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Politics & Government - 5 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Best ansewr wins a pair of my sisters old pants

2007-04-05 02:31:59 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

The USA wants to build a WALL. This will separate it from Mexico.

But what about Russia? Do we not realize that we're inching ourselves closer to Russia each year?

What do you think?

2007-04-05 02:29:18 · 13 answers · asked by 1Darkchef 1 in Politics

That is, to spend taxpayer money to travel there.

2007-04-05 02:28:40 · 12 answers · asked by nom de paix 4 in Other - Politics & Government

Someone on this site just accused Nancy Pelosi of making a deal while she was in Syria (????) to get the Iranians to release the British hostages, and they said that they wonder what she promised them, and who empowered her to make such promises.

Yesterday, conservatives were crowing about what a great job Bush did negotiating the release of these hostages.

Which is it, people? Were they released because the evil Pelosi did something really, really bad... or were they released because of the heroic contributions of our glowing Commander-in-Chief?

Can't be both. Pick one and stick with it.

2007-04-05 02:28:06 · 14 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6 in Politics

I like the way the Israelis clean up their messes, what do you think of sending in bulldozers and replacing the whole area with a American military base? We could just some Israeli advisers and engineers to over see the plan. Don't you think this would be more cost effective?

2007-04-05 02:19:43 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Yeah, the US government ISN'T owned.

2007-04-05 02:19:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

In Hinduism, one of the aim's of man is to free himself from the cycle and achieve the level of the gods. Hinduism, like ALL other religions aspires to take man to god, and to make man a part of god. Hinduism teaches that man should constantly purify himself, develop virtue, goodness and dignity with a sense of godliness. Even the religions of India's abrahamic people (christians, jews and moslems) teach values such as hard work, discipline, charity, masculinity, love, the discrimination between right and work, high standards and values, morals, and the idea that manliness is next to godliness.

Homosexuality is antithetical to these tenets in every way. Whereas ALL religions aspire to embody god in man, gayness aspires to destroy virtue and reduce man to the lowest of the low - the gutter and sewage levels. It is NOT natural. It is a disorder and a many have termed it a disease.

It can destroy a civilisation (like Romans and Greeks) if it becomes prevalent.

2007-04-05 02:08:59 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Or have I missed something? Perhaps they're just getting so much media covergae that i haven't really heard of any of the other candidates?

2007-04-05 02:08:52 · 22 answers · asked by Kalinka 3 in Elections

Not how you FEEL, but the part of the Constitution which prevents her from taking a trip like this?

Don't point out the part that says the Executive Branch is in charge of foreign policy; she isn't setting foreign policy, so that's a ridiculous argument. She's just talking to foreign heads of state, which is something Senators and Representatives do ALL the time. Bush expressed displeasure at her trip but did not stop her, and he certainly could have.

2007-04-05 02:07:46 · 19 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6 in Politics

Setting free those Brits with all of their appendages just fouls up Dubya's plan. Believe me I am glad the hostages were set free, but now Pelosi has more to work with. I also have these thoughts that maybe the Brits might be involved with a bit of American undermining themselves. Iran would have never released American troops that quickly. Does anyone have any other links that they can share, and or have any other insight to this mess?

2007-04-05 02:00:56 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I have nothing against their looks or personality, but are their followers one of the same: Idiots! Is it possible we could end up with a bad choice for a President and a bad choice in a singing competition. Was wrong America?

2007-04-05 01:59:44 · 9 answers · asked by mari 2 in Elections

2007-04-05 01:57:38 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-04-05 01:54:57 · 7 answers · asked by two_4_15 1 in Civic Participation

Did not the Bush adm. plan this War??????? To Few troops-disband the army etc. Bush should quit crying and admit-he broke it-he bought it.

2007-04-05 01:54:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

since 9/11, it seems to me that the democrats have done nothing but fall into every trap the i-f's set for them...9/11, blame bush...war in afghanistan, blame bush...war in iraq, blame bush... cartoons in denmark, blame bush... train bombings in spain, blame bush... subway bombings in london, blame bush...suspicious imams on planes, blame bush...british sailors captured in iraqi water, blame bush...on and on it goes and with every new incident, the democrats are right there to give support and understanding to the terrorists. why, bela pelosi went so far as to visit the enemy in order to gain favor with them...so, are the democrats really traitors, or are they so stupid they might as well be...which is it?...

2007-04-05 01:53:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Best answer wins a weeks holiday in Tehran

2007-04-05 01:53:35 · 6 answers · asked by pigsblood 1 in Military

Florida Governor Crist sits on the Clemency board and is trying to make it eligible for ex-convicts that served their time to vote in elections. Should they have any rights after breaking laws made by the people they are voting for?

2007-04-05 01:52:37 · 4 answers · asked by Lisa S 1 in Law & Ethics

It's all part of the “bring back the Clinton years” theme that Hillary rolls out to Democratic Party audiences. Everyone (including Hillary) boasts of her 'experience'. What experience? She LIVED in the White House--she was never commander and chief--not even close. Her ONE effort (National Health Care Plan) was a scandalous failure. After that stunt and during his 2nd term--Bill sent her packing--globe trotting to keep her out.

Did you read Billy-boys memoirs? Does he mention Hillary's experience? Does he give her credit for anything? Bill rarely mentions Hillary's role in any of his administration's policies, except for health care.

She, in her book "Living History," doesn't claim to have been an influential co-president working and learning at her husband's side. What, was she too modest to claim credit?
Top that with the fact Hillary is known for 'settling the score'-since Bill shut her out--do you really think she will 'share' HER presidency with HIM?

Kool-Aid Anyone?

2007-04-05 01:52:35 · 4 answers · asked by Cherie 6 in Politics

was his name he must have been a lovely man deep down!!

2007-04-05 01:51:13 · 10 answers · asked by pigsblood 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

on subjects like gay marriage and the war in Iraq

2007-04-05 01:47:42 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

on subjects like gay marriage and the war in Iraq

2007-04-05 01:47:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Three and a half years? That's all? Do you think he should have had a much harsher sentencing?

2007-04-05 01:46:51 · 11 answers · asked by Jed 7 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-04-05 01:45:04 · 12 answers · asked by ferengifighter 3 in Immigration

Cheney's objection, apparently, to Pelosi's visit to Saudi Arabia is that the U.S. has deliberately cut off the king because of his "bad behavior" and he says that the unfortunate thing about Pelosi's trip there is that it breaks down that barrier.

Seriously? Is our goal to try to alter bad behavior, or just to hold a grudge forever? Does this kind of grudge-holding make us any better than radical Muslims, who hate us merely because they're supposed to?

2007-04-05 01:43:56 · 8 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6 in Politics

We went in with about one third of the troops recommended by out top Generals-we went in basically by ourselves. We disbanded the military (Iraqi)-We can't even control our own borders-if the country surrounding Iraq did not like us before -they like us even less. I lean more to being a conservative-but our country is being run by a handfull of people and they are scary.-We are constantly blaming Iran and Syria-a hint to Bush-Cheney and Rove-they don't like us. They have left a real mess for our next Pres.

2007-04-05 01:36:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

AS an Englishman, i am amazed at the poor image the USAers have.When i got back from the football last night, i nearly spilt my beer when i read that 79% of USAers didnt realise they were the most hated nation,
I mate of mine who is in jail for rioting at football, went to America recently and said that most USAers are not aware of their poor image and they drink weak beer

2007-04-05 01:13:52 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I got a felony for aggravated assault and another felony for stealing a car. I'm 19 and from Florida... I was wondering what the judge might give me?

2007-04-05 01:07:35 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I am half-Jewish---was adopted, and birth father was a yeshiva Jew. I read a lot. I am a Christian, but I feel like I have a Jewish soul. There is this whole thing going through world history about hating Jews. I don't get it. What is it about Jews that focuses so much negative attention and hatred on them? I have always believed that, behind every racial/ethnic stereotype, there is something real. What is real here? What is the reality behind anti-Semitism?

2007-04-05 01:00:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

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