Not necessarily. Your last paycheck should come at the normal time you'd be getting paid if you were still working there. For example if you got paid every week and your last week there you worked 3 days (24 hours). That twenty four hours would be paid out on the friday (considering that was the normal payday) 9 days after you were let go. The friday right after that you'd be paid for the week previous (a full week). That is of course if your company you worked for holds back a week like almost every company does. So your paycheck should be issued friday and either mailed to you or you could go pick it up. After friday I'd call them to ask where it is.
2007-08-21 12:20:54
answer #1
answered by Goofy 3
Most companies will issue your final check at the next regular pay day. I have never heard of a "72 hour rule" in Texas or other states.
2007-08-21 19:21:02
answer #2
answered by jraycjj 2
It depends upon the law of the state where you live. Some states require immediate payment of wages, up to the minute of firing, others may give until the next pay period. Check with your state labor board to see what applies to you.
2007-08-21 19:34:13
answer #3
answered by Beau R 7
depends upon your state. In Ca they must pay up within 24 hours I believe> I would call them and if no results I would contact the State employment div. They usually do not like the fines the state gov can impose upon them
2007-08-21 19:45:17
answer #4
answered by Bob S 5
According to US labor law they have until the normal pay day to give you your final check. They don't have to pay you when they fire you.
2007-08-21 19:56:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
When they fire you, they are suppose to by law pay you at the time your fired. Call the Labor Relation Board they'll call them and you'll get your check real fast like.
2007-08-21 19:16:13
answer #6
answered by Nicki 6
By law they do not have to pay you until your next scheduled pay day.
2007-08-21 19:44:37
answer #7
answered by Anonymous