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Politics & Government - 2 September 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

To all the ppl who think it was a conspiracy, this question is for you:

I dont exactly know how to phrase it, but, What are you trying to say when you say it was a conspiracy? I mean, who do you blame for it? I just dont undersatnd how it COULD be a conspiracy. I watched all these videos on YouTube. Some were actually pretty convincing like when they showed the pentagon (i think it was that building) blow up, but there was no plane.
Well, anyway Can someone please answer and explain?

2007-09-02 18:50:28 · 11 answers · asked by Love, Me 3 in Politics

George Bush Sr.,George Jr.,Bill and Hillary Clinton.
The damage they did,they are doing and plan on doing will be the end of the USA.
Like an old bathrooms plumbing that is in total disray,it's time to rip it all out and start anew.

2007-09-02 18:49:22 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I got 2 traffic tickets in canada last month, those cops knew it was a holiday so they stalked out everywhere. The thing is I live in MIchigan and it was my first time in Canada. I wasn't paying attention to the signs, plus I'm near sided. They dont go by miles there. E ways after I got one ticket the cop told me that they had an agreement with Michigan. What does that mean? After that I got another speeding ticket and I wasnt even speeding this time, I swear. The tickets are at diff courts, I intend to fight them, but I dont want to drive there twice. How can I work this out??

2007-09-02 18:46:59 · 3 answers · asked by konnie l 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I dont think it would be possible to go into the detail I want in an answer, so if you have a link to a site or sites where they go into extreme detail on the question, that would satisfy my request.

2007-09-02 18:44:32 · 9 answers · asked by karl 1 in Military

I am going to turn 17 in about 2 months and this guy i like is 20 and is going to be 21 in jan.We really want to date but has decided to wait until I am at least 17.I was just wondering what is the age of consent in New York?And once I reach that age of consent will i be ok if we date?Will he get in trouble?Not that I am thinking abouit sex or anything but could we have sex once i reach that age of consent?Will he get into trouble if we have sex?Thank you in advance

2007-09-02 18:43:04 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Ok, someone want to explain to me why what ONE bible of ONE religion can say homosexuality is a sin and that has any bearing on the judicial system. separation between church and state as become a huge ******* joke and as a non christian myself i'm feel sour towards this country...that was a whole lot of question...more me ranting

2007-09-02 18:40:38 · 20 answers · asked by Claire M 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-09-02 18:38:43 · 15 answers · asked by OC 7 in Law & Ethics

John Edwards just said that his "universal health care coverage" would REQUIRE that people go for annual health checkups. Liberal facism has shown its face! I guess he either decided to tell the truth about the left wing's agenda, or else he has gotten tired of being marginally respected.

2007-09-02 18:38:09 · 12 answers · asked by A Plague on your houses 5 in Politics

I would like to get a check list or a series of questions over the web of things to consider before selecting a presidential candidate.

2007-09-02 18:35:31 · 12 answers · asked by Simon 1 in Elections

2007-09-02 18:35:11 · 12 answers · asked by vanessa 2 in Military

in your opinion

2007-09-02 18:33:21 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-09-02 18:32:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

in your opinion

2007-09-02 18:31:00 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

When this technology becomes a standard for information distribution (like cellphones of today for mobile communications) one of the main risks is noise (non-information like advertisements and other exploitives). The main reason the internet is so saturated with noise is because it is dynamic, but so is information. So, how can the restrictions (to prevent noise from developing), without hampering information growth and distribution, be implimented?

2007-09-02 18:25:03 · 1 answers · asked by Invisible_Flags 6 in Other - Politics & Government

& go to house to further investigate call. While talking to tenant, they ask if they can search backporch deck, yard, shed, etc. for items "commonly blah, blah, blah".
After 8 officers searched the a bag of trash, shed, etc. for apprx. 45 minutes, & found nothing even close to what they were there for, asked if they could search INSIDE the home. Never once had they said the caller mentioned activity INSIDE, just outside.
They were denied so they used "strong chemical/odor coming from s. side of home" for probable cause to obtain warrant.
They did obtain warrant & found nothing @ all to do w/ their probable cause for warrant.
Would that be illegal search & seizure etc.?
Officers never informed tenant of "such a smell" or was it stated in warrant.
Renter was informed of this "smell" only through the local newspapers article 2 days after search.

2007-09-02 18:19:34 · 15 answers · asked by avatar 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

What if the Victim or the girl in this case was the first one to start hitting the Abuser. And then the Abuser was the one that threw one punch unfortunately he left her a black eye. No arrests were made. But the cop said that the girl should have gone to jail because she threw the first punch. But instead he made her the victim. She requested no charges be made since it was an accident. She also told the officer she threw the first punch. There was an altercation that got the Abuser riled up. It involed 4 guys trying to fight him. She was not the person that called the cops. And the person that did call called the police department. Anyways she doesnt want charges filed. And again she was the one hitting him. Does this sound like a case the DA will pursue. Im not asking for me im asking for my bro. She was at work when it happend. And her co workers were trying to fight him. four against one she was holding him back and well he accused her of not having his back and she hit him a lot,

2007-09-02 18:11:25 · 8 answers · asked by JaMeS 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

my mom is a very depressed woman. For the passed year or so ive been the thinking about joining the Marines. Recently, ive been pretty set-in-stone about it. I believe its my niche. When I told my mom about this she seemed.very sad and told me not to make her any more sad then she is. If there are any marines or former marines out there with experience, how did you go about it? I just turned 17 and am a junior in high school so I still have some time. I want to join so that I can make something of myself, so that I can accomplish something very few can do. I can look back on my life and say that I did something with pride. Also, my family has a distinguished military history. both of my grandfathers faught in wwII, one was awarded a distinguished flying cross(right below the medal of honor). I also have two cousins, one who is now in the reserve and another who went to Iraq and is now a recruiter, I want to keep the tradition going

2007-09-02 18:07:15 · 14 answers · asked by *** 2 in Military

How long is Naval A, B, and C school generally? My boyfriend is in Fire Control (non-sub), and his C school will be close to my home. Are they a few months each? Is there anywhere I can find out online? His recruiters are kind of turds...

Thanks. =)

2007-09-02 18:06:33 · 5 answers · asked by F-22's are sexy! 2 in Military

then why dont they just leave?? i mean i see tons of questions saying "ooo 9/11 was an inside job" "our govt. is corrupted" "americans are murderers" "bush is stupid" "dont support our military" "let the illegal mexicans in" [ha just had to add that one] blah blah blah. and these are american people. seriously, if they hate america so much then why dont they just move to stinking iraq or mexico instead of complaining about it?? or do they realize that there is no place like america, which gives them the right to freedom of speech to say those things and all these other freedoms, and just dont want to admit it?

like they want to say how bad america is but the second you say "ok fine, you dont have to stay here" they go all "ohhh ive got hte freedom of speech....i cna say what i want..i dont have to leave"

2007-09-02 18:04:38 · 27 answers · asked by Natalia 2 in Other - Politics & Government

when im saynig greenish im talking about the army ACUs not the marines, the army digital ACU already looks gray at a distance, so why do they have the gray one if the other looks gray too, im just asuming the gray ACU is for urban enviornment, but they told us that the green is all terrain and can also be used in urban combat.

if your in the army you should know what im talikng about, there is a slight difference in the two, i wish i had a picture,- they look the same until you look very closely at them.

2007-09-02 18:03:47 · 5 answers · asked by Dead account 2 in Military

2007-09-02 18:03:36 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I was driving back home from a department store and was heading towards a freeway on-ramp when a car sideswiped me and took off down the freeway. this person knew what they did because as i followed her she sped up and made multiple lane changes to try to get away from me. I managed to catch up to this person and got the license plate number and the car model. Once i returned home, i checked the side of my car and all there was, was a smudge from the other car's paint (barely showing tho) other than that no damages. So, should i go ahead a make a police report anyway, even tho there wasn't any serious damage done to my own car?

2007-09-02 18:02:36 · 16 answers · asked by Julie T 1 in Law & Ethics

Not to mention against the law. He sent me a nasty e-mail too.


2007-09-02 18:01:06 · 3 answers · asked by ? 6 in Law & Ethics

I want to know the best software to know everything about anyone. My friend is a Private Investigator so I know she looks ppl up somehow...tell me how. I may need to be a Private Investigator.

2007-09-02 17:57:33 · 6 answers · asked by §♫♪‹(•¿•)›☼»-(¯`v´¯)-»\\ 6 in Law Enforcement & Police

Im tired of the way things are.
the only people that can afford a friken presidential bid are the rich.
When they speak its obvious they dont give a hoop about the country,they are about their interests.Why cant we have a normal everyday type a guy or girl in the white house,a president that not only thought of benefiting hom or herself but the people of the united states.when i say an everyday person, i mean an educated,well-spoken,but not necessarily coming from a rich or famous last name, or being wealthy.

2007-09-02 17:51:33 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I read this story and was so disturbed I can hardly explain such. I am not so much here for a question, but asking for any motive on the part of the police for ignoring these cries. Is this the way in which our jail systems work? I know a few prison guards and am inclined to say yes.
If so, what can be done to bring morality back to the legal system?

The Article: http://www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/local/article/0,1299,DRMN_15_5687545,00.html

2007-09-02 17:47:58 · 7 answers · asked by Justin H 1 in Law & Ethics

We recently purchased a brand new condo about a month ago. For our condo we have a 1 car garage and 1 assigned outside parking spot. The parking spot has our condo number on it and the words "reserved" right below that.

The problem is 3-4 nights a week someone parks in our spot. Sometimes there are un-marked spots we can then park in... but sometimes there are not and we're forced to park in the red fire zone area.

I've called our local police department and they said unfortunately there's nothing they can do.

I've called the tow company the police department uses and they said they can't tow the car because it's private property and there's no sign that says "Vehicle may be towed at owners expense."

We've been leaving notes on cars nicely asking them not to park in our spot... but some people just don't care and continue to park there.

What options do we have? What can we do? We own that parking spot and people are using our property without our permision.

2007-09-02 17:44:57 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

The executor is also my brother-in-law and I am wondering if my sister and he can change the nature of my father`s original intent.

2007-09-02 17:39:54 · 7 answers · asked by Tim S 1 in Law & Ethics

I'm 15 and the place I used to work for broke 2 well known violations: working more then 8 hours a day, and working past allowed time(where I live its 9pm, and I was commonly stuck there until 11pm-12am). This place is such a corrupt, unholy business, and I've decided someone needs to stand up to this place. I know I have the right to sue, but I don't know where to begin as I have no experience in this. Can someone give me some steps or advice to put me on the right path?

2007-09-02 17:38:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

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