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Politics & Government - 28 January 2007

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I mean the South VietNam president at the time of American occupation.

2007-01-28 05:56:44 · 1 answers · asked by QQ dri lu 4 in Politics

I'm not a terrorist or anything. Just curious as to how in shows like CSI, things happen so fast. I know in real life, they're bound to take MUCH longer.

2007-01-28 05:56:05 · 2 answers · asked by henrytut2 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

He was born in New York in 1911. He lived here for 3 or 4 years and then moved back to ireland with his parents. Is there any way i can claim citizenship, as if your american and have irish grandparents you can become an irish citizen.

2007-01-28 05:53:58 · 12 answers · asked by pj t 1 in Immigration

Is it because our politicians no longer work for the people of this country?

Our country's founders revolted for politicians ignoring what the people wanted ("taxation without represention").

2007-01-28 05:50:37 · 17 answers · asked by america_is_greatest_country 2 in Immigration


All this talk about a living wage, how much exactly for one person would that be. Seems people think minimum wage workers arent making it - fine ill accpet that one, but teachers and police officers? I havent known any POOR ones. So in your opinion what exactly is a living wage, in annual salary numbers?

I want to see how close I am to the poor house by you people's opinions.

How much should a single person be making to "survive" in your standards?

2007-01-28 05:50:36 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

The margin between rich and poor is growing wider each decade. Crime is increasing on both the poor and rich sides, but the poor get caught more often, and white collar crime has a blind eye turned to it. I've personally seen kids living in poverty lashing out more often at kids with money at school. Do you think a class war may be on the way in America? If so, give your reasons why you think so.

2007-01-28 05:50:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

when will California stop funding La Raza and Mecha,,,,,they only care about latinos,,,that is racist,,,and Mecha actually teaches hate towards whites,,,why does California support these people,,they are the Latino KKK

2007-01-28 05:50:21 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

From what I've seen, absolutely nobody on this forum can use proper English grammar. Anyone care to prove me wrong?

2007-01-28 05:48:32 · 11 answers · asked by The Frontrunner 5 in Politics


2007-01-28 05:47:48 · 15 answers · asked by WMD LIE p 1 in Politics

Common-law relationship, 2005 l worked at his co. before ending the relationship and moving out (because he would not leave) I found cheques made out to me and cashed for large amounts.I had no knowledge and he had no permmission, I left with nothing although he moved in with me and he had nothing, he now has all Ive ever owned, I want to take legal action, any advice.

2007-01-28 05:47:46 · 9 answers · asked by DEBRA 1 in Law & Ethics

what happens to packed lunch I found on bus and handed in to police?

2007-01-28 05:42:47 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I'm not asking if you think we can or cannot. I'm asking if you WANT it to be won.

2007-01-28 05:42:06 · 59 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

to the point that they need to make up malicious false accusations about her?

2007-01-28 05:39:23 · 36 answers · asked by JS 3 in Politics

What if supporters of a popular American president began a movement to make a president king? In what ways does this go against the American governmental system? Why would most people not support the movement? What connotations does kingship have tha presidency does not?

I would appreciate your feedback because I am really confused on the whole idea. My friend asked me about it, and well, now I am pondering upon the question. Thankyou, and I appreciate it.

2007-01-28 05:39:02 · 8 answers · asked by lily 1 in Government


I am a US citizen and would like to petition (file) for my younger brothers to come to the United States. Does anyone know how long would this process take. Thanks

2007-01-28 05:37:50 · 5 answers · asked by Lorayne 2 in Embassies & Consulates

Notice I said "if", because I don't have a crystal ball, and you never know, the Democrats might just do something to make us lose it (cut funding and therefore hurting our troops).

After all, you can't shoot your enemies if you don't have the money to buy bullets.

2007-01-28 05:37:15 · 20 answers · asked by The Cult of Personality 5 in Politics

I mean come on America...Prescott Bush dealt withthe Nazi's and now look how President Bush is stabbing America in the back.

2007-01-28 05:36:43 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Lost in the recent arguments about the war and the solutions is the subject of the OIL. that is why we went in. What are we going to do to save the Oil for USA? I think it should be considered when discussing the consequences of winning or losing or whatever. Maybe a strategy that saves the oil but loses the war would be practical. The USA could use the oil to pay us back for the cost of the war. We could redeploy our troops around the oil and build refineries or pumping stations or bring in ships or whatever and take that oil home to USA and let the idiot muslims fight over who is god. Our troops could protect the oil and the operations. We could build a big permanent base there and defend it and admit that is what we wanted all along and stop all this crap about " building a democracy" blah blah Blah.
Know the truth and it shall make you free. We need the oil, we want the oil, we deserve the oil, so lets talk about it. Otherwise we should help Darfur, not Iraq. Be honest America

2007-01-28 05:36:27 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I've been thinking.. how can piracy of music and private video game servers (lineage II for example) cost these businesses money? For example let's say someone downloads a song that they enjoy but whether that song was online for them to download or not they would not have bought the CD. How can such a situation be considered a loss? Also do you feel that the government is over stepping its boundaries in helping these multi-billion dollar corporations using tax dollars to go after United States citizens? Wouldn't these tax dollars be better spent on education and improving everyone's way of life instead of babying these corporations? The internet used to be a fun place to explore but now I'm afraid that every action I take will have the FBI breaking down my door. It's ridiculous.

2007-01-28 05:34:12 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

prior to Hurricane Katrina? Did the Governor of Louisiana and the Mayor of New Orleans not have a part in the planning for a disaster and the recovery?

My question is about those two people and their failed jobs.

If you don't have any insight into why those two aren't scrutinized, and feel you need to change the subject to someone else, please don't bother to answer.

2007-01-28 05:33:23 · 18 answers · asked by The Cult of Personality 5 in Politics

The point of the question is, what are the real risks? Yes, the public is at an emotioal high with Iraq and approaches the topic subjectively rather than asking the tough question.

We get our soldiers home, but the repercussion could be far more disastrous than completing the mission. - again, you have to take the emotions out in order to answer this question objectively.

2007-01-28 05:31:14 · 6 answers · asked by Hammy 2 in Military

Here is an article arguing that a regional war probably won't happen, and things are about as bad as they are going to get.


2007-01-28 05:30:49 · 11 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

i think Obama will win. just cuz Hillary has the experiance doesnt always mean she's better. We have to have fresh new people running for the election. And besides, do u guys really want to have the first woman president bieng Hillary Clinton?

2007-01-28 05:30:29 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Im a U.S. Citizen and want to become a spanish resident....do i loose my U.S.citizenship?

2007-01-28 05:28:10 · 2 answers · asked by banileja_2010 1 in Immigration

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