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Politics & Government - 1 May 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Basically, 2 months ago, 4 of my friends and I got caught by police with burglary tools on the way out of the neighborhood. All we did was break a window, we didn't even step on the property. 4 of us got out on bail. The one that stayed was the one that threw the rock. He plead guilty to burglary, not attempted burglary. He had a public defender and got 5 years deferred adjudication.

My question is, what do you think are my chances with a private attorney? None of us have prior offenses. I don't even have a traffic ticket on my record. Most people I've talked to said I'm probably gonna get 2 or 3 years probation.

2007-05-01 23:38:38 · 7 answers · asked by Hector R 1 in Law & Ethics

So, its official, hes gone! (going).

What will he be remembered for?

2007-05-01 23:34:50 · 29 answers · asked by Magik_Angel 2 in Politics

We british people complain about everything!!! But does anyone agree with the BNP about British Jobs for British people and British Houses for britsish people??? I think i agree!!!! Also why should our TAX and NATIONAL INSURANCE be spent on other people coming to this country?

2007-05-01 23:17:14 · 25 answers · asked by Graham G 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Now that the ruling says that ANY photo of you is copyright to you, and all photo's of me are licensed to my daughter, does it mean that if ANYBODY takes a photo with me in it they have to pay copyright.
Traffic cameras, crowd scenes, somebody elses holiday snaps.
It also means that they cannot be used for ANY gain (fines?) without my daughters WRITTEN permission.
Can someone now clarify the mess we are now left with.
The ramifications are colosal. You see a car crash, you have to get permissions from all involved, no news about wars, in fact no news!!!!
It has been stated that no unauthorised photo is acceptable.

2007-05-01 23:15:24 · 0 answers · asked by rinfrance 4 in Law & Ethics

It is the same statement always coming up in answers just curious.

2007-05-01 23:12:08 · 8 answers · asked by Goosemoon 2 in Politics

Americans wil find themselves in Waterloo like situation if they attack Iran.It is unfortunate that the American leaders for the past decades have tried very hard to impose their ideas and rulings on third world countries including Iran.I am sure this time America will not succeed any longer and instead find itself in a situation that has no other option that to retreat!so my advice to Mr. Bush is dont create another shameful situation for Americans and let us live at peace and try fight our common enimies such as deceases and other destructive elements which hurting human beings together.Let other smaller and weaker nations also taste their own free society without interferance of super power.I hope and pray that there be no other war and bloodshed ever happen in Iran................

2007-05-01 23:07:14 · 6 answers · asked by khosrowbastani 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Its called open mindedness, and we could sure use alot more of it.

2007-05-01 23:06:21 · 5 answers · asked by 123 5 in Politics

When you read the platforms, they seem to be pretty much identical? When did the Democrat Party merge with the Socialists and why was it not mentioned in the media?

ANTI-WAR (Iraq) - Socialist Party USA They cynically expect that you will put your morals aside and let war crimes be committed in your name. They think you're scared and ignorant enough to go along with anti-Arab racism. They think you can be hoodwinked into giving up your Constitutional rights for the illusion of security. Prove them wrong. Join us in resisting the war. http://sp-usa.org/statements/20020921-iraq.html

2007-05-01 22:53:04 · 3 answers · asked by rmagedon 6 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-05-01 22:20:32 · 10 answers · asked by Mikka C 1 in Military

i hear airborne infantry are the guys who do alot of PT. what type of exercizes do they do, do they compare to the strength of marines? i want to join a strong group when joining the military...either marines or army but i really want to jump from planes or helecopters, and i heard its hard to get into the airborne marines...what im getting at is i want army but all the pics i see of army soldiers are just middle age out of shape balding guys, doesnt look liek there exercized much at al, where as the marine pics i see there all in really good shape, any info will be helpful..no negative comments or reports please this is my 4th email sincei started yahoo answers due to all the reports of people who cant bear to read an opinion idfferent from their own

2007-05-01 22:14:30 · 10 answers · asked by edmoney 2 in Military

Republicans and Democrats are all rich, yet the republicans live in fancy neighborhoods and send their kids to private schools, and make no bones about it... Democrats do the same, but tout bills to bring minorites that cause racial tension into middle class neighborhoods, Democrats are all about helping the poor, yet they don't have to live with them or send their kids to school with them. They push the poor on the middle class. They say they, try to help middle class, but all they do is cause trouble. They are hypocrates. At least the Republicans tell it like it is! Comments?

2007-05-01 21:56:27 · 4 answers · asked by Peter W 1 in Other - Politics & Government

keep it clean chaps! Ah bugger it, be as dirty as you like!

2007-05-01 21:53:01 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

If so can they tax it effectivel and perhaps turn some drug lords into businessmen or do they need to get rid of the drug lords also?

2007-05-01 21:38:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

do they still grab your danglies and ask you to cough?

If so, how does one go about getting a job as an army medic?

2007-05-01 21:34:03 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

great mathematicians

2007-05-01 21:31:37 · 3 answers · asked by bobby s 1 in Embassies & Consulates

Also what is there favorite past times, history, inventions, heros of moderate muslim, etc.

2007-05-01 21:31:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

but this can' be normal and is certainly not good service, who
should i contact to check on this?

2007-05-01 21:30:36 · 1 answers · asked by Cheryl G 1 in Government

I ask this question because there are a lot of people who seem to think it is a large number. I could use Vietnam as an example (50,000). What about Iwo Jima in WW2 (5,000). Normandy. Battle of the Bulge. Why is it horrible when someone who knows what they are getting into and have the training to defend themselves dies? Is it worse to die like that or from being a disgustingly obese American. Over 200,000 people die every year from heart disease. Is it on the news daily? What about the drunk driving number of 16,000/year. I guess it isn't "cool" to go out and protest either one of those is it?

2007-05-01 21:25:38 · 14 answers · asked by Alfred J 1 in Military

None of the major Party leaders listen to what the different Iraqi groups think or what our Generals think. Harry Reid makes statements like "We already lost the war". that is just as the Republicans making it look like the war would be easy. I think the Political divisions over this war have gotten out of hand and at the cost of our troops and the Iraqi people. They need to stop the finger pointing and find a way to bring real lasting peace and not "bail out" as the Dems want or "escalate the fighting" as the Republicans want. The only guys who seem to want to talk about something else are Brownback and Biden.

2007-05-01 21:19:15 · 10 answers · asked by DANIEL P R 2 in Politics

I read a artcile in LA times it said Al Qaeda is the new home for terrorism and the spreading of it.

2007-05-01 21:18:26 · 5 answers · asked by Ian Bach 2 in Military

he was thinking of going to new zealand for higher studies and then take a visa...but we dont have mcuh time

2007-05-01 21:18:11 · 1 answers · asked by nanu 1 in Embassies & Consulates

Or is it too late?

2007-05-01 21:15:18 · 1 answers · asked by What, what, what?? 6 in Law & Ethics

Why Don't US Soldiers Vote whether they believe the War is Stayable or Unstayable? Worth or Unworth? Opinions?

2007-05-01 21:12:49 · 9 answers · asked by ELON 1 in Elections

I am in a court case in Japan. I am american. I wonder what can help me that must also be abided in Japan?

2007-05-01 21:04:22 · 4 answers · asked by angel D 1 in Law & Ethics

BMC ward office,local police stations,corporators ....these 3 elements how they make our living conditions like hell? they are supposed to help us to keep our city clean trouble free and organise the things..do you all think they are doing their jobs in a correct way?In our area the rich are the telewalla baiyyas and the encroached hawkers? and to lead them are the local dons with their HAFTHA COLLECTORS and its a matter of shame that even the wireless and the beat officers are having gala time with them chitchatting and eating and drinking as if in a party?If a citizen goes to express their grievance a normal NC or they insist to pay ricksha fair bring both the parties confront them and getaway with their duties with sarcastic remarks on the complainee!!!Hawker back in street patronised by the mentioned elements advances strongly with new encroachers it goes on and on!!!Can't we solve this herculean problem and have some open space in our surroundings?

2007-05-01 20:50:27 · 1 answers · asked by sweet papa 2 in Law & Ethics

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