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Politics & Government - 5 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics


Jewish liberal billionaire and Democrat Party fundraiser George Soros publicly attacks the AIPAC:



"What is the more appropriate term, "Israel's still incomplete security fence" or "an Apartheid Wall?" That can be determined only by considering the actual impact the wall is having on the lives of the Palestinians, a subject ignored by Rosenfeld and AIPAC."

"After the Israel Defense Forces' retaliation against Lebanon's road system, airport, and other infrastructure one must wonder what could be the next step for the Israeli forces."

"The pro-Israel lobby has been remarkably successful in suppressing criticism."

"More recently, it was among the pressure groups that prevailed upon the Democratic House leadership to drop the requirement that the President obtain congressional approval before taking military action against Iran."

What's your opinion of George Soros attacking the AIPAC?


2007-04-05 05:15:52 · 14 answers · asked by junglekat75 2 in Politics

i went to civil court and won a judgement in my favor and the judgement was filed on april 26th of 2006. i just recieved a notice that i am going back to court on this same judgement. the only thing the clerk of court could tell me( she had no clue what she was doing) was that there was a paper in my case file that said they wanted to void the judgement. she doesn't see any paperwork from the defendant trying to bring this back to court. as a matter of fact the defendant didn't show up for court the first time. also can they take back my judgement???

2007-04-05 05:14:29 · 3 answers · asked by skeys003 2 in Law & Ethics

Democrats raised $78 million, compared with $51 million by Republican candidates.

2007-04-05 05:14:28 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I am writing a paper on why people should be allowed to own a gun,and I ran out of reasons other than to protect yourselfand your family.Please help me come up with some good information.Thanks

2007-04-05 05:12:24 · 17 answers · asked by sunshine 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-04-05 05:12:20 · 3 answers · asked by Lil Nayie 1 in Military

Year after year the same old offering of crooks makes it to the ballot.

The rich crook The lying crook The egomainic crook The Red crook The Blue crook The industrial crook The secret agenda crook.

I think we need the option to vote against crooks not just vote for a choice of crooks.

Vote No not that one.

2007-04-05 05:11:28 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-04-05 05:10:44 · 13 answers · asked by Buckey M 1 in Military

2007-04-05 05:05:47 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

If the Bush foreign policy were a rip-roaring success, he might have some grounds to criticize Nancy Pelosi for going to Syria. But since King George has so manifestly failed, isn't it time to give the American people a chance to show some leadership? And who represents the American people better than Congress?

2007-04-05 05:00:59 · 26 answers · asked by fra59e 4 in Politics

My idea of overall political reform is forcing our politicians - from the school board president to the President of the United States - to be accountable to the American people for every decision they make. Lower salaries, higher accountability. ALL parties, ALL levels of government.

Yes or no?

2007-04-05 04:59:36 · 11 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6 in Politics

Do you know if you get arrested for your "peacefull anti-war" protest, when you get put in jail, you will be gang raped at a higher % than if you did not protest. This is a fact. The vietnam war protesters that went to jail had that problem too. This is not meant to be a joke. This is a fact. SUPPORT THE WAR 100%, try Bush for war crimes after the conflict. We weaken ourselves when we are divided.

To be clear, I HATE BUSH...

But after your in a cell for a day and have been treated unpleasantly, you probably wont protest anything again....

2007-04-05 04:55:41 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Because you can't unite proud behind your own?

2007-04-05 04:54:42 · 9 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

The number of 9/11 Nut-jobs, Kooks, and Wing-Nuts are increasing at an alarming rate.

Why do the bush administration tolerate these “outrageous conspiracy theories” concerning the events of 9/11? Making an example of a “Kook” such as David Ray Griffin in a court of law would certainly stem the flood, don’t you think?

2007-04-05 04:52:54 · 25 answers · asked by lghs 2 in Government

I don't think there is ANYONE in FAVOR of ILLEGAL immigration yet NOTHING is being done about it?

Do you think it will be a major campaign issue or not?

2007-04-05 04:52:35 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

She won't cooperate/make contact and set me free. We were last together 6 years ago and I want to get married again.

2007-04-05 04:52:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

People like RLP ask one sided questions, and continually get responses from both libs and cons that politics is pretty even when it comes to corruption...yet she keeps asking the same questions. Is there any point to answering 'questions' from people who just want agreement and can never learn or open their minds? And do they really believe that their party is exempt from bad behavior? is this the quality of voter out there...uninformed and obstinate?

2007-04-05 04:50:37 · 13 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

Don't you wish that instead of dragging each other into the mud that a party would stand up and raise the bar so to speak? That they would strive to improve themselves instead of trying to make the other guys look bad? Just once I'd like to see someone from a party stand up and say.. yup, we screwed up on that one.. but we'll do better.

2007-04-05 04:49:13 · 17 answers · asked by pip 7 in Politics

I think many of us are liberal and conservative at the same time. Why the constant outlashings?

2007-04-05 04:46:43 · 10 answers · asked by gloria w 3 in Politics

I thought McCain said that it was so safe in Baghdad that Americans could go to the market like he did when he was there last week?

2007-04-05 04:43:58 · 10 answers · asked by huckleberry1 3 in Military

A U.S. Army helicopter went down south of Baghdad Thursday, injuring four of the nine soldiers aboard, while five U.S. troops died in separate attacks in Baghdad. Also, in the deadliest blow to Britain since November, four British soldiers and a Kuwaiti interpreter were killed in an ambush in southern Iraq, the British military said.

2007-04-05 04:43:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I only caught part of the story, but I heard that they're checking the hostages for possible drugging .
What do you make of that ?
Routine ?
Or did the sailors say they were drugged and that brought on the testing ?

Anyone have a link or info on this story ?

AND. . . If they were drugged. . .whoa. . . What will be the response ?

2007-04-05 04:41:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

All violent criminals should be shot and their families arrested and sent to hard labour camps. All drug addicts and alcoholics should be cut off from the dole and given hard labour. All people who have no intention of getting jobs should be forced into manual labour. Racists should be shot along with their entire families, rapists should be shot too. I think that our country would be a better place without these people and we would save millions in taxes........

2007-04-05 04:41:39 · 11 answers · asked by Scatman John 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-04-05 04:39:39 · 11 answers · asked by Kayle xxx 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

Why not try in solve whatever it is going wrong in their counrty instead of coming to the U.S and burdoning us with taking our jobs and driving our wages down? Not to mention more crowding to existing overcrowded nation? Honest opinions please...

2007-04-05 04:34:54 · 24 answers · asked by Nyema 3 in Immigration

I dont know about in the Royal Marines, but in the US Marines ina situation like that you are to give your name rank and serial number and then STFU and wait to be rescued. You are supposed to minimize the amount of pictures taken of you (such as not going on national tv and admitting that Iran is correct adn then talking about how they treat prisoners so much ebtter than the US) and then smilling and coming home with goody bags, writing letters to thier families saying how much they love Iran...

Name. Rank. Serial Number. That is all.. I mean dont these peaple go through the mock POW training like in the US?
In the United States this could be reason for courtmarshal, how do all you Roayl Marines or US marines feel about the fact tha they went with them, and then aided Ahmadenijahd in a successfull propaganda campaign.
I mean they spoke out against their allies and their country all in the same day, on an enemys nation television broadcast. Astounding.

2007-04-05 04:34:18 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I guess growing up in the age of terrorism from the late 60's on I do not see the US in that light when I saw Israel's taken hostage and killed at the Olympics, planes and ships terrorised, sucicide bombers on buses in Israel, and planes being slamned into our WTC and the cheers going up from countless Muslim countries each time these happened over the years. I do not see any comparison to our legitimate war efforts in Iraq, Afganistan, or even the far flung case I see now where some compare Osama to George Washington. Your ideas. I don't see pulling over a car and methodically gunning down a woman and her four children as was done in Israel by Palestian militants as the same as out troops fighting insurgents.

2007-04-05 04:33:53 · 4 answers · asked by ALASPADA 6 in Politics

They have an alderman in the inner city of Milwaukee who is EXTREMELY corrupt and immoral.
* got his mistress pregnant and denied it
* threatened to "kill" her in court in front of a judge
* has 2 identities and social security numbers
* gets caught doing illegal things and cries racism even though
it was another black man who called the police on him
(he was meeting his GF in a Blockbuster parking lot and the
employees for various reasons called police)
* extremely racist and says such vile things against whiltes
and Hispanics on the RADIO

The list is ENDLESS - and good decent citizens TRIED to recall him and FAILED. He got 64% of the vote.

NOTE TO INNER CITY - we will NEVER take you seriously again. You have proved to us that you do not want help by electing such a vile man. You THINK he has your interests at heart - NO WAY! He, like Hillary, is ONLY in it for the POWER.

2007-04-05 04:33:42 · 74 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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