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Politics & Government - 3 May 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

What did they call those 18th/19th century battlefield fences made from criss-crossed logs with sharpened ends? I've seen them in old black-and-white photos from Civil War battlefields; they looked like big X's stretching for hundreds of yards. I think there's a French word for them, but I can't remember it. Any military history buffs out there? I doubt I'd get a response from "Mail Call" on the History Channel!

2007-05-03 12:21:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

why do some people continue to apologize for nixon while others hate him?

2007-05-03 12:11:51 · 7 answers · asked by abchawaiixyz 1 in Politics

even news reporters were caught with beatings with the May day protest of the immigrants wanting to get legal papers to work in the U.S., I just don't understand it was a calm march when these police officers come out of no where and start beating people even women and children and even news reporters. Something needs to be done, and the Chief of Police needs to stop acting like nothings wrong or taking the police side because I hope people file complaints against the racist police department.What do you guys think about this horrible situation?

2007-05-03 12:11:43 · 8 answers · asked by Jazmin 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

He already contradicted many of his stories and the last thing that we need is for our top law enforcer to lie. It's not the way to go if he wants citizens to trust him. It seems like the only one who is trusting him is Bush. He just doesn't know when to fire his cronies. If he can't find the courage ask that the AG resigns, then how can he have the guts to fight the war on terror.

2007-05-03 12:11:09 · 9 answers · asked by DBLtake 3 in Law & Ethics

He is doing good and i am so proud of him and all our troops ! I will finally be able to relax for another day !!Please let all our troops know how much they mean to us because none of them asked for this war but they are there any way.Holler to my son CJ(USAF) thanks so much and i don't want any smart-asses on here because i am like a lion mother protecting her cub so DON'T go there !! God Bless Us All!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU CJ!!!!!

2007-05-03 12:07:30 · 17 answers · asked by linda bug 4 in Military

2007-05-03 12:03:37 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

after enlisting right after highschool?

2007-05-03 12:01:33 · 9 answers · asked by simkvn64 2 in Military

Okay here is the question ...

My son has an outstanding speeding ticket that I was not aware of until he came home from college today. Tomorrow morning is his court date.

(It is an IL speeding ticket and as I have been told that he was going 25 miles over the speed limit ... ouch ... was all I could say.)

He is intending on paying for the ticket if he has to, however he has been told that he can go to court and talk to the judge about removing it from his record. (College students seem to think they can conquer and change the way it works ... and he has been asking all of his buds what to do.)

If he can't pay the ticket tomorrow ... what happens? As I understand that he will be required to pay for the ticket to get his license back, which makes complete sense (to me but not to a 21 year old), however he thinks he can make arrangements to have it paid for and get the license back.

Does anyone know the extended penalties for non payment? Bench Warrant issues?

2007-05-03 12:00:37 · 8 answers · asked by Cyndy 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

I hear people wanting him to end the war. I hear people counting the days until his term is over. I hear people saying that voting for him was the worst mistake they have ever done. But here on Yahoo Answers people stand by their man! Bush is down in the popularity polls. But not here on Yahoo Answers. I wonder why? Is this really how they truly feel?

2007-05-03 12:00:04 · 15 answers · asked by Pamela V 7 in Immigration

Should a congressman be proposing to put the 10 commandments up in courthouses, when he cant even name them?


2007-05-03 11:58:51 · 4 answers · asked by gaahgasjhagshjkgahksjaghjks 2 in Politics

I think knowledge must start at home within the family, Don't get me wrong, my parents didn't teach me the in's and outs of politics as a child, But they did teach me self responsibility, and to give respect where respect is due. also when there was a crisis within the family we were given the tools and the knowledge to face it head on, instead of being sheltered from it, as if the problem would go away if it were ignored. So I can truly thank my parents for the ability to stand strong and face the problems of our country. This is not to say, that I am not frightened and sometimes feel the need to run and hide, because I do. But at the end of the day I will not second guess myself,my beliefs, or my Country.......
Thanks Mom & Dad

2007-05-03 11:47:10 · 12 answers · asked by deedee2qu 3 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-05-03 11:40:11 · 10 answers · asked by jimmymae2000 7 in Elections

2007-05-03 11:38:12 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

My cousin is 17, and she still lives @ home with her 43 year old dad, and her 15 year old brother. They live in an orchird. At night, she had a gut feeling that someone is watching her. She told her dad , so he & her brother went out there and had guns. They were hiding in the back of her dads truck. After 2 hours or so, they didn't see, nor hear anything. They went back inside. She heard someone outside her window, & told her dad again. He didnt believe her, so she called her 21 year old boyfriend. He came over & slept on the couch. There was no more noise that night. The next night, her bro heard something, and only told her & no one else. During the day, she looked outside & saw the dust outside her window was disturbed by handprints, & the vent underneath her window was bent with a perfect shoe mark in it. Has anything like this happeneed to anyone? She is scared to death and want as much protection as she can get. Any suggestions? NOTHING RUDE THOUGH!!!!!!!!!!

2007-05-03 11:36:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics


1. "As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice."

2. "I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator."

3. "Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction."

4. "The public education movement has also been an anti-Christian movement."

5. "I don't know that atheists should be considered citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God."

6. "I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good...Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a Biblical duty, we are called by God, to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism."


2007-05-03 11:36:14 · 6 answers · asked by Arbgre555 5 in Politics

Is Cuba socialist or is it communist? What is the difference if any? Does their political system work?

2007-05-03 11:34:11 · 6 answers · asked by erathemass01 1 in Politics

Who agrees with me that, though it is happening, global warming is being blown way out of proportion and being used for political gain( Al Gore, I'm talkin' to you). Why should we spend dumploads of money on lowering carbon emissions to stop something from happening in a hundred years, when we could be saving millions of people, from, say, malaria in africa right now for cheap?

2007-05-03 11:33:50 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The only place I can think of someone being a true Civilian would be a Farmer who farms just enough to feed his family and lives far away from the city. Totally independent of the country.

Because, people who work in the cities are either potential soldiers or helping to win the war off the battle field.

Lets start with the Janitor. A Janitor working in an office building is keeping the place clean so that people who work there can make money. Those people who make money, help support the economy or do other things for the society or government in some way. During a large war, Economy = Weapons. The Janitor is also a prime candidate for a potential soldier, since he does not make alot of money and could be easily recruited if needed.

Even Farmers. Farmers are feeding either Soldiers themselves or the people who run the economy.

Everything someone does, helps the economy or helps the war. Both go hand in hand in times like WWII.

2007-05-03 11:32:17 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

This act of illegal warmongering should be made personal to these two bigots and ill founded people, rather than the deaths of our troops which doesn't affect them

2007-05-03 11:30:19 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Slick willie clinton got a draft deferment by pledging to enter the R.O.T.C at the University of Arkansas then fled to England to become a Rogue, I mean Rhodes Scholar. He then wrote a letter to the Commanding officer of the R.O.T.C. telling him how much he loathed the military. Thats you former commander in chief you liberals loved so much.

2007-05-03 11:30:15 · 6 answers · asked by will C 1 in Government

My cousin asked me to help her with this problem. Apparently, someone had forged her name on a contract that she didn't agree to. She didn't give me much information as her cell was low on power. But she did ask me to use search engines regaurding "forged signature", "forged contract", and "legal advice". Any help is appreciated.

2007-05-03 11:28:17 · 15 answers · asked by Halloway 1 in Law & Ethics

The Congressional statute was upheld by the Supreme Court. What are you opinions?

2007-05-03 11:24:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

The other night we watched a movie called, "Flags of our Fathers."
During the movie, I pointed out the
radio broadcast of "Tokyo Rose."
She had the best music on her station to attract listeners. Primarily American GI's.
During World War II, the Japanese developed a way to demoralize
the American forces. Psychological warfare experts developed a message
they felt would work.
They gave the script to their famous broadcaster "Tokyo Rose", and every
day she would broadcast this same message packaged in different ways.
The Japanese hoped it would have a negative impact on American GI's
What was that demoralizing message?
It had three main points:
1. Your President is lying to you.
2. This war is illegal.
3. You cannot win the war.

Sound familiar libbies? Your Reid, Murtha, Pelosi, Kerry and Kennedy hero's love saying this stuff don't they.

2007-05-03 11:23:52 · 5 answers · asked by scottdman2003 5 in Military

we are part of NY but barely. When everyone thinks of NY, they think of manhatten. We are our own little island. We are large to be a state. Why doesn't long island become its own state?

2007-05-03 11:22:06 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Well for my speech/debate class I have to debate for militia and indicate why militia is an organized heirarchy group....which i have no idea what it is and i need help on knowing what the resolution is and debate over the meaning of militia which i believe that it is an organized military...any help please

2007-05-03 11:19:07 · 1 answers · asked by TonTon07 2 in Military

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