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Politics & Government - 26 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I don't think the ostrich party are seeing the big picture. When the troops come home, the war will come with them.

The focal point at this time is in Iraq. If you move the focal point you move the violence with it. Those freaks will never stop blowing people up. If we bring it all back here it will be far worse than 911.

Hey ostriches, here's another one for you! When this happens, and it WILL, who are you going to point your little fingers at? And what will your solution be?

2007-04-26 23:55:43 · 15 answers · asked by Tall Chicky 4 in Politics

If they've done nothing wrong why not clear the air by testifying and the government and America can move on?
Why continue the contentious situation of anger & gridlock?

When Clinton was President the GOP congress served, and had honored, over 1,000 subpoenas.

2007-04-26 23:46:12 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Capitualation, Surrender, calls for treaties and the organisation of Peace Marches have been the First wave of offense and insurection by enemies for eons! The British paid and Organised anti war Loyalist marches, then to did the South against the North, The Nazi's Held rally's in the OLD Madison Square Garden with Pictures of Washington, Lincoln and ADOLF! they paid for anti war Press in NY and Chicago. The Russians Did the same during the 50's and 60's they even got a few rubles into the Black Panther organisation! Even Drag queen J Edgar Knew that this was the first salvo by an enemy. Now we Have the wholesale surrender by the Liberal DemonCrats a little too much 60's Hippie and a Little too much power for this bunch. How Dare Murtha and Reid and Pelosi surrender! At least Benedict Arnold Served as a Hero before turning traitor!

2007-04-26 23:44:27 · 8 answers · asked by ThorGirl 4 in Politics

Obviously the democrats got elected to the majority by the American people.

In my opinion they should deny Bush the money. Period.

He can tell the troops to come home, there's no money because the people of America and their elected minions no longer support my war.

The GOPs in the Senate and Congress can explain to their constituents that they support Bush and his war in Iraq and hope they will express that support by re-electing them in 2008.

2007-04-26 23:35:06 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-04-26 23:24:35 · 9 answers · asked by Cleets 1 in Government

I have been wondering if any of you out there can explain to me why the democratic runners in Thursdays debate could only talk about the war, IE: everything contrary to present, yet they had nothing to say about changing the Great economy and low unemployment rate; furthermore, have any of you seen the Dow. Over 13,000. Prosperous times like these NEVER happened under a democrat. So, to my original question. Please educate me on the fact that the candidates had nothing to say about that, and are more concerned about raising the white flag and giving terrorist a clear victory, which would put our country in great danger.


Just curious

2007-04-26 23:24:11 · 8 answers · asked by scott s 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Is there a simple and quick way of comparing political parties? I'm fed up of those leaflets you get through the door, they all encourage you to "vote for me, I'm the best" but why should I if I don't really know what the party stands for?

2007-04-26 23:16:52 · 12 answers · asked by Chip 2 in Elections

If you oppose term limits, please explain why.

If you support term limits, please explain why and state what limitations you'd select for local, state and federal offices.

Term limits have been discussed for decades, and passed in some states. I'd like to know how many people support or oppose them, just to satisfy my own curiosity.


2007-04-26 23:15:21 · 11 answers · asked by Curious George 3 in Politics

Doe's anyone know the legal position if an internet retailer advertises a product at an incorrect price and the allows you to purchase by debit/credit card and sends an order confirmation by email. Are they comitted to selling the goods at that price or can they simply refund the debit card?

2007-04-26 23:10:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Don't think in terms of rightwing or left, moderate or liberal.
Was listening to PM Abbas and it occured to me that there are two schools of thought, one rational and the other emotional.
One can be reasoned with the other forget it.
One can be persueded by facts the other one no matter how many facts they will go on believing that they are right.
Is anyone with me on this?
give an example, and I am talking about political viewpoints.

2007-04-26 23:08:52 · 5 answers · asked by Jack L. W. 3 in Politics

I have heard the Democrats Claim He was really a Democrat Because He freed the Slaves Which He did , as A Republican. During the American Civil War He Waged another less reported War. The One against the Northern Democrats. That War cost around 33,000 Lives In New York Alone! He Paid No heed to the Democrats call for and end to the war! Be Burned Down Liberal Newspaper buildings and suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus. He had Liberals SHOT and Put in jail for Antiwar activity. He Let War Widows March across the Street dragging Coffins and WOULD NOT MEET with them! He Let His Generals open the Rules Of Engagement to ensure his Goal Of Winning at all costs! The democrats said he had No real war expirience and even ran a Popular War hero against him! He was drawn as and called a MONKEY!

read some more here is a link to some of it

2007-04-26 23:02:34 · 13 answers · asked by ThorGirl 4 in Politics

In the Uk and Canada free health care is considered a basic human right. Why in the USA is it not a right to have health care for all but it is a right to carry a gun?

2007-04-26 22:58:20 · 18 answers · asked by clint_slicker 6 in Law & Ethics

Sorry about all the death row questions. Just interesting!

Why would someone who knows they are about to die still protest their innocence moments before being executed?

Do you think that many are actually innocent or just one last atempt to save their lives?

2007-04-26 22:53:25 · 22 answers · asked by ¸¸.•*´`*♥Emma♥*´`*•.¸¸ 3 in Law & Ethics

citizenry, law enforcement, appellate court, penelogy, juduciary

2007-04-26 22:45:07 · 3 answers · asked by wild flower 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Are there organised canvassers on here from New Labour? From Tories, UKIP, BNP, Greens, ANL, SWP, Urban 75, etc etc etc??? Do you lot get told by your fellow members or your political party /organisations to constantly stay on Yahoo Answers? Should Yahoo Ansers try to root them out?

2007-04-26 22:34:10 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

I don't understand this. We are the richest, yet most in debt country. How is this so? The Federal deficit is predicted to hit $477 Billion this year (http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2004-01-26-def_x.htm) and yet the candidates that are up to fight for the claim of the Presidents chair all are well off and don't have to worry about money. How do we know that they will worry about the money the government spends that it doesn't have? How do we know that they won't continue to play off their own political agendas while in the presidency and add to this ever growing problem that is looming over our heads?

2007-04-26 22:31:57 · 7 answers · asked by Joseph C 2 in Elections

It is legacy crunch time and I am hard-pressed to think there is any way he is going to avoid being put down in the history books by most historians as the worst president ever.

2007-04-26 22:25:19 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

It is legacy crunch time and things don't look too good when it comes to how George W. is going to be written up in the history books.

She has a masters degree in library science and she is keenly aware of the near finality and permanence of the presidential performance evaluations put down by the political historians.

2007-04-26 22:13:39 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-04-26 22:09:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I just recently got married but My Husband is Not a U.S Citizen. but I just found out that the country that we live in now their U.S. Embassy does not deal with petitions. but I am Pregnant now and need to get to the States because I have a High Risk Pregnancy. Can anyone Help Me? I am so Lost right now PLEASE HELP MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

2007-04-26 22:05:12 · 6 answers · asked by imjae_02 1 in Immigration

ok so my sister(15yrs) told me today that a while back she had spent the night at a friends house. Her friend pressured the group of friends to drive her moms honda pilot(SUV) well my sister wasnt driving the whole night until the end,because the girl pressured her to drive. well she ended up grazing a mailbox and put a small scratch on the door. shes now threating her 6 MONTHS later and tells her that she needs to pay half. i told her that she doesnt have to pay, its not her fault.. her friend wanted to have too much fun and force the girls to drive, while none them having licenses nor insurance to the SUV..plus the girl moved away to a diff side of town. any lawers or educated answers out there? or a good opnion would do. THANKS!

2007-04-26 22:02:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

And discuss some strategies you are seeing in the media for pitching these candidates.

2007-04-26 21:55:58 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

to offer the cops donuts thats havent been open when I get pulled over? will this make the cops angry?

2007-04-26 21:47:09 · 18 answers · asked by Deaf Redneck 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

I have been told my ex-husband's funeral was on 29th March and I was left a substantial amount in his will. A man phoned my house number on 30th March. while I was out, to say I had 8 weeks to claim but left no name or number to contact.

2007-04-26 21:37:59 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

apparentley couples who live together or long term relationship couples are being asked to consider making up pre nup kind of agreements in case the relationship fails and you seperate, is this good or bad please reply.

2007-04-26 21:33:27 · 10 answers · asked by francis f 3 in Law & Ethics

Which electoral system would you prefer? Why?

2007-04-26 21:23:29 · 4 answers · asked by rapunzela 2 in Elections

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