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Politics & Government - 5 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-04-05 06:36:36 · 16 answers · asked by ? 2 in Politics

for that by agreeing to a law that allows women to use duct tape?

2007-04-05 06:35:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

One states that an unborn baby is not worth anything and can be disposed of without reguard.

The other one says that killing an unborn child can be punishable by a (second) charge of murder.

Both are laws, but the both clearly contridict eachother. So which is it?

If a man attacked a pregnant woman and killed her, he would be charged with (two) counts of homocide.

But if someone wants to murder their baby. Oh it's fair game..Its ok if the mom wants to.
But what about the father? Can the father charge her with homocide of their infant? Is it not his baby just as much hers?

So who is right?
The Unborn Victims of Violence Act?
Roe vs. Wade?

2007-04-05 06:31:49 · 11 answers · asked by AuroraBorealis 4 in Law & Ethics

He's NOT, you know. He is ONE of THREE EQUAL branches of our government. You guys ought to read the document instead of using it to line birdcages.

2007-04-05 06:28:28 · 25 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6 in Politics

Why not give the choice to the landlord rather than try to change a culture from the top. All that will happen is that the small pubs will close down and the off liscence sales will climb - UNWORKABLE AND DUMB!

2007-04-05 06:24:43 · 26 answers · asked by Mr X 2 in Law & Ethics


Three Mexicans Arrested on Texas Border With Drugs, Cash, Guns
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

SAN JUAN, Texas — Agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives have arrested three Mexican citizens they said had guns, ammunition, drugs and more than $600,000 in cash, authorities announced Monday.

Luis Estrada, 28, Miguel Cantu, 21, and Gabriel Juarez, 53, face federal charges of illegal possession of firearms and ammunition, authorities said.

It's illegal for undocumented immigrants to possess guns and ammunition. Cantu and E

2007-04-05 06:23:35 · 19 answers · asked by mamadixie 7 in Immigration

2007-04-05 06:18:39 · 9 answers · asked by Deeken 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Some man wants to sue me, saying that I told people lies about him, BUT all I did was tell the truth, not one word I said was a lie. How do I go about defending myself from all of his NASTY email, and treatning phone calls. What can I do, besides calling the police, he harrasses me constantly..

2007-04-05 06:14:52 · 6 answers · asked by noahsmom 2 in Law & Ethics


by Andrew Schwartz, CPA

Since graduating from college in '87, I have been a practicing tax accountant. On more than one occassion, I have seen the government enact legislation that reversed some of their previous tax breaks. How confident are you that the government won't find some way to tax your Roth accounts down the road?

The first reversal I observed was back in '97 when the government increased the percentage of social security benefits that is taxable from 50% to 85%. Don't forget that you can't deduct the social security taxes you pay into the system each year, which means you'll be taxed twice on any "benefits" you receive. When social security was first introduced, none of the benefit was to be taxable.

See other two reversals:


IRS might tell you donations NOT in good condition:


2007-04-05 06:14:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation

Or, does Mitt Romney have a snowball's chance in Hell of getting the presidency?

2007-04-05 06:13:49 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Definitions of lie at Dictionary.com. ... 1. a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth.

Those who just want to rant, save your breath, I've already heard from you more than enough.

I am looking for anyone that can DOCUMENT a lie that Bush has told.

Documentation that refers to persons "opinion" won't count.

Only references and documentation that demonstrate the definition above will count.

I am not interested in the normal everyday practice of political speech as practiced by both democrat and republican.

List the things that Bush has said that he had proof positive knowledge BEFORE he said them, that they were not true.

If he is a liar...let's have the proof please.

2007-04-05 06:13:18 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I think Iran loves its neighbours and prevails peace among them .Its leader is kind peaceful and helpful.Doesn't he?

2007-04-05 06:12:47 · 15 answers · asked by ELBASHA 3 in Politics

This president seems to think that the congress is playing politics when it comes to ending a war that is unpopular. He seems to be very angry now that he no longer has control of both houses of congress. Why does Bush think he is King of the United States and does it have anything to do with the cheating in Florida during the 2000 election?

2007-04-05 06:10:42 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

In the criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more natural persons to break the law at some time in the future, and, in some cases, with at least one overt act in furtherance of that agreement. There is no limit on the number participating in the conspiracy and, in most countries, no requirement that any steps have been taken to put the plan into effect (compare attempts which require proximity to the full offence). For the purposes of concurrence, the actus reus is a continuing one and parties may join "the plot" later and incur joint liability and conspiracy can be charged where the co-conspirators have been acquitted and/or cannot be traced. Finally, repentance by one or more parties does not affect liability but may reduce their sentence.

Ok having said that doesn't everyone who supports abortion be charged with Conpiracy to complete first degree homoicide?

That would be a 30 year sentence and possibly a death sentence and or life sentence without parole.

2007-04-05 06:08:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Or will they be outsourced to India?

2007-04-05 06:08:10 · 8 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6 in Politics

I think so but I'm not sure. I think he has to with all the crap he is producing daily. It is amazing that 30% of his supporters still love to eat it up like it was ambrosia. What do you think?

2007-04-05 06:06:24 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-04-05 06:05:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


2007-04-05 06:03:44 · 15 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6 in Politics

yo. i see myself as a Repbulican, But I'm feeling Obama campaign.
not Hillary, aka HillDogg. lol. you see south park. lol. yea. But I jst feel that Obama got an ideal of things. as an realitvey, He the youngest of the canadaites. Thats which make him more pure, in heart. and thought. Rudy. No, way. I dont feel that he has done anything speical during the 9/11 time. He was just the man of the state. Ron. nope. he is just like Bush. and I like Bush. dude got his mission.. But no for Ron. and all the other Rep canidates. John Kerry, and John Edwards. I ' do not feel. Kerry. just dont got it. as with Edwards. His family will be in my prayes. But not vote for him because you feel sorry for him. He stated. "I would leave what I'm doing to go and attend to my wife" that is what you should do. But we're at a time in America where we need a stronge backbone.

2007-04-05 06:01:42 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

2007-04-05 06:01:00 · 22 answers · asked by killa d 2 in Politics

My brother has a Last Will & Testament written in 4/02 leaving ALL property to a particular person, a previous significant other, (whom he has had little to no contact with in the past 3 years). My brother commited suicide recentley leaving behind a holographic will that was written in his own writing, that is dated and signed. This holographic will names beneficiaries, including myself (I am his only living next-of-kin). Question is this: Does this holographic will take precedence over his prior legally written Last Will & Testament?

2007-04-05 05:59:18 · 4 answers · asked by mydogisfat 2 in Law & Ethics

Are you an 'I' person or a 'We' person?

2007-04-05 05:58:21 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

All 3 of these states are in the South. Does that reflect on southern thinking and political stances?
I have lived in the south 95% of my life, was born here, just want others percerptions.

2007-04-05 05:57:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Why do so many people think he would be a bad candidate? Is it because he is not white? Is it because he is Muslim? or is it because he was one of the few people in Congress willing to step over that party line and work with people to do what is best for the people and the country?

I mean how bad can it be to have an open government where we the people get to see where the money is going? What is so wrong with cleaning up all this earmarked money? Why is it so bad to have a compromise in the Iraq situation (give a deadline to pull out with a provision that if Iraq actually meets the benchmarks the GWB administration set, that deadline can be extended) I mean isn't that all just trying to get some accountablilty into our government which clearly it has been lacking and yes it has been lacking far longer than GWB has been in office...

2007-04-05 05:57:05 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Bush bypasses Congress and names Fox to post
By Jennifer Loven, Associated Press | April 5, 2007

WASHINGTON -- President Bush named Republican fund-raiser Sam Fox as US ambassador to Belgium yesterday, using a maneuver that allowed him to bypass Congress, where Democrats had derailed Fox's nomination.


It must really suck to keep getting out smarted by a "chimp", eh, libs?

2007-04-05 05:56:05 · 37 answers · asked by Lavrenti Beria 6 in Politics


2007-04-05 05:55:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

i got a speeding ticket. paid a lawyer in cash. Found out that my lawyer never went to court for me like he was suppose to. My licence is suspended. Scared but willing to correct this. what do i do? please help!

2007-04-05 05:55:22 · 5 answers · asked by installationgirl 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Whenever I see a protest on the news, the protesters are burning US flags and protesting fellow Americans. I respect their freedom of expression, but I wonder why we never see any "Anti-terrorist" protests. I'm sure they're thinking, "Well, America is the terrorist organization we're protesting!" But what about the terrorists who are targeting Americans? Why don't they organize rallies to condemn their actions?

2007-04-05 05:51:51 · 14 answers · asked by ElGuapo222 3 in Politics

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