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Politics & Government - 9 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

If we're going to be consistent with the definition of terrorism, then isn't it about time that we acknowledge that what Israel does falls under the rubric of terrorism?

In British common law, the legal definition of unintentional murder is called mens rea. If a building was blown up without the intention of killing anyone but did so, the perpetrators would still be charged under murder. With Israel's persistence with these military acts in Lebanon last summer and the Palestinians territories, why isn't Israle labelled as terrorist. And why does the US and UK support Israel?

2007-04-09 23:45:10 · 26 answers · asked by Sai~ 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Is our president spending too much worrying about his texas pride? Its time to get out of iraq and let them have their civil war.

2007-04-09 23:43:16 · 18 answers · asked by dee 3 in Military

Teams of experts secretly loaded the buildings with explosives to bring down the buildings.

Now let’s assume that this theory is correct…

Here is the question, how did 2 planes loaded to the gills with fuel that slammed in to the side of the buildings and explode NOT cause the buildings to explode immediately?

Now I am not exactly an expert but I grew up in a military family and knew more about weapons and military equipment than baseball and football, so I have a pretty strong understanding of what things do what and how things work.

And I have yet to see one explosive device that could survive an explosion without also being detonated.

2007-04-09 23:31:44 · 15 answers · asked by Stone K 6 in Politics

My daughter wanted to join the Navy upon completion of her G.E.D. Will this stop her? She was diagnosed with both A.D.D. and Bi- Polar.

2007-04-09 23:24:16 · 10 answers · asked by kitkat1640 6 in Military

2007-04-09 23:04:46 · 8 answers · asked by ibid 3 in Embassies & Consulates

A lot of the questions here seem childish and shallow. I can search and I'll find some good, well thought out questions, but the answers are mostly just juvenile quips and jokes. I signed up hoping for something more and it is here to be found, but only if I'm willing to sift through a bunch of ridiculousness to find it.

2007-04-09 22:52:50 · 14 answers · asked by Goodman Green 2 in Government

We can all agree that American and British troops in Iraq are keeping global terrorism in check, but how can we make sure that when blair is no longer in office that we will still be able to carry on the noble cause against terrorism. the last thing we need is a pro-terror candidate who will remove the troops, even though they have been fighting hard.

2007-04-09 22:45:37 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Im living in South Africa and is looking to go over to Canada with my girlfriends family,but are unsurtain about what Visa to apply for that will be the quickest to get as wel as where i can apply for a work permit. How can i get a definit job that side if i'm sitting in SA still because of the Visa issue?? Where can i apply for a job that that will help me relocate or atleast help optaining all the neccesary items??

2007-04-09 22:45:18 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Embassies & Consulates

Exactly what it says above. & What makes it ideal?

2007-04-09 22:25:09 · 4 answers · asked by SmOt PoKeR 1 in Politics

You said you want to argue with facts. If this is the case,here's your change to prove that you do argue with facts.

In this specific question, I am not implying nor arguing that 9/11 was an inside job done by Bush or his admin. I am simply asking what happened to WTC7.

1. Do you agree Larry Silverstein declared on TV that he and the fire department commander decided to "pull" WTC7?
You can see and recognize Larry Silverstein, the leaseholder of the WTC complex, declaring on TV that the building will be pulled.

2. Aside from that, a german demolition expert states clearly that there is no doubt whatsoever that the building came straight down for any other reason. This is exactly what Larry Silverstein had said that the building was demolished.

(question continues - look in details section)

2007-04-09 22:14:37 · 6 answers · asked by Amelie 3 in Politics

what is your opinion about the next world war which will be on water ??

2007-04-09 22:07:35 · 9 answers · asked by viva 1 in Military

Is it just me or is anyone else sick of hearing about criminals in prison complaining about their human rights? They get compensation for slopping out and complain that this is against their human rights, but I dont see them so up in arms about crime being against the victims human rights.

I say punish them properly - no cushy prisons that are getting more like holiday camps!

2007-04-09 22:03:45 · 15 answers · asked by Lady Claire - Hates Bigotry 6 in Law & Ethics

Can someone please explain why the USA allows them to export these automobiles here, it seems like they are just going to line Kim Jong Il's pockets.

2007-04-09 22:03:23 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

We're around three weeks away from the Scottish Parliamentary and Local Authority elections and I have seen and heard NOTHING on TV or radio, and precious little in newspapers about this. The vast majority of people don't even know it will be different - radically different. Is this a deliberate strategy by Labour to minimise impact or lower turnout and participation? Might it backfire in the long run, creating resentment, confusion and spoiled ballot papers?

For info: In LA elections, candidates will now be ranked in the voter's order of preference - if there are 7 candidates there you can rank them 1,2,3... up to 7, if you wish.

In the Parliamentary election you will have two votes, made with a cross - one for your constituency MSP, one for your Regional choice (who may be the same or different).

2007-04-09 22:01:59 · 3 answers · asked by Tyler's Mate 4 in Elections

2007-04-09 22:01:36 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Regent University in Virginia Beach alumni and faculty, as dominionists will hopefully be hunted down and removed from their jobs in federal agencies. Monica Goodling is among 150 Regent grads currently working in the Bush administration. Working from within, these are among the cacdres who would strive to create a theocracy in the US.

2007-04-09 21:52:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I have just moved out of an apartment and the landlord has sent me a letter requesting for a certain sum within 30 day, and threatening to file a case in which he will claim 5m if i do not comply.

2007-04-09 21:43:08 · 7 answers · asked by www.TerrySoft.net 1 in Law & Ethics

land/property on father's name and required to update all records for future

2007-04-09 21:41:38 · 3 answers · asked by raju 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-04-09 21:00:41 · 5 answers · asked by heiko o 1 in Politics

can i ask wat is the # of greek embassy hir in Abu Dhabi?!kindly give me thier fax # as well.thank you

2007-04-09 20:51:41 · 2 answers · asked by marie jane lbootylicious_babe_22 1 in Embassies & Consulates

Most of the republican candidates have a characteristic of strength and leadership, but with the exception of maybe Obama, all the democratic candidates appear socially retarded and sickly.

Is this hope to darwinian for you...the hope that our next president have an image or persona of strength?

By the way...don't bother to argue that edwards or anyone else has this...anyone who says so is hoplessly pc and party loyal as opposed to concerned for the nation interests.

2007-04-09 20:47:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

All right, lets assume you’re the defense attorney and you need to make your defense suspect not guilty. Since the court of law doesn’t say weather your innocent or not.

The driver is 16 and has his driver’s license. The passenger and driver have giving an older man they don’t know money to buy them alcohol for the party they are going to. They get this and they nor the police ever see the guy again.

So they pick up a friend named John Doe 15 years old. John goes behind the driver seat in a regular 4 seat, 4-door car. The passenger has the alcohol beverage unopened by his feet. John knows its there and the passenger and driver know he knows its there.

They get pulled over for speeding. Now they get arrested for minor in possession of Alcohol. All 3.

You need to defend this as the defense attorney would.

*Not a true story*

2007-04-09 20:29:27 · 9 answers · asked by Vultren.com 3 in Law & Ethics

My mom is looking to sue for back child support, but some people say it is too late. Others say there is no time limit.

2007-04-09 19:39:11 · 6 answers · asked by fashionartlove 1 in Law & Ethics

i just got home and i think one of those cameras might have taken a picture of my car because i think i sped through the yellow light.

there was a car that was on the other lane that was farther back than me but since it was night time i still saw the flash.

can those cameras give speeding tickets because i might have been over the limit.

and if i did get a picture taken for some kind of violation how long should i expect before it gets in the mail

2007-04-09 19:38:25 · 12 answers · asked by joey 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-04-09 19:33:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-04-09 19:30:59 · 24 answers · asked by universatile love 3 in Politics

If one stops the pay of the USA military men and women they will stop fighting. The Insurgents do not get a pay check. They fight for honor so guess who will win.

2007-04-09 19:27:21 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-04-09 19:26:41 · 4 answers · asked by Cris M 1 in Politics

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