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Politics & Government - 27 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Is there any logic to this assertion? Terrorists already attacked us.

It's not like leaving Iraq will let them know where our secret base is...The only possible explanation is that it is more convenient for them to kill our troops over there, rather than having to go through the whole trouble of attacking America.

So Bush has essentially set up a terrorist quicky mart, with our troops as snacks. Good job!

2007-04-27 05:43:22 · 17 answers · asked by Columb H 2 in Politics

Please be as specific as possible.

The article is at

2007-04-27 05:42:48 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

What does it mean if someone from Jobs and Family Services says the case is closed for now, but if they find any new evidence they will contact the prosecutor.

2007-04-27 05:30:31 · 6 answers · asked by green_eyes18 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-04-27 05:21:55 · 20 answers · asked by Jb Azeez Saheb 1 in Politics

In the 60's,70's and even most of the 80's it wasn't much of a problem.It's not as if there was a wall/fence and we took it down.Mexico has always been poor so why didn't they come back then?

2007-04-27 05:19:48 · 8 answers · asked by Linda L 2 in Immigration


2007-04-27 05:15:34 · 12 answers · asked by Sarah 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-04-27 05:09:22 · 11 answers · asked by s9j6j 2 in Politics

Any negative answers will tell me that you like to spin and lie and create deceit, and you probably hate anyone who is a christian. any positive answers from either side of the spectrum will be viewed as intelligent. if you like her or not a positive answer can be made good, or bad. no bias please.

2007-04-27 05:07:53 · 23 answers · asked by georgy porgy.com 2 in Politics

Is he going to get jail time cause he failed to make that appointment on time. They say that the charge is failure to appear or comply..

2007-04-27 05:05:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

i am a self employed single dad and wrote a check that went bad..i got an extension but it is about to run out on me.this has never happend to me and im told i could go to jail till it is paid..i have until tuesday and its not lookn good...i know i owe it i want to pay it what should i do if i cant make good on it by tuesday ?

2007-04-27 05:02:49 · 5 answers · asked by John w 1 in Law & Ethics

The British? be brutal if you wish, however, I am not being malicious, just curious to hear it straight from the proverbial horses mouth, do you like or dislike us and why? Thanks, Peace

2007-04-27 05:02:44 · 20 answers · asked by mia 5 in Politics

my brothers appointed attorny is doing nothing...how can i get a different appointed attorny?

2007-04-27 05:00:41 · 7 answers · asked by Diana D 2 in Law & Ethics

do you agree that we have to know who we are debating to have a productive debate?

2007-04-27 04:56:38 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

In response to my last question, many Americans claimed that the USA does more to fight world poverty than other country.

Yet the statistics show they rate number 4 after Britain, France and Japan.


And number 19 on the list when on a per capita basis.


I'm sure the recipients and glad for every penny they recieve from the USA, but the claims of being the world's most generous country seem curious.

Being someone who lives outside of the USA, I can tell you that the rest of the world has been aware of this for many years.

Where do those who get these facts wrong get their information?

2007-04-27 04:51:00 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

This happened in my school with with this drug investigation. The school also turned on and searched the content of his mobile. Is any of this illegal according to British law?

2007-04-27 04:49:23 · 3 answers · asked by domo_the_chicken 2 in Law & Ethics

In my opinion it was Kucinich. I don't agree with his politics, but I sure as heck respect his commitment to his principles. The rest of them are "politics as usual" - (except Gravel, who I've never heard of before last night).

Hillary Clinton will say anything she has to. Now she's saying she only supported the war because Bush said he'd go to the UN and have inspectors sent back in to search for WMD. If that were true, she'd have raised her voice in April 2003. She didn't back off her support for the war until 2005.

Obama and Edwards are smooth talkers, but they really don't "say" anything. Edwards made me cringe when he told us his dad, who was sitting in the audience, couldn't afford to buy them dinner at a diner after church one day. Imagine being his dad? Everyone turns and looks..... "really, you were so poor you couldn't feed your kids?"

2007-04-27 04:46:15 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

his means that if the wealthy have more money some will trickle down to the lower classes. I think that their greed will not allow that to happen.

I subscribe to the trickle up theory. If the lower classes have more money it will be spent on goods and services thus making the wealthy wealthier but the lower class lives will be better.

2007-04-27 04:42:09 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

his means that if the wealthy have more money some will trickle down to the lower classes. I think that their greed will not allow that to happen.

I subscribe to the trickle up theory. If the lower classes have more money it will be spent on goods and services thus making the wealthy wealthier but the lower class lives will be better.

2007-04-27 04:41:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

what are your thoughts on Bush?

2007-04-27 04:27:16 · 30 answers · asked by mia 5 in Politics

How this? Immigrants are welcome to come--open boarders. However--if they commit a crime--they go home - permanantly. They must find gainful employment and stay employed. If they have enough work quarters in to collect unemployment-they can collect unemployment to which they paid into. But-since they are NOT CITIZENS, they are not entitled to ANY government benefits such as medical assistance, food stamps, AFDC, TANF or SS benefits. These programs are for CITIZEN's--NOT ALIENS. So, if they come--they need to be honest, law abiding and SELF SUPPORTING.

Before you whine about how they're so poor they need a hand up to start.........their prospective employers, churches and private organizations, and those who support open boarders are free to help whomever they choose to. Just don't force me to help someone break our laws.

Would that make everyone happy?

2007-04-27 04:26:09 · 15 answers · asked by Cherie 6 in Immigration

Well, I mean, I bought a hat and the text on it says FBI. is that ok if I wear it every where?

2007-04-27 04:22:18 · 3 answers · asked by Tim loves YaLl! 1 in Law & Ethics


2007-04-27 04:21:24 · 4 answers · asked by Timothy M 5 in Law & Ethics

For the record, I hate biased liberal media as much as I hate Fox. Truthout and Moveon (which hardly even qualify as traditional media outlets) tell blatant lies, the same as Fox. NPR doesn't tell outright lies, but they do broadcast news stories from a ridiculous left-wing perspective that is appreciated by very few Americans. They also give airplay to a lot of ridiculous left-wing crap that doesn't even really qualify as news. I don't even like the New York Times very much. As one of the nation's leading news sources, they make an effort to be objective, but it's not enough. Think if it as NPR lite.

That said, nothing is worse than Fox. The left-wing media is annoying, but it's lies and exaggerations don't kill anyone. Fox allows this administration to perpetuate its lethal bullsh*t. When Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rove, and Rumsfeld are facing the firing squad, I want to see Murdoch, Ailes, Hannity, O'Reilly, and Hume right next to them.

2007-04-27 04:19:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

i have four teenage sons but one is 18 graduated and has his life already going good for him i have been a single mom since 96 when my ex walked out on all of us myself and four sons they were only 7 5 3 2 .i took full custody of them and i told my ex i was gonna sue him for cs he said if i did he would give up his rights i didnt know he couldnt do it. i was young when i had kids and got married i was only 15 and didnt know the law. well when he left like i said the boys stayed with me he seen them everyother weekend he would come back to the house and i would leave for the weekend cause he had no place to be with the kids.that went on for about 6mths .97 the custody matter was settled i got primary he got partial.he had every wednesday from 6 to 10pm,everyother wkend well he dropped the wednesdays and said it was to much.so he only seen them everyother wkend since 97 and holidays.there is alot to this story so i am gonna have to add info

2007-04-27 04:19:25 · 8 answers · asked by tinalee1972 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-04-27 04:13:24 · 30 answers · asked by tom the plumber 3 in Military

You think more people will make a running or the Presidency? Thanks.

2007-04-27 04:10:29 · 15 answers · asked by irishzeby 1 in Politics

"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
-Thomas Jefferson

2007-04-27 04:06:13 · 18 answers · asked by NO SOUP 4 U! 1 in Politics

I noticed an earlier question about the rise in terrorist activity since the USA started its war on terror. It was interesting just how many answers declared that because none of it was happening in the USA, it didn't really matter. To me, this is extremely sad. The USA has a proud history in the global community having been instrumental in saving Europe in both world wars, along with Australia in the second world war. For many years, they very rightly wore the badge of being leaders of the free world and earned the globe's respect. McCarthyism became the beginning of the end of the dream. Vietnam gave the world its first glimpse of the dark side of the USA. The cold war allowed it to pursue ruthless objectives in the name of democracy. Now Bush has created a scenario where the USA is the most detested nation on Earth. Isn't it time for Americans to stop looking inward and once again view themselves, & behave as, global citizens? Trying to win hearts & minds?

2007-04-27 04:05:27 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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