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Politics & Government - 2 September 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Will the cops be sitting in toilet stalls trying to catch people who play footsie in restrooms?

2007-09-02 17:38:15 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

1. Paris Hilton killed a pregnant mother driving drunk
2. Terrorist attack in Little Rock, Arkansas
3. Ted Kennedy caught by the police having gay sex in a secluded public park bathroom at night

2007-09-02 17:34:29 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I used to live in Chicago but have moved to Las Vegas. While in Chicago I worked as an assistant manager at a hardware store. In May as I was leaving the store one day I got into a verbal scuffle with another assistant manager. As he was storming back into the store he said to me "why don't you go F_ _ _ yourself". I was off duty he was still on duty. I was just going to let it go but some people have told me that I should sue them. The only thing they did to him was yelled at him he wasn't even suspended or anything. Has my statute of limitations run out or do I still have time? Also does it matter that I have moved? This has really been hard on me. I have looked for work out here and the thought of getting back into retail has given me panic attacks and I cry about it almost every day. What should I do?

2007-09-02 17:31:43 · 5 answers · asked by r2sue2 3 in Law & Ethics

personally im for bush's decision to invade Iraq, but it did not go as smoothly as planned and as for getting out, I guess will have to wait on the upcoming democratic president, right? but do you think that the upcoming democrat pres. will stay out of the middle east for good?

2007-09-02 17:31:40 · 17 answers · asked by *** 2 in Military

And the highest? Best answer to the most informative.

2007-09-02 17:31:18 · 5 answers · asked by Sir Nigel 6 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-09-02 17:24:06 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Someone told me that recrutiors sometimes will run with someone like myself who wants to start running but I DONT want to join.....

2007-09-02 17:19:29 · 8 answers · asked by Tbrat 5 in Military

Mexico's Calderon protests U.S. crackdown on immigrants

Why in the world does he think that this should have any baring on what we think or do? Is it like he thinks that we would change our minds about anything - just because he says something?

I think this goes to - what have you done for me lately? Kind of like the US is in a co-dependent relationship or something....

2007-09-02 17:09:08 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

This is for people of Mexican descent. I thought Latino was the most PC, but then there's those shirts that reads something like "Not Latino, not Hispanic, I'm Mexican".
So the the most PC term actually Mexican, and not Latino?

2007-09-02 17:02:22 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Especially right wingers seem to have to blame somebody for all our problems. Blacks, Arabs, lawyers, gays, teachers, atheists, hippies, communists, socialists, women, intellectuals, unions, the French, politicians, the media, environmentalists, feminists, the poor. And especially lately it all seems to be the illegal immigrants. Who's next?

2007-09-02 17:00:01 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Can someone tell me what law/laws he broke? I keep hearing he "solicited sex" in the bathroom. So did he try to pay for sex? I didn't hear that in the taped confession. Yes, I think the situation is sleezy, but I'm not sure I understand what law he broke if he did not try to pay for sex or actually get caught getting-it-on in public? I've been out at clubs and bars and have seen ppl "solicit" consential sex from strangers often. How is Craig's situation different, except tacky??
Also is a foot-bump and a hand grazing really a solicitation?

2007-09-02 16:59:57 · 13 answers · asked by Miss Chievous 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Time is not relative, either. It can be anything from the current war in Afghanistan and Iraq to old hunter-gatherer wars over territories.

Think of it as a domino effect or a cause and effect relationship. While I realize all wars have some political, financial and civil impact, which war, in your opinion, set the most precedent?

2007-09-02 16:59:16 · 17 answers · asked by Glen B 6 in Politics

Can someone tell me what law/laws he broke? I keep hearing he "solicited sex" in the bathroom. So did he try to pay for sex? I didn't hear that in the taped confession. Yes, I think the situation is sleezy, but I'm not sure I understand what law he broke if he did not try to pay for sex or actually get caught getting-it-on in public? I've been out at clubs and bars and have seen ppl "solicit" consential sex from strangers often. How is Craig's situation different, except tacky??
Also is a foot-bump and a hand grazing really a solicitation?

2007-09-02 16:57:14 · 6 answers · asked by Miss Chievous 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

What do you think about him or her? I mean illegal entry is wrong but he did the right thing when he was able to. So he deserves some respect for that no?
Yes many people have done this..

2007-09-02 16:56:49 · 12 answers · asked by ♥ ~Sigy the Arctic Kitty~♥ 7 in Immigration

2007-09-02 16:55:43 · 4 answers · asked by Ice 6 in Military

I unearthed the box in my yard while doing some landscape work. I feel that since it was on my property...and since it was probably there for a long time...I have a right to keep it.

2007-09-02 16:54:31 · 33 answers · asked by pete6356 1 in Law & Ethics

Can someone tell me what law/laws he broke? I keep hearing he "solicited sex" in the bathroom. So did he try to pay for sex? I didn't hear that in the taped confession. Yes, I think the situation is sleezy, but I'm not sure I understand what law he broke if he did not try to pay for sex or actually get caught getting-it-on in public? I've been out at clubs and bars and have seen ppl "solicit" consential sex from strangers often. How is Craig's situation different, except tacky??
Also is a foot-bump and a hand grazing really a solicitation?

2007-09-02 16:54:30 · 14 answers · asked by Miss Chievous 3 in Law & Ethics

We need to do statistics on a method of showcasing on Benjamin Franklin's contributions and we need to collect data. Please help us by taking this survey and it's dreadfully urgent. Thank you!!!

Website at: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=CK_2fz6meEXmqRxsJZGEXi_2bg_3d_3d

2007-09-02 16:52:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Which state's laws is most severe when handing down a punishment for drinking and driving California or Texas?

2007-09-02 16:50:18 · 2 answers · asked by mommy soprano 1 in Law & Ethics

With some of the people having important decisions in our world on all our behalves such as G.W bush, Saddam Husseign, Tony Blair, Valamir Puttin, Jaques Shirack, John Howard, Rulpurt Murdoch and the like why are we not consulting wiser people who could make much more positive dessions and why are we allowing our all our paths to be steered in dirrections we are not happy with by such people!

2007-09-02 16:44:28 · 14 answers · asked by Jabba_da_hut_07 4 in Politics

My Marine recruiter told me that the fiscal year 2006 ended in June 2007 and now they have slots for pilots. He said if i join the Marine, I will sign a closed contract and my MOS will be fighter pilot. Does this mean I will be a fighter pilot as long as I sign the closed contract and be qualified?

Also my Air Force recruiter said that if i am enlisted in the DEP, I can go to any Embry-Riddle campus(which is the biggest flight school in US) with all tuition covered by the Air Force. I dont know if this is true and i think there will be a slot limitation.

My goal is to become a pilot, in either AF or USMC.
I am new to the military and i really need help with this.


THX in advance

2007-09-02 16:42:59 · 19 answers · asked by Ivan K. 3 in Military

I just about died when Tony Snow said that. I know his said he had some medical bills, but I'll take his cards he been dealt any day. Try living off less than $20,000 a year excluding medical bills.

2007-09-02 16:40:28 · 11 answers · asked by Penny 1 in Other - Politics & Government

just wondering if by not admitting bush is the worst president (self proclaimed) ever- worst criminal to the country- worst in anything patriotic. Simply the worst person ever in American history.

Does it pain your conscience to denie these facts?

Does the truth hurt you so much inside that you would rather turn the other way and denie this reality?

Does it make you ache inside your soul to know Bush has decieved America and your supported him?

Does it hurt beyond belief to know he deceived all of us?

it does to me. It hurts beyond belief. I grieve for the loss of my brother in Iraq. I cry in bed at night wishing I had my brother here and alive. I cry for other families that have lost their loved ones.

The pain Bush has brought upon our country is immense. No more loved ones should die in vain. Please support the troops alive. Don't let any more die in vain.

Please help America and end this lie bush has brought onto America. Please. I beg you with all of my heart. Please.

2007-09-02 16:40:04 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government


What kind of job in navy u can stay on the ship and travel?

2007-09-02 16:35:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I've always been interested in being a lawyer, yet somehow, I don't really think I can achieve that anymore....So what does it take?

2007-09-02 16:34:20 · 11 answers · asked by Matilda Midiltom 3 in Law & Ethics

I went to my friend's house at the end of an "Adult" Party and purchased some products(in a back room for privacy)After the transaction was complete, I rejoined my friend's, who were cleaning up. The sales rep. came up and said she had given me the wrong scent of a spray, and reached into my bag and switched the one in it with another,then she left(rather fast). When I got home I saw that the can she'd switched was half empty. The next morning, I stopped payment on the check reasoning that if the Rep. was dishonest enough to switch the spray so brazenly in front of witnesses, that she was probably brazen enough to lie and say that I used the product and I felt she would refuse to replace it. Would I be liable for the returned check fee? Also, if the transaction was complete(or all sales final as she's so fond of saying) and she took the spray from my bag, would that by definition be stealing? What recourse do I have legally?

2007-09-02 16:33:12 · 6 answers · asked by one_hot_chicken 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-09-02 16:31:38 · 21 answers · asked by Jovesash 4 in Elections

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