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Immigration - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Immigration

the person has a green card for a 4 years straigth,

2006-10-13 12:21:27 · 6 answers · asked by ALENA 1

2006-10-13 12:16:08 · 12 answers · asked by Fun and Games 4

What do you think?

2006-10-13 12:10:09 · 27 answers · asked by Sarah . 1

Or as they call it ----- THE WALL OF DEATH!!!!

I wish they'd block more of the border, but not the part where people legally enter.

What do you think?


2006-10-13 11:59:21 · 11 answers · asked by DAR 7

than Hispanic countries?

2006-10-13 11:57:42 · 18 answers · asked by «»RUBY«» 4

the many sacrifices committed by the Aztecs(even though not all Mexicans were Aztecs)? If the answer is no, why should we hold Americans personally responsible, even if their family was not here at the time, for the deeds of Americans who came here hundreds of years before? When is it time to stop living in the past? Why is it only Americans should account for the misdeeds of their ancestors?

2006-10-13 11:45:45 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Don't say landlords are enforcing immigration laws they are only reporting it.

2006-10-13 11:18:21 · 30 answers · asked by Homer 1

that Mexico is a third world country?

2006-10-13 10:51:03 · 33 answers · asked by el_oso_candeloso 4

"While the AFL-CIO leadership remains committed to a massive illegal alien amnesty program, rank and file workers and constituent locals are becoming increasingly vocal in asserting that such a policy would do irreparable harm to American workers. The latest crack in the AFL-CIO's support for an illegal alien amnesty is the Pittsburgh Plumbers Local No. 27, which approved a resolution demanding that their union dues not be used for activities that support illegal aliens.

The resolution, passed on October 10, follows a similar position taken last month by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, a national union representing some 750,000 building trades workers. Earlier this summer, Teamster president James Hoffa expressed opposition to legalization for millions of illegal immigrants and called for an overhaul of U.S. immigration policies that he believes are detrimental to the interests of American workers."

2006-10-13 10:41:45 · 7 answers · asked by DAR 7

Laws governing immigration
Applicant requirements
Visas and Work Permits

2006-10-13 10:27:07 · 4 answers · asked by DickTracy 1

Why are you all so ignorant as to believe that illegals are being supported by your 'tax' money? You all keep saying that your tax money pays for the illegals and their education and their hospital bills. If you are not a resident, you cannot get Financial Aid if you wish to continue your education. You must pay cash. HOW ARE YOU PAYING FOR THEIR EDUCATION? Hospitals... wow lets not even get started with that one! HOW many WHITE American families are out there that do not have insurance? Im Mexican, should I be upset because my money is helping a poor white female have her baby? YOU need to start getting upset because your money is going to all the murderers and rapists and thiefs being housed in prisons. It's going to all the teachers that molest children. Illegals pay taxes but do not file their returns. The government takes all that money. Must be so hard on all of you knowing that a Mexican can cut grass, have 3 kids and still be happy and comfortable with their lives.

2006-10-13 10:18:24 · 12 answers · asked by loverstornlovers 1

everyone working in a restaurant is illegal? Every field or construction worker? Lately it seems alot of people just assume that because you are either a non-white or has a foreign accent that the person is illegal. So many questions, like "If you go to a restaurant you will ALWAYS be served by an illegal."
Illegals are though to represent 2-3% of the entire U.S population, do you actually think they could fill every single laborer type position in this country. Honestly. Just because someone is hispanic or Asian and might have an accent does not mean they are illegal!!

2006-10-13 10:11:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

because they have no customers, many jobs go unfulfilled because they have no workers, and the economy goes to pot because we just lost 11 million+ of our workers?

2006-10-13 10:04:22 · 28 answers · asked by jensantosleon 3

On most construction jobs they are paid very well. They don't really pay taxes because employers encourage them to put down at least eight exemptions.

So, how much money is really taken out of their checks? They falsify every document they can, with help from companies who do taxes, sell real estate, do mortgages, and sell them cars.These are the people who clean your offices late at night and have access to every document that has someone's social security number on it. Your insurance companies, mortgage companies, banks, and schools records are all very vulnerable. The Mexicans teach their children values, but what are they? We have a whole generation of children believing that lying is a way of life. Women come here just to have their kids and go back home with the birth certificate that says her child was born in the U.S. All of those kids will grow up and make demands of the U.S. This is like a virus with no cure.

2006-10-13 10:03:24 · 5 answers · asked by Zoe 4

There are between 12 million and 20 million illegal aliens in the United States. They are neither law-abiding nor citizens - indeed, their very first act in coming here was to violate the laws of our land.

Would many companies go under if these illegal aliens were deported? Hardly. Eighteen million unemployed U.S. citizens could and would do the jobs illegal aliens are doing, if paid a living wage. Teenagers and college students would again be able to find entry-level manual labor jobs.

Were Americans to be hired instead of illegals, companies would simply increase the price of goods by a small percentage to make up the difference in their cost of doing business. Contrary to what open-borders advocates would have you believe, corporate interests and business owners benefit from employing illegals, not our economy and certainly not the average citizen. The money companies save in payroll taxes, workers compensation, unemployment compensation and health care costs goes to their bottom line; the profits they realize line their pockets, not the consumers.

Some may say illegals pay their share of taxes. The IRS reported that illegal aliens in the U.S. paid $300 million in taxes last year. California alone is looking to the federal government (the taxpayers) to reimburse it $2.5 billion for the costs of illegal aliens. Hospitals and clinics are going bankrupt and closing all along the Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California borders.

The bottom line is that illegal aliens are breaking our laws, depressing wages, are a drain on our economy and are destroying our infrastructure. One need only look at California to see the future in store for the rest of our country

2006-10-13 09:50:18 · 12 answers · asked by Zoe 4

The happy and beautiful children face when they are handed a new pair of shoes.
The satisfaction of eating a full meal.
The satisfaction of not going to bed hungry.
The shine in their eyes when Mom buys them a pair of soccer shoes.
Their desire for a new day so they can go to school wearing new shoes and good clothe.
The comfort of their sleep without being cold and hungry.
The happiness of the whole family when they receive a letter from the absent father.

To ALL immigrants, do not give up. The family left behind is worth every minute of hard work and harassment in USA. Make us proud!!!

2006-10-13 09:30:49 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

"CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. - A federal judge granted class action status to a lawsuit that contends Tyson Foods Inc., the world's largest meat producer, depressed wages by hiring illegal immigrants at eight plants in Alabama, Indiana, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia."

Since the amount each worker lost was low, if only the 4 original sueing employees could be represented, the case wouldn't be worth the attorney's fees to take it to trial.

Now it is.

It is a procedural ruling and doesn't decide if Tyson was guilty of racketeering, but it means there will be funds to get to the merit of the case.

The alegations are that they knowingly used agencies to 'buffer' them from hiring illegals directly.

What do you think of this? Do you think there should be more cases like this?


2006-10-13 09:06:22 · 13 answers · asked by DAR 7

Mexico has a radical idea for a rational immigration policy that most Americans would love. However, Mexican officials haven’t been sharing that idea with us

Mexico, which annually deports more illegal aliens than the United States does, has much to teach us about how it handles the immigration issue. Under Mexican law, it is a FELONY to be an illegal alien in Mexico

The Mexican constitution strictly defines the rights of citizens – and the denial of many fundamental rights to non-citizens, illegal and illegal. Under the constitution, the Ley General de Población, or General Law on Population, spells out specifically the country’s immigration policy.

If the United States adopted such statutes, Mexico no doubt would denounce it as a manifestation of American racism and bigotry.

2006-10-13 08:59:13 · 7 answers · asked by Dan Tanna 1

cant help but send me abusive answers. Im think its hilarious. Im making a valid point about 70% of people in here. the 30% are winning by a mile.
What a mockery!

2006-10-13 08:54:38 · 22 answers · asked by spidermike 2

im surprised people dont see the humour in this arena anymore.
COME ON we can have a joke in here as well sometimes.
Lets all calm down and have a little fun sometimes.
I appreciate this is for the serious as well as the comical but we all need to appreciate this fact.
We all need to lighten up. After all it is friday.
Do we all agree?

2006-10-13 08:38:32 · 24 answers · asked by spidermike 2

and are racist towards them why do they think this and isn't true that in general illegal hispanics ar waaay more racist than white americans,,,,becuase of thier culture and inbred ignorance,,,eho agrees that illegal hispanics are more racist on the whole by a landslide

2006-10-13 08:35:46 · 22 answers · asked by betty 1

Im english because my mother and father are both english.
So if a dog is born in a stable does this mean it's a horse?

2006-10-13 08:28:55 · 61 answers · asked by spidermike 2

I am not trying to be rude okay but I asked other hispanics and I am just wondering if Illegals that are hispanics want to be Americans so bad then why do they carry around the Mexican flag (for example) and say VIVA MEXICO i mean if you love mexico so much then why come here. I understand the money issue but I see the rallies on TV and it just confuses me why not carry an American flag saying long live USA because that is the country they want to be apart of. Just a question okay as I have said before my boyfriend is hispanic but he said he doesnt know because he has always been here and cares to know nothing else but America.

2006-10-13 08:15:11 · 30 answers · asked by ask me again 3

and is it going to work?

2006-10-13 08:01:46 · 19 answers · asked by bunt 3

Every US citizen enjoys our civil liberties and the protection we were given via the Constitution on our home turf. Every person whether legal or illegal in the US has the same rights as you and. Is this fair? I think it is.

2006-10-13 08:01:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

illegal alien gets released from the hospital but still needs more treament does that mean the illegal alien can't go to the doctors office and scedule an apointment if the illegal alien can't pay and does not insurance?

2006-10-13 07:48:59 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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