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Politics & Government - 14 April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government

Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I ran into a guy i had a close/intimate relationship with last night at a dance club. Since there is alot of in between details that are hard to tell, the main problem is that by the end of the night after 2 or 3 drinks, i ended up scratching his face out of anger and of course escorted out. Also, out of pure anger i sent a minor "threatening" text. Now the next day, he text me saying he was at the police station filing charges, showing them his scarred face and showing the police the text and they would soon talk to me. Now if this is true, what happens next? Or what steps are taken if someone does file charges against you? He stated he would take this all the way to court. Are you sent a letter first? And if so, is it through the mail, in person, or do they call you? What consequences are there if this ends up being a battery charge? I am a bit nervous if this ends up being true and i would like to know what would follow.

2007-04-14 12:26:02 · 9 answers · asked by Marie M.R. 1 in Law & Ethics

I have no clue!!

2007-04-14 12:21:48 · 21 answers · asked by scott1330 2 in Military

to answer bush. and they say they dont support terrorists? LOL

never again will i vote democrat, never. they have lost their minds

2007-04-14 12:21:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Would the insurgents all of sudden come out of hiding & start attacking heavily armed & guarded US troops leaving Iraq or might they be too busy getting slaughtered by the vast majority Iraqi Shiites who having been held back by Bush/US military for 4 years can finally do what they've wanted to do ever since Saddam fell & that's wipe out every Sunni insurgent/Al Qaeda terrorists in Iraq?

2007-04-14 12:19:09 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Just curious, I went home with a friend from college once who had a framed picture of them looking a little hazy eyed. It would be cool to see the picture again...They looked fairly young. I asked him is his family was big supporters of them, but he just laughed it off and said that his mom "just likes potheads." Is there any evidence out there?

2007-04-14 12:18:32 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

would they deport their burgeoning Muslim populations?

Muslims in the Netherlands were so ungrateful to their host country that they demanded the native citizens change their culture to suit Muslim preferences. The situation was so exasperating that the Netherlands government finally required all prospective immigrants to view a video depicting typical Amsterdam life. (some Muslims protested that they could not watch the video since it showed, gasp!........ women not wearing veils)

The U.K. has had Muslim demonstrations openly calling for the annihilation of their host countries. France has something like 175 separate areas where the police don't even try to patrol. Germany has big crime problems stemming from their huge Muslim population.


So, what do you think? Is there some advantage to having them there, or should they be considered unwelcome guests?

2007-04-14 12:12:08 · 14 answers · asked by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7 in Politics

I have come to the conclusion that it is no more than Moral Cowardice.

They Insult you, are evasive, dislike freedoms and refuse to accept any cogent points that attacks their belief system. This is not only true in Politics but even in an information setting like Yahoo answers.

Reporting and Trolling is an act of a coward that has lost the arguments.

2007-04-14 12:09:10 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Do you think Bush realizes that he gets an automatic no strings attached "cut & run" from the Iraq war when his term ends in 2009?

2007-04-14 12:04:47 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

the states attorneys office requested drivers license # or birth date to prosecute. all i hhave is her license plate number from florida. she rented my house for 2 1/2 months and left with out paying. if i cant find the info will they not take the case.

2007-04-14 12:04:05 · 7 answers · asked by denise d 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-04-14 12:02:31 · 2 answers · asked by mar12 1 in Law & Ethics

Hi... I need your help.

I always thought an arrest warrant was something issued for commiting a crime... i.e. - you didn't pay your parking/speeding tickets and now you're being arrested for it.

I thought a bench warrant was something issued by the court for missing your court date... i.e. - you didn't pay your tickets, was issued a court date and you failed to appear for it, and now you're being arrested for that.

I was doing research and came upon an website talking about warrants. To me, they made it sound like the same thing.

Is it?

If not, can you explain to me the difference?


2007-04-14 12:02:22 · 2 answers · asked by Theophania 4 in Law & Ethics

Kids that don't even have pubes yet! Most of them were born after 1990.....Does that tell us something about out education system?
They aren't even old enough to VOTE!
God bless AMERICA!

2007-04-14 12:02:07 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

A couple and 3 kids driving down the HWY going 65 and the passanger tried multiple times to jump out of the car. The driver than places the passanger in a choke hold. The driver shortly after pulls the car over on the HWY and gets the kids out and starts walking. The children have mentioned sometimes not eating supper and having to wait till morning to eat when with the non costodial parent. Also, the kids don't have seperate beds when they are there. The couple fights around kids all the time. Kids are told not to tell custodial parent otherwise they get yelled at and punished. What can be done? Is this child endangerment and neglect? DHS was contacted and they are going to make a house check but said that it was all minimum things. I don't know what the laws are. Any advice? The custodial parent!

2007-04-14 11:58:05 · 4 answers · asked by brokenhearted 2 in Law & Ethics

support for the troops and the Iraqi conflict?

2007-04-14 11:56:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-04-14 11:55:00 · 18 answers · asked by ♥ariel♥ish♥ness♥ 3 in Politics

court date can i ask for a continuence at a later date

2007-04-14 11:54:35 · 3 answers · asked by azil4u2003 1 in Law & Ethics

who were communist....weren't the Nazis just one step away from communism? What is the difference between the nazi's and the russian communists?

2007-04-14 11:52:11 · 5 answers · asked by ben_ev0lent 1 in Politics

I think they are because of the following reasons: 1) they are a booming economic country set to pass the US by 2025 and they are increasing military spending by 19% each year despite having no wars or conflicts. 2) They are strong allies with North Korea which we all know is a very unstable and potentially lethal country. 3) they have a lot of resentment towards Japan from WWII which roughly correlates to Germany's attitude after their loss in WWI. 4) They have a communist government printing nationalist propaganda and promoting the pride and power of the Chinese people - sound familiar? and Lastly, all information on China in rest of the world is given by the Chinese government. It is estimated that in actuality the government is spending about 3x the amount reported on military expansion. What do others think, especially Chinese nationals themselves? Please respond with your thoughts.

2007-04-14 11:50:41 · 12 answers · asked by jostfa18 2 in Politics

America claimed in 2001 to be going to help Iraqis from Saddam and to stop "terrorism". Saddam committed his crimes mainly in the 1980's when the US couldn't care less and despite "terrorism" coming from virtually anywere else but Iraq. So now that the inept US military has made a mess creating a virtual genocide, isn't it time the US waves their usual white flag as they did in Vietnam and Korea and return back to the US...defeated again?

2007-04-14 11:50:31 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

CBS just did a story about the increasing new middle class in Russia. The rising class is more interested in their lifestyle improving than to bother with getting involved with politics and protest. They don't want to look at the ugly anymore. Now that's fast track progress.

2007-04-14 11:49:53 · 10 answers · asked by thewindywest 5 in Politics

I'm pretty sure its part of the Department of Defense. That's about it. Thanks

2007-04-14 11:47:07 · 9 answers · asked by Stefi J 2 in Military

Do you think he has fired the Sorry A PR person who thought that up?

I just saw an old news report...

2007-04-14 11:44:35 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

don't say for install "democracy",or because GOD told us.I just want the truth,why so many killings,lies,why?

2007-04-14 11:44:22 · 27 answers · asked by lavidasigue40 3 in Military

Besides me I mean.

2007-04-14 11:42:49 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

On http://www.cnn.com/POLLSERVER/results/31302.exclude.html it shows 36% vouching for a military draft. I've read this question before as well and I'm always surprised to see that people are OKAY with a draft. What's your opinion on reinstatement?

2007-04-14 11:40:24 · 29 answers · asked by ♥ariel♥ish♥ness♥ 3 in Government

There is a bible verse etched largely on the wall of our local courthouse so instead of objecting I decided that since America is a free country that I should just place a monument of my God Peter Pan in the Local Courthouse. I personally worship Peter Pan and bheleive he is the Alpha and the omega and has created us in his image.

Well the courthouse wont let me praxctice my right to display my God in the local courthouse. I feel this is a violation because it offends me that the christian verse was allowed and even a ten commandments is in the courthouse.

What legal recourse do I have?

2007-04-14 11:39:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

After a criminal case in closed, is it possible for the public to review the trial transcript or pertinient information regarding the case? If so, where is this information located?

2007-04-14 11:39:38 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

and they get mad at me does that mean they dont get along with anyone or just me?

2007-04-14 11:38:37 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

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