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Law & Ethics - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I have to write this stupid term paper and i hate it so i need quick help please, please, please!!!!!

2006-11-16 15:43:58 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am writing an essay that is a Persuasive or Argumenative one. My stand is that if we tighten up the laws on 1st time child sex-offenders, that there will more than likely be no chance or opportunity for them to commit a 2nd crime/offense; due to the strict punishment of the 1st offense.
Even if I was not a victim of child molestation myself, {at age 6 by the deacon in my church at his home}, I still would nor could tolerate nor condone this behavior and I feel that anyone that is "sick enough" to be attracted to a child needs to be locked up to begin with. Disagree? Let me know! Thank you for your help!!!!!

2006-11-16 15:39:29 · 10 answers · asked by stingray00783 1

We have three outdoor cats whick we had for over 12yrs. Today, out cats were viciously attacked by two loose dogs and were mauled and killed. What, if anything, can the dog owners be liable for? Do we have a lawsuit?

2006-11-16 15:38:28 · 7 answers · asked by sotomann 1

recently purchases property. neighbor's gate post is several feet on my property.

2006-11-16 15:28:52 · 14 answers · asked by wrangler 1

I returned something back onto my debit card, but it did not post today, I have been spending money today, and I am in the negative, when realistically, there is plenty in there, it just needs to post. Are they going to charge me for overdraft, when its actually in there?

2006-11-16 15:19:58 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I went to bally fitness to get membership. The associate offered me a three day trial with $75 deposit.If i didn't want to continue with bally fitness I can get the deposit back. He also says after the three day trial I can have a 30 trial but I won't be able to get my deposit back. This offer included I share my free trial with three other person whom I can choose. So I said Okay. It sounds good. I took the offer. When I came home and discuss this with the three people I put on the free trial. They said it was too far to travel. So the next day I came back to bally fitness and told the associate to cancel my member ship. He did not want me to cancel it. He told me to try it out for another two day and if I decided i really didn't want it i can call him and only him to cancel it. With the frustration of arguing with him, I said Okay I can stay on the free trial for the rest of the two days. So on the third day I called to and asked for him. He was on break, so I left a message for him

2006-11-16 15:18:54 · 2 answers · asked by : ) 1


In other countrys they have a law that people cannot speak there mind like in our country(US) a chinese man and many others get arrested and sentence 20 to life jail sentences for speaking there minds on the internet about there countrys and leaders! YAHOO.COM hands over to police and gouverments any information people are searching or typing into there blogs YOU HAVE NO PRIVACY WITH YAHOO you do not have rights to speak your mind through this service and you are at risk of going to jail and being sentence long terms please visit following link

ALSO please be advised of the newest threat of police brutalty as you can witness here police using a taser over 5 times on a young 23 year old student in california, he wasnt doing anything wrong and was leaving while police used a taser many times even tho he has a medical condition VERY DISTURBING

2006-11-16 15:16:55 · 5 answers · asked by orsmoz 1

My Grandfather left a house to 6 of his children under a trust with my aunt being executor she transferred it to her name and says it is her house can she do that legally if not what can I do?

2006-11-16 15:16:44 · 3 answers · asked by mslewis1972 1

Does the public reserve the right to know the truth, does the individual have the right to mantain a private life.

Are there any other ideas that may pertain to freedom of the press??

2006-11-16 15:16:05 · 3 answers · asked by "d" 2

Well, you can't. They don't list any. And they also don't tell you in their FAQ's how they are funded. I'm suspicious, at this point.

2006-11-16 15:09:04 · 2 answers · asked by littlechrismary 5

Im going on holidays to australia and have to go through US customs and Australian customs with my collection of backed up movies copied from my originals. I bring them instead of my originals cause I don't want the originals to get ruined! If I get caught, will I get in trouble or be detained?

2006-11-16 15:08:15 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't think this was posted the first time, for whatever reason.

I hate to be one of those people who pushes the abortion debate (as it will undoubtably begin once I post this), but something has been bothering me.

Why do members of the religious right automatically assume that an unwanted pregnancy is the product of having sex sans protection? Why do they think that people who have been raped should have to live with that trauma? Do they not realize that partial-birth abortions are all but completely outlawed, that an average abortion is simply a miscarriage, carried out before a heart has even developed?

And most bothersome of all, how many of those who insist that adoption is the best way, have adopted a child themselves? How many have saved children from the black hole that is the adoption system? Thought so.

2006-11-16 15:07:35 · 9 answers · asked by BrightEyedBlasphemer 3

2006-11-16 15:06:59 · 1 answers · asked by lilboss 1

While in college a few years back, I worked a few summers for large NY law firm. Watched them interact, accompanied to various court hearings, mostly motion dates such as motions for summary judgment; also settlement conferences, pre-trial hearings, and actual trials. Many of them committed a lot of information ttheir memories. Sometimes that tactic did not work. So they 'fudged' a lot.

2006-11-16 15:01:14 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Australia has laws that govern people who give speeches and then following a rally they have encouraged people to go act out the things they said. They are subject to have their property seized and jail time. Do you think other countries should adopt these rules or does this infringe on freespeech.

2006-11-16 14:51:24 · 10 answers · asked by ÐIESEŁ ÐUB 6

Anyone with a brain knows that marijuana is one of the most harmless "drugs" that exist. Few would argue that it is anywhere near as bad as alcohol or cigarettes, yet it is stigmatized far worse. Where is the logic in this? There seems to be quite a disconnect between the numerous studies done on it, and the governments harsh "anti" stance towards it. What do you really think about this?

2006-11-16 14:43:41 · 7 answers · asked by fortwynt 2

2006-11-16 14:37:02 · 1 answers · asked by ricklewis_007 1

In family court?or civil court ?

2006-11-16 14:32:45 · 2 answers · asked by richg2524 2

I may not be remembering my political science classes as well as I'd like, but I thought that state law was stronger than federal law. If that is the case, how can the federal government put people in jail for legally aquired medical marijuana when California has passed a law for it? And if that's true, how do we get California to stand up for its states rights against the federal government? Please enlighten me.

2006-11-16 14:01:47 · 11 answers · asked by lavender-chartreuse 2

what is it?

2006-11-16 13:49:40 · 3 answers · asked by fillojeta a 1

2006-11-16 13:48:50 · 5 answers · asked by jerseydoris 2

I have a friend who borrows money from their grandparents to buy a home with his wife, their is a lien against the tiltle, he accepted a offer to sale but the was told he was going to war can the titke company force the lien holder to release lien even though the grandparents nam is no where un the contract and lives 50 miles away? Title company may not be able to close as they sent paperwork in the mail to lien holder and nothing has been sent back if both parties wait till closing date if the lien isnt satisfied against the property and the closing cant happen the contract expires ... what could happen i dont even think my friend has to show up because he isnt the morgager his grandmother is and no where did he sign anything saying his granmother would release lien policy title cant be insured with lien against it what do you think? I have no idea if intentions are to back out but if it cant close he doesnt need to back out simply let the contract expire eeh

2006-11-16 13:45:55 · 3 answers · asked by knightmoose2000 1

We live in a condo where everyone has 2 assigned parking spaces. There are also visitor spots. The same neighbor's guests keep taking OUR parking spaces and it's really starting to piss me off! I live in Seattle where it rains and our spots are right by the door. I am tired of coming home from say, the grocery store with a bunch of stuff to unload, only to find that there are NO spots bc their guests are too rude or stupid to park on the other side of the building! My neighbors know this is a problem, yet they do nothing except ask the people to move after we trudge up the damn stairs and ask them to. I want this to stop. What I really want to do is have their cars towed next time--we own those spaces; they are our property, and they certainly wouldn't park in their neighbors' driveway! But I don't think we can just call the company and have them towed; I think that is up to our HOA. But I am SICK of this. Advice please? (They're polite other than this; we've even gone to dinner!)

2006-11-16 13:38:08 · 11 answers · asked by chelleedub 4

2006-11-16 13:34:51 · 2 answers · asked by Erin M 2

I was in Family court trying to get visitation rights to my 16 year old Grand Daughter. My 40 year old son suddenly had Issues with his me "HIS MOM" and wouldnt let me see her anymore. After court I found out that the Judge,about( 62years old) also had issues with "HIS MOM" Guess who won!!!???

2006-11-16 13:29:16 · 1 answers · asked by richg2524 2

The reason I'm asking is my nephew is being thrown out on the streets in Austin and we're far away and worried what will happen. Can his dad do this? He's 17

2006-11-16 13:27:54 · 10 answers · asked by Mandy 2

to them because they had to repair the vehicle before it would pass the smog test. I noticed that day that the vehicle was damaged. I live in California-has the Statute of Limitations to pursue legal action already expired? I filed in 04' but had difficulty serving suit.

2006-11-16 13:24:08 · 4 answers · asked by jus4usa 2

was it considered "rape" when white slaveowners/landowners 'raped' slave women? Or for that matter, when white men 'raped' white women?
(I bet few can answer this question)'m looking for serious answers.

2006-11-16 13:23:44 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

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