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Politics & Government - 2 September 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

What's in a name? Americans are led to be so controlled and confined that no communist nation can claim as much. How does one get so much control? Simple. Just keep your public so dumbed down that the only thing they know or believe is what you tell them.

2007-09-02 02:37:05 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Wikipedia is not all biased and is quite often very accurate but because it does not support their evil agenda they condemn it!

2007-09-02 02:33:38 · 6 answers · asked by 2012 4 in Politics

2007-09-02 02:31:04 · 13 answers · asked by tanya 1 in Politics

Wasn't this an infringement on our rights? shouldn't he be impeached for what he did? or its o.k. in the conservatives view point that we should live under a dictatorship until we win the war on terror. What an example of freedom huh ?

2007-09-02 02:27:41 · 18 answers · asked by 2012 4 in Politics

How long before Hillary starts screaming this again?? I bet it will be soon after the disclosures of her "Funny Campaign Money" issues.....

2007-09-02 02:23:41 · 12 answers · asked by Is it Friday yet?? 4 in Politics

how many more "mysterious" deaths will there be?

2007-09-02 02:21:52 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

I signed a contract stating My lawyer would represent me on case number XXXXX for XXXX amount of money.I didn't accept the plea he so strongly urged me to take, now im going to trial and i know he isn't prepared. Iwould like to fire him and hire a lawyer who will fight for me, but i need the money i already paid to him for representation. HOW DO I GET THAT $ BACK IN A TIMELY MANNER SO I CAN HIRE ANOTHER LAWYER W/OUT DELAYING MY CASE TO MUCH LONGER???

2007-09-02 02:17:19 · 13 answers · asked by ern.ev2u 1 in Law & Ethics

Time after time election after election people continue to vote for Republicans and democrats.It aparent to me they DO NOT care about us our families or our countries intrest ,Only their own.The constant fighting and personal and political jabs distract others and inflame situations taking away from bussiness at hand.So Why continue to vote for them?

2007-09-02 02:12:13 · 10 answers · asked by pcjunky 2 in Elections

My wife and sons were previously called **** pakis and I was called as **** foreigner by certain English people even though me and my son are born in England. I was still angry because they couldnt live here and had to leave the country. I couldnt protect them without fear of arrest. When I was drunk I was walking around shouting the words that these people called me and my family because I was angry. I got arrested and charged with using threatening abusive or insulting words within the hearing or sight of people likely to be caused harrasment, alarm or distress. I admit I used these words but they were not directed at anybody with a racist intent!

2007-09-02 02:11:09 · 13 answers · asked by other boy 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

Presidential candidate Ron Paul believes that an attack on Iran is highly likely within a year and that the Bush administration is simply waiting for the right opportunity, or event on which to blame Iran, before launching the assault.

"If I were a betting man I would bet that they will attack Iran before the end of this administration, which means in the next year or so," the Congressman told the Alex Jones Show today.

What do you think?

2007-09-02 02:10:38 · 10 answers · asked by tyler durden 5 in Elections

They get so many children because those are supposed to impose islam to non muslims around the world. They come from oil rich countries that support them with money. How can we stop them before it's too late?

2007-09-02 02:05:45 · 3 answers · asked by Claudio F 1 in Other - Politics & Government

I can even (if I try hard) understand how she might feel sort of a little something for Bush (sorry for him or something) but Cheney? He is the most despicable man on the planet. What has he done to deserve someone's admiration?

2007-09-02 01:58:20 · 12 answers · asked by Cindy P 4 in Politics

I don't know how this pertains to law enforcement but i don't really know what category it does belong to.

At times i get confused and wonder which one i am doing. When should i keep it real as opposed to representing?

can someone keep it real or represent too much?

How do i know if i have transistioned from keeping it real to representing during a conversation and vice versa?

please help...

2007-09-02 01:56:41 · 6 answers · asked by TG79 5 in Law Enforcement & Police

I've been receivng 4 per week from liberal yahoo and friends. And none of my comments were so "outrageously offensive " to any liberal.

What does this show you? It shows you that liberals are only for free speech when it's in accordance with their rhetoric.

God Bless America

2007-09-02 01:56:26 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Do grandparents have any visitation rights in the state of Florida?

2007-09-02 01:55:10 · 3 answers · asked by mom is a freak 3 in Law & Ethics

46 minutes ago
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Sunday Iran had met a planned target of installing and running 3,000 atomic centrifuges used in enriching uranium, Iranian news agencies reported.
Iran had said it aimed to have that many centrifuges, which are set up in interlinked networks or "cascades" of 164 machines each, by the end of July. Diplomats in Vienna have said Iran appeared to have fewer than the target of 3,000 operating.
The diplomats have also said Iran's nuclear work appeared to have slowed down during the summer, possibly due to technical glitches or for fear of spurring world powers to pass a third U.N. sanctions resolution. Iran has denied any slowdown.
"We have more than 3,000 centrifuges working and every week a new set is installed," the president was quoted as saying.

2007-09-02 01:54:15 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Cats in International Falls, Minnesota, are not allowed to chase dogs up telephone poles.

If your dog gets your neighbor's dog pregnant in Danbury, Connecticut, you are responsible and must pay for the abortion if the neighbor chooses to have it done.

No dog may be tied to a shade tree in Birmingham, Alabama.

An ordinance in Belvedere, California, states "No dog shall be in a public place without its master on a leash."

Another misworded ordinance is this one from Arvada, Colorado: "If a stray pet is not claimed within 24 hours, the owner will be destroyed."

Fights between cats and dogs are prohibited by statute in Barber, North Carolina.

In Sterling, Colorado, it is unlawful to allow a pet cat to run loose without a taillight.

In Ventura County, California, cats and dogs are not allowed to have sex without a permit.

Cats living in Cresskill, New Jersey, must wear three bells to warn birds of their whereabouts.

A Fountain Inn, South Carolina, law once required horses to wear pants at all times. But carriage horses in Charleston, South Carolina, were required to wear diapers.

In Calgary, Canada, a by-law requires businesses within the city to provide rails for tying up horses.

In Winona, MS, it is illegal to drive a car on Main Street because it frightens horses.

In Wilbur, Washington, it is against the law for a person to "ride an ugly horse" - the fine is $300!

If you live in California, you cannot keep your chickens, turkeys, goats, cows, and other farm animals in an apartment.

In Cumberland, Maryland, you cannot keep your chickens with you in your hotel room.

In Minnesota, it's illegal to tease skunks.

In Atlanta, it's against the law to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or a street lamp.

Riding a camel on a highway in Nevada is against the law. Over in Galveston, Texas, it is against the law for camels to wander the streets unattended.

In Arizona, it is illegal to shoot or hunt camels.

It's illegal to take a deer swimming in water above its knees in North Carolina

2007-09-02 01:49:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

i sold an antique radio on ebay for £330 and i sent it with the dhl delivery service, when the bloke recieved it it was all broken n demands his money back but i dont want to give him his money back lol i aint done nothing wrong he thinks i broke it and sent it to him which is complete rubbish now he says his going to the police and i want to no what will happen? what will the police do and what can they do? xx

2007-09-02 01:47:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

If the Government paid families a lodging allowance they could take in convicted criminals as an alternative to prison. This would allow the criminal a chance to rehabilitate and I feel sure that they would respond to this gestureof kindness.
It would also give us a chance to apologise to them in a small way for having created the society which turned them to crime in the first place.
I would be one of the first to offer the hand of friendship and my eighteen year old daughter says she would gladly share her room with a criminal

2007-09-02 01:41:29 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

That's right , BORN IN THE USA = NATIVE AMERICAN, is this truth to hard for public schools to understand or what?

2007-09-02 01:40:32 · 8 answers · asked by muslim_pork_king 2 in Other - Politics & Government

If the overwhelming majority of terrorist are muslim; and muslims' hate swine; Why don't we (The Allies) dip our rounds (ammo) in pigs blood? I can not think of anything that Soooo frightens them as the thought of them being killed by a bullet laden with the blood of a filthy pig! Just think about it..... No greetings from Allah......No 72 virgins......et al. Al jezeera would be reporting that recruitment was at a all time low.
I say it is time to strike back.......what say you ? Please....no terrorist !! We know what your answer to this would be.

2007-09-02 01:35:26 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

A President, who lied to the American people. "I did not have sex with that woman!", and cost the tax payer millions of dollars, ultimately keeps his office, and now his illustrious wife claims to have more experience in dealing with world leaders when she also claims she didn't know about what was happening in her own house. The Republicans should have suppported Craig as the Democrats did for Clinton. I am very disappointed with the Republicans, they don't have any backbone.

The ONLY fresh face, with fresh ideas, and a handle on what is wrong with Washington is Barac Obama. If the Democrates have even a shred of decency they should support this man. We don't need a second act for the despictable Bill and Hillary joke. The garbage they have is enough to overload a land fill.

2007-09-02 01:34:37 · 10 answers · asked by rett y 1 in Elections

I am a 24 year old pre-med student. I am a single mom still breastfeeding my 10 month old. I need extremely high grades to get into the med school I want. I currently live in North Dakota, and they will not dismiss you for any of this. I am writing a letter this week. I cannot miss school. Also in my town, you call the court the night before to get the time to report---this can constantly change for an entire month. I cannot arrange daycare at the last minute. I realize it is my duty,and would be happy to serve later or even this summer.

2007-09-02 01:22:27 · 11 answers · asked by sam 1 in Law & Ethics

Allowing 100 Mexican trucking companies to haul freight anywhere in the United States starting Thursday! This is going to destroy the American trucking industry. Not to mention the flood of illegal drugs that will be shipped to America, which will devestate millions of lives. All to save a buck.


2007-09-02 01:18:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

It seem's like the middle class is gone. It appers the middle class is moving to "lower middle" and the rich have moved to "Really rich" what's going? and why is this gap growing so fast?

2007-09-02 01:17:56 · 10 answers · asked by bIGdADDY 1 in Politics

Personally, i dont think the UK needs to unite with a foreign nation to stay competative at all. Infact we are doing just fine by ourselves.
But to be honest, if we HAD to join someone id rather join the Americans. Atleast we share a similar strength economy, language and culture.
Britain and Europe have little in common.

2007-09-02 01:11:59 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in International Organizations

fedest.com, questions and answers