“How DARE you imply that we hate freedom?”
That’s what red-faced Liberals say, even as they protest against the war for Freedom in Iraq and call our President a war criminal.
Liberals are such hypocrites, and I for one am sick of it!
These modern radical Leftists might not be wearing their old-fashioned Birkenstocks and tie-dyed t-shirts, but their cowardly, anti-American mentality is the same as it has always been. They don't want to pay the price for their own freedom, let alone anyone else’s. Their last presidential nominee even threw his own Vietnam War medals away.
Conservatives, on the other hand, truly love freedom – so much so that when necessary, they are willing to fight to preserve and protect it, as well as to export it around the world and extend it to other peoples less fortunate than we are.
Listen up, Liberals! Why don’t you want the women and children of Iraq to have the same freedoms as you do here in America? If you don’t love Freedom move to Cuba!
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