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Law & Ethics - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Law & Ethics

Being a 15 year old son of a lawyer in a little town located in East Tennessee, my knowledge of law is better than those around me for the most part, however, is very limited. I want to know somethign that has been pressing my mind for a good little bit though. Siemese twins. If a murder is commited, what is the punishment? What is the legal standpoint? I am only asking for the legal standpoint, I already have my own oppinion on the fairness and morality behind it.

2006-09-21 02:20:49 · 15 answers · asked by davy 2

Democracy in real sense imply rule by majority. Suppose a majority of population is virtually illiterate and believe in a number of supersitions and evil social customs and a system full of sub-human evil practices. Would it not be compible with law to continue with the evil system supported by majority of the ill educated group as due regard to the preferences of the majority justify every damn thing.

Is it compatible with democracy to frame rules/laws in accordance with the justifications given by few right minded learned persons?

What is true democracy, an egalitarian system guided by few right spiritted persons or a discriminatory system guided by beastly instincts of the majority of the people?

2006-09-21 02:08:14 · 4 answers · asked by orsel 2

What are the problems caused by juries during any case and what would the advantages of having a trial by jury?

2006-09-21 01:51:05 · 6 answers · asked by emoangel5 1

2006-09-21 01:48:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

What are the problems caused by juries during any case and what would the advantages of having a trial by jury?

2006-09-21 01:29:49 · 2 answers · asked by emoangel5 1

By that I mean does it remain titled in both their names with right of survivorship in the state of Florida.

2006-09-21 01:28:34 · 8 answers · asked by lee irish 1

If VAT is only to be paid on luxury items then why do we as adults have to pay VAT on clothes. When you think about it, childrens clothes are VAT exempt, yet adult clothes are not. If children clothes are classed as necessity why not adult clothes. Afterall, if we dont wear clothes as adults we get arrested for indecency. Therefore we have to buy clothes, rendering them a non luxury or a necessary item that should be vat exempt. If the government issued each citizen with a standard issue of clothes or could buy them vat free then we could at least have choice of paying the vat or not. This means that the government is extrorting money by menace (if you dont put on clothes that are taxed then we will arest you). Should this be allowed? Why are we being held to ransom in this way. I know people will say buy second hand clothes etc but why should we? There is no choice

2006-09-21 01:27:03 · 11 answers · asked by hairyhaggis_uk 2

I'm talking about those copied from paralegal web sites.

2006-09-21 01:15:24 · 13 answers · asked by lee irish 1

I have a certain pet peeve concerning public toilets, in that it annoys me when people urinate all over a toilet seat and don't bother to clean it off, let alone flush. Such was the case a few weekends ago when I had to use the public toilet at a local department store. Some young punk had just left the stall and headed for the sink, so I went for that stall. He had just peed all over everything and left it like that.

I said, "Dude, you mind cleaning up your mess?"

"Up yours, douchebag!" Was his response.

So I dragged the little wretch into the stall and cleaned the toilet seat off with his head, using his hair as a mop. I then threw him out of the stall and he bolted out of the restroom, leaving me in peace to do my business. Needless to say, a police officer was waiting for me when I exited the restroom, and he wrote up a report. Looks like this will be going to court. Any speculation on how it may go?

2006-09-21 01:11:46 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a piece of land out of boundary of city. just away from 900 meters away from boundary. Can i mean, my land is located in AROUND the city.

2006-09-21 00:37:24 · 6 answers · asked by velmurugan m 1

Would you prefer to be tried by a jury or a judge? and Explain why. :)

2006-09-21 00:29:19 · 16 answers · asked by emoangel5 1

2006-09-21 00:07:20 · 43 answers · asked by HIPPI 2

hitler was the elected head of state.and the bible says we should obey our leaders and pay our taxes

2006-09-20 22:45:05 · 17 answers · asked by wallylancer 1

I was terminated in June from a contractual position with the state. There were reports given that I violated several rules of the job. At first it was just my husband who was fired but when I started asking questions, I also was terminated. I have asked by phone and certified letters to receive a copy of the alleged incident but my boss stated"she did not want to fuel the fire any more and the person asked to remain confidential. There was supposely a through police investigation done on the matter as well. No police ever came to me and asked me questions. The info that the person got about my job was very easy to find out. We live in a small community and everyone knows everything that happens here.So anyone can find anything out they want.

2006-09-20 22:27:02 · 4 answers · asked by emttaz 1

2006-09-20 21:41:49 · 4 answers · asked by stu82_howarth 1

Do you think conjugal visits in prisons should be allowed or not in all states? Why do you think they should be allowed or not allowed?

I think they should be allowed. People in prison's are in there for a reason that is true but I don't think they should punish their spouces for it. It's not hurting anyone to allow it, and it releases tension and it's not only a good thing for the inmates but their spouse as well.
Just so everyone knows, NO my man is not in prison. I saw a web site with lots of petitions for it, and I just wanted to see what other people think about it.

2006-09-20 20:38:31 · 8 answers · asked by larrys_babygurl_4life 4

I do not like the government in my personal life, but I do not want to have another 9-11 either, It is my understanding that by tapping into phone calls that come from known terrorist from outside the country to people within the country, has already prevented a few terrorist attacks. If it means keeping terrorists out and us more safe, then I could give up a few rights. How do you know when it is enouph though, I would not want this to become a police state either? Any thoughts, think about it

2006-09-20 20:30:41 · 18 answers · asked by Doug favors universal insurance! 3

For some reason The stupid, rude probably even lawless Mexican Government keeps wanting Dog back in Mexico. He has suffered a lot and put a rapist out of the streets and protected innocent people.

I believe he was set up by a person that wants to target Dog and wants Inmates to kill him. I also believe since Mexico seems to be a poor country and also drugs are being dealed through Mexico someone came to Mexico giving Money you know Brived I mean lobbyed the government to arrest Dog Chapman.

Then for some reason the rapist may have been paid to goto Mexico, or he knew from sources so then lobbyed the government.

I believe this could have been a setup because if he got murdered that person could goto Jail so they did it in a way where a Inmate murders him so the Hitman can his battle of hating Dog.

Ok that might be considered a conspiracy thoery but Dog could have been set-up.

Should the FBI, CIA, and Police investigate Dogs Arrest.

2006-09-20 20:11:59 · 13 answers · asked by BtAlex 1

the report was all over the news this morning( a woman was killed just like Mr. byrd was) she was dragged behind a vehicle until not much was there. It was on the news this morning.

2006-09-20 19:47:33 · 6 answers · asked by not coming back 3

Say I know someone is taking bribe in the company. And he is pretty high up in the ladder. Certain business decision was influenced later.
Any where I can report this as a crime ? Is it illegal at all ?

2006-09-20 19:21:52 · 7 answers · asked by Just_curious 4

I mean there is a black history month, we should make a white history too. How about a women's, gay, mexican history month too. Blacks are nothing more special then we are, so why do they get the special treatment???

2006-09-20 19:07:16 · 26 answers · asked by james w 3

If not then why not? Why is it we have no option but to tolerate peoples other religions & places of worship in this country and have our noses rubbed into their religions by having no option at school but to learn about them irrespectively without choice or option instead of more worthy subjects and the 3 R's. Come to think about it... do we need religion at school - of any kind?

2006-09-20 18:20:42 · 26 answers · asked by Flipit 1

after 32 hours would be overtime.

2006-09-20 18:13:38 · 12 answers · asked by james w 3

To see things in today's world and see dharma to deliver judgements

2006-09-20 17:57:16 · 11 answers · asked by Loganathan R 2

to spend time with family and friends. Family should come first before work. Everyone would have the same day off Expect for certain jobs like police, medical, and fire. We can't get away with that. This is not a religious question, Remember I said any day, could be sunday, monday, tuesday etc. I just think it would be good if people could take a break and one day a week everything would close down. People would argue with me saying that it would hurt the economy, but does it really, and if it does which is more important family or work?? You only live one life.

2006-09-20 17:53:32 · 10 answers · asked by james w 3

i served 4 years in CYA of camirllo for accessory to first degree murder when i was 13. i was accused of slitting a rival gang members throat and was found an accessory, since i stomped the guys head before his throat was cut. but i had no idea that my homie was going to do what he did, and he was a lot older than me. i was frozen with terror when the man choked to death on his blood, the whole time begging for his mother. i should have only served three years but my first month incarcerated i stabbed my cellie in the face four times. i got off on good behavior and am still on parole. i dropped out of gangbanging but now am hunted by my old crew. i was accused of starting a race riot against the black mob in ventura, and am now facing 10 years. i am only 17 and do not want to spend more time. i want to flee but am completly lost at what to do. please give feedback..

2006-09-20 17:42:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

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