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Politics & Government - 26 May 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Democrat, Republican, independent, Unity 08 perhaps, you decide and explain.

2007-05-26 13:19:45 · 8 answers · asked by The Shepherd 2 in Elections

What's more damaging to the country and can anyone prove one or the other?

2007-05-26 13:16:00 · 17 answers · asked by American Psycho 1 in Immigration

My ex recently e-mailed me making a request that I give him our sons social security number, copy of birth certificate along with his health insurance card. He said the Ped. would need it for verification. Now I have an extra card but I feel like my ex is up to something requesting the s.s card and copy of birth certificate. He doesnt have copies because he was only just recently adjudicated the father and hasnt been around. I dont have a problem with the insurance card but I am very hesitant to give the other information unless told otherwise in court. Help?

2007-05-26 13:10:18 · 6 answers · asked by bedazzled 1 in Law & Ethics

How many People think the Embargo on Cuba should be lifted?Cuba never threaten America and a lot of Americans want to go there,there is no Embargo on Vietnam and During The Vietnam War there over 58,000 americans Died.This makes no sense to me?

2007-05-26 13:07:53 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

It was only 1.5 per day after the heady days following "Mission Accomplished".

2007-05-26 12:58:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Are you always right, or can you be proven to be wrong.

Can people actually concede to something and admit they were wrong or simply misinformed or just plain ignorant on the subject? Or is that a hard pill to swallow?

I'm posting this in this category since this has the greatest number of people seemingly cemented in their views one way or the other and the greatest debates seem to transpire here.

2007-05-26 12:56:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I have just heard a very disturbing piece of information.
Tim Russert was interviewing Joseph Califano on his newly published book 'High Society' and the following snippet of info was mentioned:
Although the US population comprises only 4% of world population, Americans account for 66% of illegal drug use worldwide. And the percentage is rising.
So, in my opinion, the 'War on Drugs' should be aimed primarily at US citizens, but is 'fought' in places like Colombia, Afghanistan, etc. If there is no demand, supply will dry up.
But, as I mentioned above, demand in the US is rising, and will continue to do so.

No wonder dealers and producers are killing each other and innocent people in places like Colombia in order to feed the monster. Drug cartel wars in Mexico. All making millions, if not billions annually.
Isn't it time to look at 'Legalisation, Education, Regulation and Taxation'?

2007-05-26 12:56:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

If the former Governor of Florida John Ellis "Jeb" Bush decides to run for President of the United States of America in 2008 to continue his brother's legacy of hard work and success for four more you, will you consider voting for him? Why or why not?

If Jeb Bush does decided to run for President of the United States in 2008, I will do everything that I can to make sure he becomes the next President of the United States because the Bush family is a respectable family and Jeb Bush would be a great asset to the United States of America and to the International Community.

2007-05-26 12:55:48 · 23 answers · asked by Mr. Knowledgeable VI 7 in Elections

2007-05-26 12:53:50 · 15 answers · asked by Gypsy Gal 6 in Military

or who is more conservative of the two?

2007-05-26 12:53:49 · 9 answers · asked by Uno the Magnificent! 1 in Politics

In other words could you murder someone?

If you say no, what if a peadofile abused your child and you met him at the local river spot?

2007-05-26 12:53:43 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

For example: If the US only had the Government of Legislature without a president.

2007-05-26 12:52:48 · 7 answers · asked by Yitzhak 2 in Government

2007-05-26 12:51:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-05-26 12:51:09 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Raise your hands if you think Cuba has superior medical care.

2007-05-26 12:49:33 · 20 answers · asked by vegaswoman 6 in Politics

What torture, at the hands of the Pratoriun Guard, did Christ endure

2007-05-26 12:47:54 · 5 answers · asked by drchrisw1 1 in Military

I am sure all the Jews in the US are related to all the Russians in Israel = 100% defender of Israel

2007-05-26 12:47:28 · 18 answers · asked by Mr. USA U 2 in Politics

Some investigation happened around where i live and they dna sampled every woman in the area.Some cop came to my house and wanted my dna sample so they could DNA ID me.I calmly opened my mouth and submitted to the procedure.She swabbed both my cheeks vigorusly for 5 mins,then she left.If you seen someone with a gun want to swab your cheeks for dna wanted can you really do but open your mouth and submit to it.Its not fair to me.Talk about shock and say awwe!!!!

2007-05-26 12:44:29 · 11 answers · asked by Rainy Girl 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

and even if you had friends of more than one race. Would you arm your self and hope to not have to use force, or, if your friends of different races where involved in it, use force without waiting to see what happens when anyone not of your race came around and looked menicing?

You may laugh at this question, but think, all it would take is a few incidents to happen and with the news carryihng everything and making it seem more and worse than it is, COULD happen. Look at Rodney King... and others since then..

No One likes Racism, but, it is a fact that it is there and something like this can happen in a flash that would make people do things they would never think they would do...

2007-05-26 12:41:43 · 15 answers · asked by Common Sense 5 in Immigration

IF Hillary is nominated and wins in 2008, you will have a rabid anti-Second Amendment President, an anti-Second Amendment Speaker of the House (Nancy), a Neo-Liberal Majority Leader in the Senate (Harry), backed by Teddy and Bloomberg and Soros. So what do you think, time to kiss your guns goodbye?

2007-05-26 12:39:11 · 22 answers · asked by forgivebutdonotforget911 6 in Elections

Bush stands in front of a microphone and tells the world often, that the " American" people want this, or that.. makes it sound as though he has total support to do all the evil deeds he does.
The man has only an approval rating of under 30%. What American public is he respresenting? Should he not have to explain to the world that what he is doing, is done with out the wholehearted approval of the majority of his fellow country persons.
I hate the fact that he speaks as tho' he represents me.. and no I did not vote for him. I resent the fact that other people from other countries think that I, as an American agree with this war monger president.
I would love to hear some thoughts on this, please try to be civil.

2007-05-26 12:34:52 · 15 answers · asked by Debra H 7 in Politics

Are they more concerned with having the war linger through the 2008 election, so that they could "own the issue", rather than solve the problem and risk Bush getting credit for bringing the troops home?

2007-05-26 12:32:07 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Would you defend your country, or would you cry we should have not done that?

2007-05-26 12:30:42 · 20 answers · asked by Common Sense 5 in Civic Participation

2007-05-26 12:28:42 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration


Immigration to America in the 17th to 19th century was by decent, hardworking, well intentioned people, heading to America with honorable intentions to build and contribute to society. They created a workable social system with benefits to the deserving and a society of well-intentioned and decent people. But no such people come any more.

Now they come in droves, packing the major cities, causing an increase in crime, congestion, and taxes as real estate rents soar, parking is unavailable or exorbitantly high. Americans who took their entire lives to pay off their home mortgages, now find that the taxes on their homes are so high, they cant afford to live in them any more and the congestion so bad, they cant even find a place to park in front of their own homes. Many have to pack up and move out of the city, just to make ends meet, and then face the arduous daily hours of driving back and forth just to get to work and back home. That is, those that still have jobs, since as this goes on, jobs disappear, either right here where we get laid off, or the whole company moves out to a cheap labor country. And as the hordes make demands for energy needs, power needed to heat and light homes and buildings is insufficient, and cities black out, the demand for gas soars, heating prices skyrocket, and our own supply of gas becomes insufficient to meet our own needs, and we become victims of the arabs, who use the pumps to revenge our policies they don’t like.

They pile over the borders or by plane on visitor visas, preying on the good naturedness of Americans to provide a refuge for the oppressed, they connive the appearance of the downtrodden and persecuted, and then sit down comfortably and stay here, leeching off the health care system which faces bankruptcy in 20 years, the welfare system that us sucker u.s. taxpayers have to pick up the tab for, and which we spent decades to build.

Social parasites from latin america, flock here to live free on us sucker taxpayers, dragging their families and relatives in, once they get green cards and then swamping the health care system with their third world illnesses and birth defects. And the other breed of latinos – criminals of the most evil intensities terrorizing communities in which they rob and kill.

Thieves and common criminals from the countries of eastern Europe and the soviet union, hearing that there is still stuff on store shelves when stores close, that hasn’t been shoplifted or sold, come and steal, with impunity.

Mafia organizations that control Russia and the countries of the former soviet union, setting up foreign crime systems that specialize in grand larceny, weaponry, even nuclear arms materials for sale, stolen from the old soviet system, available for sale to our enemies, raking them million$.

Africans with strange ,deadly diseases walk in, causing epidemics and death to our gay citizens and to innocent people in general and swamping the health care system.

Asians with alien religious philosophies, contrary to Christian monotheism, poisoning the minds of our youth. And they come and take our jobs away here in America, while employers, enticed by cheap labor, move their companies there, leaving us unemployed,.

Terrorists walk in and go about their death tactics with ease and we shudder at what they will do to us next.

All, contributing to crime, violence, social unrest.

Finally, To add insult to this injury, our government picks up the tab for hundreds of
thousands of third world “students” to come, pack our universities tuition free at the expense of us US taxpayers ,while we Americans fall into debt to pay for our own children to get a college education.

What kind of fools are running this country?
What kind of fools are we to let this go on?

2007-05-26 12:28:21 · 12 answers · asked by polldiva 3 in Immigration

This has to be someone who's famous after 2000.

2007-05-26 12:26:13 · 18 answers · asked by Singletary 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Think about it, he's wise, savvy, a great communicator, a businessman, definately a Washington outsider (which isn't a bad thing these days) and has all the name recognition a candidate could want.

I think he'd be a great GOP VP candidate.

2007-05-26 12:17:12 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I live in a condo, and am concerned that the adults leave the balcony door open. I constantly find toys, ect on the lawn. I worry that they are unsupervised and hear lots of partying going on, especially on holidays. I have called the HOA and was told to contact the police in the past, but this has done no good. I am fearful I will find a child on the lawn, next! Should I be worried? I contacted the HOA by email again and threatened them with Children and Families---?

2007-05-26 12:14:09 · 3 answers · asked by dumb-blonde 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

read the avalon project at yale school of law the paris peace treaty of 1787 first paragraph revisionist idiot my butt. in law every word has deadly force king george claims to be ARCH TREASURER of the united states ben franklin and john jay signed it so it must be so

2007-05-26 12:13:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Not one person aboard those planes were Iraqi terrorist. Not a one. So now tell me why we are getting our troops killed in Iraq.

2007-05-26 12:13:25 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

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