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Politics & Government - 14 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-04-14 16:57:56 · 18 answers · asked by OllinIkniuhgötterdähz 2 in Immigration

By voting democratic they vote for everything the catholic church is against.

2007-04-14 16:56:45 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Why is the evil man who arranged this murdurous act still breathing free air? Why did our president let him go and send nearly our entire fighting force into Iraq for NO. GOOD. REASON!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!

Every time I see those planes hit those buildings I get more infuriated. Our leaders let the guy who did this walk!!! Why are we still fighting another country's civil war instead of bringing these people to justice?

2007-04-14 16:52:50 · 13 answers · asked by Schmorgen 6 in Politics

I think polygamy may partly address the female infantacide in India and some other countries. Also modern man is mostly monogamous. This has adversely affected natural selection in human species. It has drastically curtailed differential fertility by restricting the male to produce children only from one woman, his wife. (Differential survival and differential fertility are the two mechanisms for progressive evolution by which genotypes which are more suited to a given environment will increase in relative frequency over the generations). Had it been not so, the most dominant man would have, and that is his natural tendency, produced more children in a number of women. So monogamy while giving social security to the fair sex has caused incalculable harm to the process of natural selection.

2007-04-14 16:45:41 · 8 answers · asked by Tony Sebastion 2 in Civic Participation

I have not realy watched Nancy Grace much and dont even remember what station she is on except for stumbeling across the show a couple of times , she seems a bitter woman to me . I was watching The Dailey Show and they ran some clips from her show and she pretty much had the Duke Lacross boys dead to right and realy crucified them . Has she never heard of PRESUMED INOCENT TILL PROVEN GUILTY? Dont get me wrong I think those guys are probably real jerks but I dont know them so I cant say . Does anyone watch her show and has she done this to others dragging them through the mud without a trial yet?

2007-04-14 16:38:59 · 15 answers · asked by Rock Star Outlaw 2 in Law & Ethics

what do you think he is a good president or what??

2007-04-14 16:33:38 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

in your own personal opinion of course.

2007-04-14 16:29:36 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government


Can any Christian honestly say that they follow every single rule of the bible all the time and if not, why do you criticize the rest of us for not following the bible even though you don’t either?

By the way, if anyone actually says they do, they are full of ****.

2007-04-14 16:29:04 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

l have the option to get stationed there in lrwin, l kind of like it becouuse lm from La Vegas but they say is kind ok lonely, l dont know if l have to live on post which l would not like becouse my wife dont want... but wich units are there, what would l do if its a training site... lm an engineer [plumber]
tell me about fort irwin please before l make a desicion...
l m reclassing to supply and l can choose where ever l want.
any other base close to Vegas, Salt Lake City or Chicago?

2007-04-14 16:20:58 · 4 answers · asked by mendoza4057 2 in Military

I live in CO.I dont understand whats going on around me anymore.I mean I really cant UNDERSTAND!I go to the grocery store,doctor,mall,resturants and the majority of people speaking are speaking spanish.Everywhere I go there are signs,billboards,pamplets,magazines,radio stations,tv stations all in spanish!There are also mexican flags hanging everywhere!Im not sure Im in America anymore,but another Mexico.How did we let it get this far,how do we take it back?I dont feel comfortable in my own country.I dont feel comfortable surrounded by people I cant understand.Am I now the Alien?

2007-04-14 16:20:46 · 39 answers · asked by joshandjakesnana 1 in Immigration

My Dad is a veteran from the early fifties. He recently went to the VA and they told him they could'nt treat him because of his income. He is not a wealthy man, and I always thought it did not matter anyway. He said the republican congress passed a law a few years ago. Does anyone know who is responsible for this outrage. He like most Vets never asked for favours, just what was due him.

2007-04-14 16:18:52 · 12 answers · asked by Braddock52 3 in Military

MELBOURNE, Australia - Prime Minister John Howard said Friday that Australia should bar immigrants with HIV, and his government was examining ways to make its tough restrictions even stronger.

2007-04-14 16:18:24 · 9 answers · asked by Giggly Giraffe 7 in Immigration

It seems the good majority of the time you ask a question on this board, it is not answered. All sides do this whether you are left, right, or in the middle. You ask a question and people either don't know the answer or state why they hate the other party. The site is calle Yahoo Answers, not Yahoo Dodging the Question.

2007-04-14 16:08:09 · 16 answers · asked by Billy 3 in Politics

just for the Marines, not including the other members of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, how many Marnes have in the past year used, slept with and in any way patronized protestutes, and have in anyway paid for sex,sexual favors, sexual or erotic activity of any kind this includes here in america and abroad anywhere Marines are stationed and serve

2007-04-14 15:46:00 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Why are all of you gay-homophobic, greedy lying hypocrites, but are afraid of liberals with aprodisiac desires for the people with phobias of homophobes?

2007-04-14 15:39:58 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I find the latter to be much worse. In fact, I think it is immoral for our generation to engage in all this deficit spending and then expect our children to pay for it.

Our generation should pay for what we spend. It is that simple.



2007-04-14 15:35:59 · 12 answers · asked by trovalta_stinks_2 3 in Politics

are they aloud too? and if they are how and why..like what do they have to pull you over for. to be able to search your vehicle???

2007-04-14 15:31:43 · 19 answers · asked by redd1673 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

We have in this country a PROGRESSIVE tax system. That means those who are wealthier (and thus can afford to pay more) pay a higher percentage in taxes. This makes sense. A billionaire could easily afford to pay a certain percentage of taxes (say 20%) then a working class family barely getting by.

However, if we get a flat income tax system or a flat sales tax, that would mean taxes for most people would go up and taxes for the extremely wealthy would go down. It is simple math. Conservatives would like you to believe that everybody tax rate would be lower, but that would be impossible to do and maintain the same amount of revenue.

Then again, conservatives don't seem to care about deficit spending.

2007-04-14 15:28:53 · 18 answers · asked by trovalta_stinks_2 3 in Politics

2007-04-14 15:19:38 · 6 answers · asked by liljoe 1 in Military

I think incomes below 200 thousand should not be taxed.

2007-04-14 15:19:11 · 16 answers · asked by edward m 4 in Politics

My fiancee is listed as coowner of 5 acres of land in a living will with her father. She wants to sell 1.5 acres on a land contract to a buyer. What ar ethe requirements in making this a legalized deal?

2007-04-14 15:18:24 · 1 answers · asked by james b 1 in Law & Ethics

Where do they stand on issues like abortion? Anything you can tell me about them would help! Thanks!

2007-04-14 15:14:19 · 3 answers · asked by Marie 7 in Politics

If they do where and when?

2007-04-14 15:09:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Far more racist stuff has been spewing in rap videos for years

2007-04-14 15:08:27 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Why do you think it will or won't? Provide evidence for your beliefs.

2007-04-14 15:02:03 · 22 answers · asked by Jason 4 in Politics

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