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Politics & Government - 29 July 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

He most certainly have the most important job in the US. Do you think he is qualifyed?

2007-07-29 18:56:10 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

So often when I ask a question I get attack personally . Just because I ask a question does not mean I have any connection to the question. It would be better just to answer a question and not be ready to hang someone you dont know.
I may be you mother.

2007-07-29 18:55:19 · 19 answers · asked by jim 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Two officers (Callahan and Bressler) have taken out a search warrant for the residence of Mr. Robinson. On their way to the to Robinson's house they realize that the address on the warrant for the property to be searched reads: 144 Brown St Apt. 420. Callahan and Bressler know Mr. Robinson well and know that his address is really 144 Brown St. Apt. 240. The two officers decide that they are tired of dealing with judges and decide to just serve the warrant on Mr. Robinson's residence without going back to the judge's office and having the address corrected on the search warrant.
The two crime fighters go to Mr. Robinson's true address and serve the search warrant and find a lot of good evidence to ensure that the villain is locked up for a long time.
Did the two officers make a mistake by not going back and correcting the address on the warrant? Why?

2007-07-29 18:54:37 · 15 answers · asked by El Scott 7 in Law Enforcement & Police

how does a hammer and sickle relates to poltics, and specifically the democratic party?

2007-07-29 18:52:52 · 29 answers · asked by dogstyle 2 in Politics

I'm going to Marine recruit training (boot camp) tomorrow. I've wanted to be a Marine for a long time. I know my general orders. Any advice for success in boot camp? Thanks and God Bless

2007-07-29 18:49:18 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

i heard cuz of WW2, japan is not allowed to have a military right?

but that doesn't mean they don't have a single soldier or something does it?

and please answer this question!

what is the name of the treaty that doesn't allow japan to have a military?

2007-07-29 18:40:38 · 13 answers · asked by scoobert 2 in Military

2007-07-29 18:39:09 · 24 answers · asked by Fedup Veteran 6 in Immigration

What I want to know is, if there are paper works or so....or are there any procedure to go through?
oh and My parents are both Christian...would that be a problem?

Thanks in advance!

2007-07-29 18:39:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

can you get permanent residence if you win the lotto in Australia??? when you are already living there under a student visa

2007-07-29 18:35:13 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I do not like to share my opinions before I get answers , but honestly it kinda makes me mad.

Especialy the people who live here! I mean I am not very patriotic or very red blooded, infact my parents are both imigrants, but I grew up here and it has been my home for all my life.And I it will be a part of me wherever I go...

I understand America has done alot of bad things but so have other countries. We are only as good as our leaders and people are starting to realize that our leaders are not doing such a great job (Isnt Bushes rating down to like 43%?). Again I am not your "average" American (I am pro gun control, against abortion(In a way, I feel that since it is still in your body you can do with it as you wish but it is still murder and wrong) and I disliked Bush and the war since the start.

So how do you feel about people who say this and why do they say it?

I understand disliking Bush, but why HATE anyone

Please do not let my opinion alter your answer I wnat to hear why people say these things

2007-07-29 18:24:15 · 35 answers · asked by fred 3 in Politics


2007-07-29 18:20:59 · 16 answers · asked by AmericanPatriot 3 in Politics

My boyfriend left for bootcamp today :( I just want to know how long until he can write a letter to me, and how often can he? I also want to know about phone calls, how often can he make a phone call and how long of one can he make?

He joined the marines, if that makes a difference also.

2007-07-29 18:20:38 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

how is it? is it completely free? are there electric or water bills? do you pay rent, or a mortgage? i know if you do not wish to live on-base then you're given an off-base housing allowance, how much money would be given to you? i have little understanding of how this system works, please explain.
soldiers please answer, any true responses would be appreciated

2007-07-29 18:17:54 · 10 answers · asked by achillesiuarotc 2 in Military

Everyone remember your early education about the American Government? One of the first things they cover in a Civics class is the idea of Rights and Responsibilities. Most rights have corresponding responsibilities, IE. you have the right to life, thus you can't murder someone as that is violating their right to life.

Understanding these simple principles, how is the current state of abortion law acceptable when it comes to MEN? I am not talking about a woman's rights here, I am talking about the double standard that men are placed in when it comes to rights vs. responsibilities. A man has no RIGHT to that child, and can't force a woman to carry his child to term. So how can it possibly be Constitutional to charge him 18 years of child support if the situation is reversed?

Legally, it's taxation without representation, and the last time that happened we fought a war over it. I don't want to get bogged down in moral arguments, I am asking if you think it is legally justifiable.

2007-07-29 18:12:55 · 8 answers · asked by Dekardkain 3 in Politics

I work at a parking lot. One day two cops appearanced at the lot and gave me a ticket that noted " no valet parking permit". But I am only a employee there and did not valet parking.Please tell me that cops did the right or fault? Thank you.

2007-07-29 18:12:19 · 6 answers · asked by king w 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

...just curious. It seems that more often then not, things have a way of either dragging on for a very long time, or the occupying power leaves. I have one example:
The Indian Wars in the west. We did win that one, and I would classify it as a prolonged guerilla conflict. Can you come up with some others?

2007-07-29 18:11:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

If you had no other real alternative to put food on the table, can it be moraly defended? All humans have to take care of themselfes right?

2007-07-29 18:10:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

There are several by-laws for this law.....refer the constitution 357c section

2007-07-29 18:08:57 · 3 answers · asked by roshan 4 in Law & Ethics

i went to see the simpsons premeire on friday and they wouldnt let me in because it was past curfew. i was pretty angry

2007-07-29 18:06:37 · 16 answers · asked by wuddoyaknow??? 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I myself, am an immigrant, I came from Colombia; however, I am a legal citizen, but my family had to pay over 30,000 thousand dollars to do so. Now, keep in mind that many of the people who come into this counrty are not coming for a vacation, but an opportunity to live, even to survive. I believe that if an illegal immigrant is to become citizen, he or she should be in the country for a certain amount of time, without having commited any crimes, like reobbing banks and that stuff, keep and opne mind, and THINK BEFORE YOU WRITE!!!

2007-07-29 18:05:21 · 15 answers · asked by Jonathan R 2 in Immigration

the "govt leaders growing fat on corruption" are our leaders. 2 oil men in office attacking and taking control of a country that "happens" to be rich in oil. and then when they have control and give a no bid contract to haliburton (cheneys old company)to sale oil to us here in the states, it goes up to ridiculous record shattering all time highs. who do you think that money is going to? it is blindly irresposible for us to give a pass to our politicians getting fat off the american people because theyre "wiping out terrorism." what a joke, the bush families and the bin laden families have been business partners in numerous oil ventures over the generations. we need to wake up and call bullshit on our govts true intentions in iraq.

2007-07-29 18:04:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

if osama was tied to a pole in your basement unable to escape, what would you do with him? be creative, there is no wrong answer....my friends and i were talking about this awhile ago, we thought it'd be the best christmas gift ever to have osama in your possesion.

2007-07-29 18:02:11 · 11 answers · asked by achillesiuarotc 2 in Military

Isn't it a Federal Offense? ...........or is the Post Office aloud to check your mail?

2007-07-29 18:01:22 · 10 answers · asked by Branden Fitz 4 in Law & Ethics

fedest.com, questions and answers