jobs in the cigarette industry. But more importantly dig up some facts on the cost to society of obesity. I now it is higher then cigarettes. So do we make fast food illegal. Do we show up at someones house and areest them for eating a hamburger. Do we mandate exercise programs for people. After we have eliminated cigarettes made exercise mandatory then we can go after people who have children that they can't afford. Why should society bare the burden of educating children when their parents pay no real taxes or have health insurance surely at this point we need to start executing children of parents who can't afford to raise them as they are a cost to society. You get the idea. There are many things that people do that cost society money. At what point do we stop? We cannot legislate free choice even if that free choice brings harm to the person. People that smoke aren't hurting anyone else. Cause you can't smoke anywhere anymore. I know I smoke. But it would be far better to take the millions upon millions of dollars that will be spent enforcing this law and use it for education and then perhaps we can get a generation that doesn't smoke. I think we are already pretty close.

2007-02-22 15:21:34 · answer #2 · answered by trichbopper 4 · 0 0

Illegal I don't think so-too much money in Tobacco-too many lobbyists in Washington
Defend smoking-I'm a ex smoker-smoked for 30 years-there is no defense-its stupid and it kills you-no useful purpose whats so ever
If we can get it in the minds of Young people that smoking serves no purpose then tobacco as a whole will not be socially acceptable.
Did you see the cigarette manufactures increase the quantity of nicotine in cigarettes 12% over the last year-did you know a typical cigarette is 25% floor sweeping 25 % stems and 50% real tobacco
Did you know cigs contain over 200 different chemicals
In 30 years-based on a pack a day at todays prices I have wasted $45,000 THATS ENOUGH TO BUY A HOUSE!
I wish you luck in your debate-it better be a good one my friend!
I for one wish I had never started and having recently quit-will never defend smoking period

2007-02-22 15:28:02 · answer #3 · answered by Allen L 3 · 0 0

You cannot defend the act of smoking. You have to defend the constitutional right of free choice. Use prohibition of alcohol as an example. Although smoking is bad for individuals, it is good for the society at large because it provides jobs, tax revenue, even medical research has been advanced because of disease caused by smoking. Making something that has been legal and highly addictive suddenly illegal invites corruption and a guaranteed violation of the law which wastes taxpayer dollars, removes tax revenues, and puts the general public at risk from unregulated inferior products. You will also be forced to defend the fact that illegal drugs like cocaine where once legal until the harmful facts about them came out and society sought to remove them. The counter to this argument is that unlike other harmful substances, workplace productivity although diminished because of health issues and cigarette breaks is not as hampered as illegal drugs would do because cigarettes does not put one in a catatonic stupor or produce lethargy like illegal drugs do. Hopefully this will give you a start. BTW I am a non-smoker that enjoys public bans on smoking because it is a disease ridden nasty habit. I also despise smokers who place trash in trash bins but think it is perfectly acceptable to throw their butts out the car or on the ground.

2007-02-22 22:37:00 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

WOW what a tough assignment. I don't smoke never have and do not care to be around it nor do I allow it in my home..having said that..I DO NOT BELIEVE IT SHOULD BE MADE ILLEGAL.. Start with constitutional rights and a simpler explanation such as "Whats next?" If smoking is made illegal then it follows that next NON-drinkers will go after alcohol and the demise goes on once we allow a group to out law one thing a precedence is set and where does it end with health freaks outlawing sugar and candy? That may be something teenagers can understand.
Good luck

2007-02-22 15:22:16 · answer #5 · answered by healthynow 2 · 0 0

AS a heavy smoker I can only speak for myself.I'am addicted to smoking.However I do respect the rights of others who do not smoke.If you are a non smoker and come into my privet house I respect you enough not to light up.It is my health that gets the most damage from it.I feel that you should respect my right to smoke if I want.as long as it is in a controlled place.Most of us smokers will respect your wishes but why can't we have the right to have a place where we can enjoy our bad habit.We do not meen harm anyone.I have had 2 heart attacks 2 strokes and have cancer.I know the danger of it first hand.I don't believe we should be singled out as the only cause of heart attracts and cancer.Why not out law drinking.That causes more deaths than smoking,and guns don't do there part of saving lives.I know that I will catch hell for writing this but I will not can not quit smoking for any reason. Please do not start smokeing.You will end up being as big of a jerk as I'am.I started at 12 years old because in the 50's it was cool and all your friends did it so you had to fit in.A big mistake in judgement and very stupid.

2007-02-22 15:44:46 · answer #6 · answered by I'm Jerry 4 · 0 0

Consider the amount of money the government makes on taxes from cigarettes and how that might effect taxes in the future. Also, consider the effects on our personal rights this might have in the future. This has given the government the ability to regulate what is and is not good for us, could this expand to what we eat and other activities? It's a violation of personal rights more or less.

You might also want to point out that smoking has never been scientifically linked to lung cancer. While it may seem common sense to most, it has never been proven. Try renting the movie, "Thank You for Smoking", while it is a parody of the smoking industry he does give a few good arguments.

2007-02-22 15:21:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are those like myself who do indeed wish to quit, however were recommended to by a Doctor to not do so, his name will not be mentioned. His reasoning however upon my reaction was because it prevents those who have nervous conditions, like myself, and/or even sckitzophrenic potential to have this symptom or set of symptoms decrease . It lessens tension for these people in addition to their medication and also gives their hyper "I have to do something RIGHT NOW" mentality something to do, this is also known as anxiety. Also, another reason you may want to go with is that when they tried to make alcohol illegal in the 30's, which you may also want to look into, people not only fought it but thats when bootlegging was invented, I believe, so people either won't accept it and crime rates will go up in those who don't have their nicotine, but they will also find a way to get it somehow. Definetely look into that era and Prohibition. Anyway, I hope that helps your report, but I don't recommend that you or any of your classmates start smoking just because there may be an argument against it. It is bad for your health just as your competition will say, but in the end you will have wished you never started and see how hard it is to quit. Good Luck with the assignment.

2007-02-22 15:30:41 · answer #8 · answered by Kbrand5 2 · 0 0

Smoking does not pose a threat.Although it has long term health risks, It does not pose a clear and present danger.As stated in the constitution.It doesn't alter your sense of site or mind capabilities.You're not gonna put out a cigarette and get into a car wreck due to an altered state of mind.Smoking is harmful.But not harmful enough to ban.It's unconstitutional to ban it unless it does presents a clear and present danger.Present as in the person would have to basically be inhaling the isease and test positive for it at that moment.And if they were going to ban it because of it's long term health risks then why not ban other things like tanning beds or hairspray or gas burning cars?

2007-02-22 15:21:51 · answer #9 · answered by sunkissed299 4 · 0 0

Smoking will never stop. Making it illegal will just turn it into marijuana. People overcrowding our jails for selling and smoking tobacco.

If we are going to make things illegal that are dangerious we have to set a "death count mandate". Everything that causes X amount of deaths or more this year will be illegal. That's fair. Because anything THAT dangerous should be banned. Problem is, driving is way more deadly than cigerettes. Driving is more deadly than everything.

2007-02-22 15:48:06 · answer #10 · answered by Tim 6 · 0 0

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