considering the current unconstitutional situation, with the republicans failing to recuse themselves in the Bush v. Gore case, even with 2 of them having family involved in the bush campaign, ms. o'connor's admission that she didnt understand the florida law, and the general unconstitutional structure of everything republican against us, (WE THE PEOPLE), are not the only actual justices on the bench the 4 who dissent, and does that not make mr. breyer the actual chief? if you review what should have been United States v. Slavery 1989, then what was Marbury v. Madison, 1803, Plessy v. Ferguson !890, and University of California v. Bakke, 1978, don't we see a pattern of unconstituional decisions, undermining specific individual's 9th amendment rights? Did not each slave have the right to freedom? Did not Marbury have the right to work? Did not Mr. Plessy have the right to ride the train? Did not Mr. Bakke have the right to go to school instead of friends and family of power holders? 9th
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