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Law & Ethics - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

im looking for a person phone number not a business

2006-11-18 11:50:02 · 3 answers · asked by thickem694u 1

According to her, he kept calling her (which I don't doubt... I was present for a lot of her phonecall), and he was threatening to have the police take her to jail for theft.

Now, from what I understand, there's no such thing as a debtor's prison, however, the car wouldn't start, so, she couldn't get it back up to the dealership (which at least would have been listed as a voluntary repossession). Under the fair debt collections act, was the man who called her within legal limits in threatening her and her family that they would go to jail unless they got the car?

2006-11-18 11:47:31 · 11 answers · asked by <3 The Pest <3 6

Apparently the police told her she could serve then with a 15 day notice. I have never heard of such a thing. I fear they will not evict properly. I have researched and these people are professional evictees. Just yesterday the owners son tried to enter the property while the neighbors were not there. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I want this scum GONE!

2006-11-18 11:23:05 · 8 answers · asked by spudinky 1

im doing a ''fake'' trial in science class and need to make a legal document *not a real one though* so how do they look,ect. or if you know where i can find a copy of dr. hoskwa's legal document so he could go into Chisso corporation pipes and get sludge so he could run tests on cats that would be great thanks!

2006-11-18 11:16:36 · 4 answers · asked by Kaitlin B 1

I am writing a paper for my speech class and I am trying to find out why people are against stem reseach. Adult and or Embyonic stem cell research that is.

2006-11-18 11:15:59 · 8 answers · asked by colly1978 1

My dad took my grandma to the ER and while they were waiting they never took her vitals and kept saying she was next...Well my dad went to get her jacket from the car because it was cold and when he returned she was dead, None of the doctors at the hospital would even sign the death certificate.Her doctor suddenly is not there anymore and when I called to find out if she had in fact died they told me last year and I asked are they sure they said yes I ams sorry she expired nov. of last year thats what our records show?? How the heck can they be that stupid? Is there not a law?

2006-11-18 11:10:48 · 6 answers · asked by calieyecandy 3

2006-11-18 11:09:09 · 11 answers · asked by jamil h 1

I just got an M.I.P about a month ago but just the other night I got ANOTHER one will they take my license away for three months?

2006-11-18 11:03:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-18 10:59:24 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My sister dated this guy for a few months and they had a bad break up. Now she has been going around town talking about him to everyone. This guy now believes she is the reason he lost his job. He is now threatening to sue. Can he do this?

2006-11-18 10:53:04 · 10 answers · asked by J 2

Given the large ammount of eastern european nationals that appear to working in this 'profession' should it not be properly controlled and taxed

2006-11-18 10:50:34 · 9 answers · asked by philip s 1

cause harm to or by another but chooses to act/speak anyway?

For instance, someone who was aware that another person was mentally unstable and fed into their belief that another person was the devil, leading to the mentally ill person murdering the third party? Thanks.

2006-11-18 10:24:02 · 5 answers · asked by tagi_65 5

I live in north london im 15, and some things you hear are bad, but this happened a few years ago at a pub near me:

There was a young man (about 22) who was a student, he even went to church. At this pub he was just talking to friends, a group of young men were shining a lazer pen into his eye, so he asked them to stop, he than sat back down and forgot about them, when him and two friends left, they were attacked outside, just outside on a highstreet, his two friends got away, but the group caught him and beat him to death, on the street outside this pub. They brutally smashed his head in with baseball bats, my dad said he saw the abulance and police, the boy's head was covered with a clothe, he was brutally beaten to death, with baseball bats, he had is head smashed in (litterally), and for what, asking someone to stop shining a laser in his face. Scary thing is, after 8 years in prison, for some reason, they are out now!!!

2006-11-18 10:16:09 · 24 answers · asked by you dont need to know 1

if the court sends you something in the mail saying they want you to testify against someone you are now married to do you still have to testify? Cuz y would you testify against someone that you are married to.

2006-11-18 10:11:57 · 5 answers · asked by beautifully.chaotic1987 2

2006-11-18 10:01:34 · 2 answers · asked by ReChelle K 1

My room mate, her three year old daughter and I have recieved an eviction notice today because of excessive nosie violations. The only one in the apartment making any noise is my roommates three year old daughter and this is just basic running around and playing noises. The floors are really thin to the point that even when I walk around the floor sqeaks and shakes the floor. The manager knew that my roommate had a baby with her, however when ever she runs around playing in doors or outside the manager comes and gives us another noise notice. The baby cant play inside or out side with out being complaned about and when I asked my roommate if this was right she showed me the lease which prohibited kids from playing outside or making load noises. I thought that was illegal for apartment managers to put in a lease and now with this eviction notice due to nosie I was wondering if there was anything I could do. Any one know anything about this kind of matter?

2006-11-18 09:59:05 · 7 answers · asked by lost 2

why does the death penalty still exsist in the US? I am open for all sides and all views.
I doent really understand the logic of killing someone. How is that going to teach them a lesson?

2006-11-18 09:53:58 · 22 answers · asked by bikbokkop 2

Coursework Question: Offer and Acceptance

Gaz a DJ, has advertised his CD collection in the local paper. The advert reads as follows:

“1,000 CDs for sale, £2,000 the lot. A wide variety of music, to suit all tastes and occasions. Change of business forces sale. Reply to me by the end of May.” A business telephone number and address was then given.

Ant saw the advert and posted a letter stating that he would take all of the CDs for the price stated. He also asked if she could collect the CDs in two weeks time. The letter was posted on Friday 26th May.

Louise telephoned on 29th May (Bank Holiday Monday), and left a voice mail on Gaz’s answer phone. This stated that she was accepting the offer of all of the CDs for the price given.

Donna sent a fax on Friday 26th May, which stated “I will take all of your CDs for £1,500.”

Advise the parties as to their legal positions. You will need to consider offer and acceptance (including the postal rule), but do not discuss consideration.

2006-11-18 09:10:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ex-girlfriend's ex-boyfriend is being charged for beating her back when i was dating her. Now since he's going to court, he's saying that I was cooperating with him. Him and his friends are claiming that I helped him in the process. I've never seen this guy, but now my ex's lawyers are looking into this. If I have never even met this guy or even talked to him, would I have anything to worry about.

2006-11-18 09:02:19 · 5 answers · asked by HY 1

I've always wondered this myself because some people I know choose to be designated drivers (even though they don't have licenses) on the basis that it's considered an "emergency" and driving is permitted.

It made somewhat sense to me to allow people with no licenses to drive in certain emergencies, but I don't know what the laws are. Anyone know?

2006-11-18 08:59:53 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

If the child says that he decided to have sexual relations with him or her is it legal?

2006-11-18 08:57:20 · 31 answers · asked by Riccardo 1

After repeated requests, my employer hasnt given me any pay-stubs for my record. Isnt that illegal?

2006-11-18 08:52:35 · 6 answers · asked by saudoo7 1

Is there a website that helps you write a letter (re: personal injury) to present a property management where I had fallen on the stairs and had to get stitches on my head and I believe I may have more ongoing issues with my r. arm (I'm right handed) that is still giving me excruiating pain, even as I type this. I've called about 12 personal injury attorneys but since nothing was ever given in to the prop. mgmt. "in writing" that the stairs were in in need of repair, they said I should just handle it myself. They were called and the stairs were reported but by phone only. Please..any help would be greatly appreciated

2006-11-18 08:49:28 · 4 answers · asked by scabhearted1 1

its a state!

2006-11-18 08:45:06 · 16 answers · asked by countrybrunette123 1

the grocery store i am working is going to be out of business as of the 26th of this month. they are transferring everyone to other stores but i got transferred to a store that is about 45 min. away. there is no way i can make it out there because i don't have reliable transportation. can i still file for unemployment?

2006-11-18 08:42:14 · 9 answers · asked by wintersrayne 2

I live in north london im 15, and some things you hear are bad, but this happened a few years ago at a pub near me:

There was a young man (about 22) who was a student, he even went to church. At this pub he was just talking to friends, a group of young men were shining a lazer pen into his eye, so he asked them to stop, he than sat back down and forgot about them, when him and two friends left, they were attacked outside, just outside on a highstreet, his two friends got away, but the group caught him and beat him to death, on the street outside this pub. They brutally smashed his head in with baseball bats, my dad said he saw the abulance and police, the boy's head was covered with a clothe, he was brutally beaten to death, with baseball bats, he had is head smashed in (litterally), and for what, asking someone to stop shining a laser in his face. Scary thing is, after 8 years in prison, for some reason, they are out now!!!

2006-11-18 08:39:08 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

briefly the difference between claim and issue preclusion in civil procedure?

2006-11-18 08:32:58 · 1 answers · asked by skichamonix515 3

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