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Law & Ethics - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

How is it possible for a 38 year old single white female that is prejudice, has 2 children of her own that she doesn't have custody of, adopt a black child? Is it because I was born in Kansas? Is that Kansas law? How is that ethical and can I fight it in court with my reward being all of my adoptiion records as opposed to a devorce from my adoptive mother? Did she have an advantage because she was in the military?

2007-01-22 03:53:20 · 2 answers · asked by kaluah96 3

it is a goverment sheme that pays grandparents or blood relatives to stay at home and give childcare to there relatives or grandchildren

2007-01-22 03:51:00 · 1 answers · asked by minx 1

My Mum is overwieght but she needs a hip operation and because of this she is in agony with pain every single day and night. Recently she found out that the doctor won't even see her until she is a certain BMI index! I feel this is disgusting as she cannot exercise (she can barely walk) and due to a low metabolism finds it hard to loose weight. So, in the meantime she has to be in a gony knowing that she hasn't even made the waiting list yet!!! Surely this can't be right. Shes worked as a nurse most of her life until she had to retire when she had a car accident (not her fault) paid all that national insurance money and now she needs the NHS srevices she can't get it!!! Is this a against Human rights and does anyone know if she could take this matter to european courts of law?

2007-01-22 03:49:36 · 14 answers · asked by Saram 4

hi. my employer has consistantly raised my targets up to a point where i can no longer keep up.

most of my peers have managed to make their targets, but i just couldnt. i was then given an official warning. the next month, because i was rushing my work, my reject rate went up, i was then given a written warning for that. one of my peers had similar results but wasnt disciplined at all.

is this acceptable? (just to fill you in, i resigned over this matter and other matters too.)

2007-01-22 03:49:02 · 2 answers · asked by Heidi K 1

2007-01-22 03:40:03 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I got a cashiers check for a car that I was selling on Ebay. I went to the bank to cassh the check and the lady went in the back office and then came out and said that she could run the check to make sure it was good. She said it checked out and cashed the check. I asked her if there was any way the check could come back and she said no. So I released the car to the shipping company and now the check came back and the banks wants me to repay the money and I refused so they are trying to bargain with me to pay back half of the amount of the check. I don't feel I should have to pay this back because she said she ran it and told me on camera that there was no way it could come back. Do I have to pay the money back?

2007-01-22 03:22:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

A California legislator introduced a bill Thursday that would make it illegal for parents to spank their young children.

Assemblywoman Sally Lieber, D-Mountain View, authored the bill, which would make it a misdemeanor for parents to spank a child age 3 years or younger, television station KCRA reported.

The crime would carry a punishment of up to a year in jail or a $1,000 fine.

Lieber said the bill is long overdue.


2007-01-22 03:14:57 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know he did it, but damn. Of course Mr. Cochran used race, so what - race has always been an issue when a black man walks into the court room, blacks are still to this day, given longer sentences for the same crime than whites. White jurors for years have looked at white defendants different that they look at black ones. The black jurors in the o.j. case did the same thing. This was not the biggest travesty in judicial history the way some claim. He was a rich guy who went out and bought better lawyers than the prosecution had. This has been going on for hundreds of years in our court system. I FEEL BAD FOR THE FAMILY.(although they knew o.j. routinely beat her when they were married and allowed him to do it because he gave them money and took them on vactions they couldn't afford) It's impossible for me a black man to look at this case and be upset at the outcome. This is the way the system has always worked.

2007-01-22 02:59:00 · 18 answers · asked by aland411 1

I propose once CHild molesters are released from prison assuming their not beaten and killed, tattoo or better yet brand Convicted Child molesters on their forehead. It will keep them from reoffending, as everyone will know they are a child molester.

NOw here comes the fun part. IF they attempt to cover that brand or tattoo with makeup this is punishable by up to 100 whips( and not no pussy whip cat o 9 tails) with an experienced dominater or dominatrix, either sex is fine as child molesters are no longer considered human beings.. Then they pour salt on their wounds and let them suffer.

TO prolong their sufferring anyone that kills a child molesters only has to serve 30 days in jail. Enough to deter some people, but keep the child molester in check.

We already have megan's law, lets take it one step further. And mark them at their hnouses, apartment buildings.

Also I think it would be a good idea if all sex offenders would not be able to go out of their house without police escort.

2007-01-22 02:56:46 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I filed 2 years ago. My soon-to-be- Ex has made this an arduous process. He has defied court orders and resisted settling fairly. He has hidden money, and tried to devaluate every asset. His wages had to be garnished, as he wouldnt pay the spousal support . He closed our savings account and the part tme business account and put them only in his name about 3 years before I filed. I have been unable to pay my lawyer very much and the interest has built up .His lawyer has canceled meetings to settle (they have attended the Court ordered ones tho ) and often says he hasnt received paperwork and documents from my lawyer. He lied his way thru the deposition. A friend told me that the Judge will probably tell us to go downstairs to the courthouse cafeteria and hash this out. Do you have any experience or answers?

2007-01-22 02:52:09 · 6 answers · asked by Barbara M 2

My abusive ex husband had his parental rights taken away and he appealed. My jack-*** lawyer told me for months that he didn't NEED to file a brief in the appeal, because it was a shoe-in. A week before all briefs were required to be submitted, my lawyer called and said, "You need to pay me the money you owe me if you want me to file a brief, because it is due in a week, and it will take me exactly a week to make one." Needlesss to say, I was very angry and upset because I couldn't come up with $1400 instantly, and I felt as though he betrayed me. I couldn't get another lawyer in time, so the appeal proceeded anyhow. Three days ago I got a letter in the mail from the supreme court, and under the heading "per curiam" it explains how the case went in district court, that the district court had terminated parental rights, then that last sentence above. Does this mean I am finally free to feel a little relief?

2007-01-22 02:36:15 · 5 answers · asked by looking_for_all_the_answers 1

it was put on this earth by god and if he thinks its good enough for us then it must be right? I say yes

2007-01-22 02:10:53 · 22 answers · asked by spawnof_thedevil 2

i have resigned from my job after many months of disciplinary actions, which i felt were unjust. in short, i felt i was being picked on.

i wrote a letter of grievance, but it was ignored. so a month later i resigned with a months notice. i think i am within my right to seek a constructive dismissal case.

however, now, (2 weeks before my leaving date), my employer wants to discuss my grievances.

why would he want to talk now?
should i accept this offer of a meeting?
if i refuse, would i jepordise any claim?


2007-01-22 02:04:58 · 8 answers · asked by Heidi K 1

2007-01-22 02:03:32 · 3 answers · asked by cam r 1

Approximate value was $20000. It is now worth approximatly $70,000. I did not contribute to this fund while we were married because my spouse did not help me pay ANY bills. After 17 years of marriage we are divorcing. She claims the IRA is marital property and wants half. I say it was and is separate property.

2007-01-22 01:55:15 · 4 answers · asked by david d 1

I have noticed that through out the world, there is a new philosophy that rules.
It is a philospophy that we should do everything as wrong as we can and that punishing those who desirve it should mean being punished back!

It is like me slapping you, and you tell the police, and I slap you for telling the police. I justify that it is only fiar because you counter attacked me, so I should *counter* attack you back.

It is just like going to the lavatory and having a crap and you flush it, to find that the lavatory spits the crap back into your asse again.

What philosophy is this and how should I respond to it, noting that the more that I do to reach a state of balance, the more imbalanced it gets?

2007-01-22 01:45:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hypothetical question. A foreign wife got legally married to a Canadian citizen in her home country. They are now living together in Canada. After a slightly over one year , the wife found out that her husband is addicted to alcohol and gets drunk almost daily. Because of his alcohol addiction, domestic quarrel becomes regular occurences. The wife is suffering a mental anguish, develop nervousness and is afraid that her husband would hurt her one day. The husband does not have a stable job and they do not have any child yet. Can the wife file for a separation/ divorce on the basis of her husband's alcohol addiction ? If a separation/ divorce is granted, can she continue to live legally in Canada as an immigrant until she becomes a citizen ?

2007-01-22 01:32:46 · 2 answers · asked by Jaime G 1

If they are appointed, who appoints them - the attorney general?

2007-01-22 01:30:47 · 3 answers · asked by Henrietta 2

I was in there for 6 months and had to sleep on a mat on the floor in the cell for a while instead of getting a bed, got out of date food sometimes, didn't get out of the cell some days etc.

They say there are certain things you can't do for health and safety - like smoking - but some of the things like not having a proper bed and bad food aren't good for health and safety either.

When you are in there you can't really complain as you don't want to be seen to be causing trouble but is their certain things that you are entitled to and can you do anything about it after you've been there?

2007-01-22 01:30:25 · 11 answers · asked by Jamie 1

Muslim Pc refused to shake hands

Sir Ian Blair questioned the validity of the refusal
A Muslim woman police officer refused to shake hands with the head of the Metropolitan Police on faith grounds.
If she has to arrest a criminal and put handcuffs on them she will not be able to as she refuses to touch a man's hands. Is this farcical as she will not be able to carry out her duties properly

2007-01-22 01:17:56 · 15 answers · asked by davidbareuk 2

Sexual harassment at work has now affected my shift patterns.
I have recently reported incidences of the above from a male colleague at my part time job. This has now been dealt with in an informal way, as I wished. Subsequently, my boss offered my shifts in my hearing to another (male) member of staff, reducing my hours. I believe that this is linked to the complaint I made. What do I do? I don't know who to ask for advice. Thanks.

2007-01-22 01:12:34 · 12 answers · asked by Sally Jo 1

I'm trying to develop a debate for the agreement to raising the driving age to 18. Can someone give me as many points as possible, please?

2007-01-22 00:43:57 · 11 answers · asked by dizzordr 1

Will it be really possible to persue the road side beggers to give up begging so that they can be taught to lead a better life by helping them in setting a small scale industries along with providing them basic knowledge and education?

2007-01-22 00:26:18 · 10 answers · asked by vanquisher 1

I need to take my letting agency to small claims court over my deposit not being paid and I just wondered if there are details of other people doing the same (there must be) and how I can find them. The company is Loft Lets, based in Islington, London, and they have withheld my deposit now for 8 months without giving account of what it's been spent on. I've been round the flat since and it's exactly the same, except for a new floor, which, due to the inspection taking place a day late, they ripped up before the inspection even took place!!!

2007-01-21 23:36:10 · 3 answers · asked by jamesjackson711 1

I think the law is something like, you have clothed in public places. If your in your yard which it your private property, but if your visible can you still get in trouble? Also answering the door?

2007-01-21 23:31:34 · 10 answers · asked by Male16 3

becuse of industrilisation many people are died in factory accidents. these cause because of lack of safety and hygienic conditions.it is compolsary worker work max. 8 hr. but in our country there is no try in the direction of found the acceptable limits of air borne contaminants in work environment. by implimenting the law and acts in our factory acts we should improve this conditions.

2007-01-21 23:18:30 · 1 answers · asked by prem 1

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