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Law & Ethics - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

2006-11-16 09:44:58 · 16 answers · asked by bluemagicuk 2

I need it for a project. Info on Stem-Cell Reaserch would help to. I just need a site that has precentages and such.

2006-11-16 09:38:04 · 7 answers · asked by Jamie 2

I am being treated by an Dr for acupuncture. He recently went to China for a seminar and consulted with an Dr regarding my treatment. On my next visit to him he charged me an additional $100 for the consultation. I was not told or asked if I wanted him to do this. Is this legal, or even common practice with doctors?

2006-11-16 09:31:54 · 2 answers · asked by Toth C 1

Forgive my ignorance of US law - I'm British.

A friend of mine has been granted probation and been given $1600 in fines - this I know from the court website. She was previously remanded.

Probation was granted today - does that mean she is released from custody or is it different in the US?

2006-11-16 09:31:42 · 3 answers · asked by puggtiracer 3

I am being treated by an Dr for acupuncture. He recently went to China for a seminar and consulted with an Dr regarding my treatment. On my next visit to him he charged me an additional $100 for the consultation. I was not told or asked if I wanted him to do this. Is this legal, or even common practice with doctors?

2006-11-16 09:31:07 · 1 answers · asked by Toth C 1

Is is illegal? does it go against public order?

This company is going after my friend for breach of contract,
but the reason for breaching, was because the company made her to write fake resumes in order to 'market' her out in the projects.

I want to know if she can get out of this mess when it comes to the court.

2006-11-16 09:30:30 · 8 answers · asked by sand worm 1

My son is 6, and Ive always had him with me full time his father is in the navy and seems him on occasion someone has now informed me that he's trying to get custody what will they look at?will what my child wants play a role?

2006-11-16 09:29:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know this person is not who they say they are and might possible being scamming people out of money. what do i do?

2006-11-16 09:24:26 · 3 answers · asked by Suzan H 1

This October I put a down payment of or $1000.00 ( $800 towards payment of the dog and $250 as a deposit). We were told to put a deposit because these dogs sell out very quickly.We had to wait till November to get the dog cause it was to young to leave her mother.
At the time of payment I NEVER RECEIVED A RECEIPT OR SIGNED ANY CONTRACT.They said they would mail a contract/receipt at a later date cause their printer was down.

In late October I lost my job and had to pay off some bills. We decided to hold off on the dog and get the full $1000.00 back to help pay the house payment, etc...

I have contacted the sellers twice and both times they have given me the runaround. First saying that they would contact me at a later date to talk about refunding my money. The second time we spoke they stated that they might return my money.

Should I give them a deadline to return my money? And if the deadline passes should I look to legal counsel?

Any advice would appreciated, Thanks

2006-11-16 09:17:33 · 4 answers · asked by brad h 1

Can you believe this - the other night there was loads of teens gobbing off outside my house and then this loud banging noise. So I looked out the window and the police were there following them down the road walking, and this teen was kicking every car on the road as hard as he could as he walked past and the police did nothing just said calm down. Anyway as I had the light on in the bedroom the policeman see me looking out the window and gave me a sarcastic wave and smiled as if I shouldn't be looking! So I went out there and said about this kid kicking the cars and he said don't worry about it his drunk so I made him give me his torch and check every single car down my road cos I said if they were damaged then he'd pay for them!! Talk about helpful police or am I wrong????

2006-11-16 09:15:11 · 14 answers · asked by Katie G 3

2006-11-16 08:46:39 · 2 answers · asked by Kit 2

I was today, and it really changed my attitude toward the world of motorists. This is what happened; I was riding my bike to school this morning to take a History test. When I arrived at the cross street that my school resides, I pushed the "request to walk" button on the light pole, and after I recieved my walking man sign I attempted to simply cross the street. Then a completely oblivious old lady almost slowly crushed me while I was pinned on my bike. She was not too old, about 50-55, and she was looking at the guy on the median handing out church flyers, instead of looking forward. She creeped to a short-lived stop on the big white line, and began to creep forward more. Before I knew it her car was pushing me over, and about to (slowly) roll right over me. The only reason this lady FINALLY stopped was because in my rage I began to pound the crap out of her hood. I went to her window, and commanded, "ROLL YOUR F*CK'N WINDOW DOWN". The next sound I heard was the doors lock!

2006-11-16 08:35:19 · 6 answers · asked by Slappin 3

http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/november2006/161106taser.htm for americans theres your "PATRIOTS ACT "enacted to protect the people WTF!!! wake up guys this isnt a single incident theres hundreds of these events happened a women being tazered bcause her ******* driving licence was out of date and she wouldnt get out of her car .and for every other nationality in the western hemisphere this is a fuking takeover bid and if people dont wake up were all screwed read my last question as well .also stand up for your rights and libertys and question you governments who are being run by world banks.

2006-11-16 08:29:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need this to be clarified. From what I know it shouldn't, but I need to make sure. I mean it should stick with you for the rest of your life or at lest until you get pardoned by the President or something.

2006-11-16 08:26:40 · 8 answers · asked by Jane N 1

I rent an apartment in Eagan and when my fiance and I moved in a girl that lives below us complained that they could hear everything that goes on in our apt, so we did our best to be quiet, a couple weeks later she tells my fiance that her bf wants to fight him, and now in the last couple weeks theyve been calling the cops on us nonstop for noise complaints when we aren't making noise. Twice the cops came and my fiance was napping with no music on, and once while we were making dinner with no music on. The last time they came I was on the phone with my fiance after I got off work and he was home with music on, but I could tell it wasn't very loud, he got a court order in the mail saying he has to go to court because it was a repeat offense, the funny thing was that the time on the order was almost 2 hours earlier than the cop actually came! I dont know whats going on but the harrasment has been happening for 2 1/2 months now & the office wont do anything about it, what are our options?

2006-11-16 08:11:16 · 7 answers · asked by tranquilardor 1

http://www.myspace.com/caseylgarcia .......................... this is my space page my ex put all this on it ..... is it slander even though most of what he is saying is true......... my one friend on there is actually his page.. please look at my page and tell me if it is slander..........

2006-11-16 08:09:27 · 10 answers · asked by casey_garcia7 1

Black in America have been terrorize since beginning of this nation to now – by the government, KKK, head skin, average citizen , and all those acts – killed by white people , torture by police, and killed like dogs by police, beating, wrong fully arrested and imprison

How can American give other nation democracy when democracy fails in America for African American?
American better fix it problem at home before get it nose in other nation business

Something stink with America!!! Oh, please stop the denial and the excuse.

2006-11-16 08:08:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

II have seen lots of angry questions on here by angry smokers by the new non smoking laws that have passed around the nation. They have called the government dictators and said we are heading for a communist society. Well what are my rights. I have had to avoid bars all of my 20’s because I get sick at the slights hint of smoke. I have to wait extra long for a table really far away from the “smoking”. I have had to avoid entire restaurants because the smoking section is so close I can smell the smoke and have an attack. So what are my rights. Can’t I have the right to clean air.
what makes you think you have the right to smoke in bar. Smoke in your damn car or your house. None wants to smell that stuff. I am happy that Ohio will soon be smoke free I voted for the legislation and it passed. No smoking anywhere Yes.

2006-11-16 08:07:33 · 18 answers · asked by Big Daddy R 7

I am trying to find how you find cases going before the IL (cook CO . grand jury

2006-11-16 07:56:39 · 4 answers · asked by zippo1845 1

Why would people a civilized society consider guns as a right? To defend oneself? Isn't that why we have a law and order agencies for? If one has to defend oneself why do we pay taxes for a police force?

2006-11-16 07:56:23 · 8 answers · asked by Existentialist_Guru 5

Perhaps they only broke laws because they had to, in order to better protect America. Maybe it was worth it to them, to go to jail rather than to possibly let a terrorist plot suceed. If they made this choice freely, should we just let them go to jail anyway? Do we trust law makers to absolve the right people? Or will the public always assume that these people were just being plain criminals? Is there any way both to protect national security interests AND keep from punishing people who broke the law for a completely justified reason?

2006-11-16 07:56:05 · 5 answers · asked by mizerock 3

2006-11-16 07:38:46 · 23 answers · asked by bozomo99 1

My best friend was sexually harrassed at work. One of her managers grabbed both her breasts and she reported it to Human resources. The guy gave her a formal apology but she told her superiors she felt this was not adequate and demanded he loose his job. Two weeks later they fire her after word gets around that she filed a police report against the guy that grabbed her. She has not been able to find a lawyer in the maryland area that will her... Can anyone out there give me some ideas i can pass on to her because she's been really depressed about it and feels like no one gives a **** because she's very young and she's gotten nothing but trouble ever since reporting this guy!

2006-11-16 07:34:31 · 8 answers · asked by HONEY 2

If an american wins the lottery, how much money does the US Government take from those winnings? If that person wins the lottery in a different country, do the same rules apply as they would if that person won the lottery in the USA?

2006-11-16 07:18:37 · 10 answers · asked by beachbum 1

2006-11-16 07:14:01 · 14 answers · asked by kissmybum 4

According to the twisted logic recently espoused by Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, the failure to support illegal, immoral and unnecessary wars defines one as a terrorist. Let me be clear about where I stand: I know who the real terrorists are, and can name each one of them—Rumsfeld among the rest.

Everywhere you go in America you see the slogan, “Support our troops.” You see it on bumper stickers, storefronts, flags and banners, yellow ribbons and even in the windows of private homes. But what does it mean to support our troops? Is it to send them into harm’s way; to invade and occupy sovereign nations in illegal wars for empire? Is it to ask them to commit heinous crimes, to maim and to kill innocent civilians; to torture, insult, and to humiliate people who have done us no harm? Is it to steal the natural wealth that belongs to other nations and turn it over to American corporations?

If that is what it means, then I cannot support our troops. I cannot wish them well if their purpose is conquer other people, and plunder the wealth of other countries that have done us no harm. That would require me to endorse crimes against humanity conducted under the guise of national security and patriotism. I cannot do that—I will not. It is simply wrong.

Neither should we, as we so often do, confuse supporting our troops with supporting the president, or wrongful and immoral policies of corrupt government. The president and his ilk do not support our troops or he would not use them as pawns; he would take care of them when they come home broken and torn with psychic scars. He does not care about them—they are only a means to an end.

No, the best way to support our troops is to take a principled stand; to hold the moral high ground—to bring them home alive and whole. A government must not be allowed to require any of its citizens to engage in immoral or criminal behavior on its behalf. When a government behaves like a crime syndicate it does not mean that the people should follow its example—they must provide a better alternative, and refuse their allegiance to it.

So if the failure to support a government’s wrongful policies makes me a terrorist—so be it. If speaking truth to power makes one a terrorist—sign me up; move me to top of the NSA and FBI lists of suspects. Send forth the assassins with their rifles. If exposing the lies and corruption that attends power makes me a terrorist—I will proudly wear the crown and bear the cost. I will cheerfully take my place alongside other terrorists with names like Thoreau, Debs, King, Gandhi, Einstein, Zinn, and Christ.

2006-11-16 07:06:17 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

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