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Politics & Government - 28 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

who here think bush is a good president and will the world get better when he leaves?

2007-01-28 04:38:56 · 13 answers · asked by chatman6969692003 1 in Politics

In the state of Michigan I have recieved 3 MIP's : about 4 years ago, 3 years ago, and 2 years ago. Im now 22 years old. Im just wondering for employement sake.

2007-01-28 04:38:50 · 3 answers · asked by dmc 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-01-28 04:38:26 · 6 answers · asked by donaldviars 1 in Elections

whose the real 6 million dollar man? edwards just built another home in north carolina. it cost 6 million dollars and has 28000 sq feet.

cant be seen from the road, except for the no trespassing signs.

how is he going to see the other America from there?

the taxes on that home are about 120,000 dollars. more than all the libtards on here make in a year together.

God bless the working man edwards, or at least his ability to trick them into thinking democraps give a **** about them.

when will these sheep learn?

and thats a memo

2007-01-28 04:37:32 · 6 answers · asked by my name is call me ishamael 1 in Politics

My boyfriend owns a party store in Detroit Michigan.A couple weeks ago a Detroit foods inspector came in unexpected and found some bread that was expired.The inspector issued a ticket under my boyfriends name. A couple weeks later he went to court for the ticket -he ended up paying a $400 fine. The judge told him that if this happens again he could face 45 days in jail[i dont even believe thats true-i think the judge was trying to scare him].This TOTALLY freaked out my boyfriend.He tries his hardest to make sure no food is expired but it is very hard to do so.[Even big chain stores have times where food will become expired] what i want to know is - if this does somehow happen again and he does get jail time for this - would he be able to get bond? I have been looking on google to find someplace that i could call to find the laws of Detroit on expired foods-but could not find anything.If you could please give me some advice-or somewhere that i could call for questions on this issue.

2007-01-28 04:36:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

JENKINS was in a crowded pub and was larking about with her friends. She decided to throw a pint of beer over her friend BRYANT. Unfortunately the glass slipped out of her hand and smashed in BRYANT's face, causing cuts which required stitches.
In relation to assault occasioning actual bodily harm, what must be proved?

A Intention to commit any type of assault.
B Intention to cause the harm actually caused.
C Recklessness as to the assault itself.
D Recklessness as to the injury actually caused.

2007-01-28 04:35:48 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Suppose the bad guys effectively hit us with 50 x 500kilo ton nukes in a very stratigic manner. No more oil refineries, the capitol is a crater, the 20 most populated cities are gone.

2007-01-28 04:35:36 · 12 answers · asked by Nate H 2 in Military

Their are a lot of nominations, some including the first woman or first black man.

Now, while many women think its great Hillary is running--how can you be proud of a two-faced liar becoming the first women president. She doesnt have intentions of listening to the people...because sh has told us she would help support the stopping of illegal immigration, yet when with another NY senator-she turned down two ammendents dealing with the protection from illegal immigration.

Then Obama may be the first black man, he has no other platform than that. He doesnt seem to have any plan on what to do with the country.

Seemingly, all other canditates are not as popular as those two. Why cant America vote to put someone who has the knowledge and ability to run our country into presidency?

Last time we had a vote for presidency I was 17, too young to vote between Bush & Kerry. Why is it that in 08, when I am able to vote--I will have to pick from a two-faced woman & a newbie?

2007-01-28 04:34:47 · 13 answers · asked by I Love My Kitties 5 in Elections

2007-01-28 04:33:46 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Go live in Iraq, Jane. Your most recent divorce -husband can`t stand you either. Better yet go live in Vietnam. You caused enough trouble back in the sixty`s. Kindly SHUT-UP!

2007-01-28 04:33:03 · 14 answers · asked by Patches 5 in Military

CEO's get billion dollar Salary's and the, Cons approve. The numbers o fworking poor are on the rise, Cons approve.. Is it time for an American monarchy???

2007-01-28 04:32:46 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

that all we ahve folks a coaliton of nations for good
Clinton did and still has PEACE in KOSOVO

2007-01-28 04:31:45 · 17 answers · asked by WMD LIEr W 1 in Politics

an answer beside walking away and telling the familys for the fallen soliders it was for nothing. If we walk away there will be a
bloodbath ,then how could we do what was done in Vietaim?

2007-01-28 04:31:21 · 9 answers · asked by jrhag1940 1 in Military

...or do you think they are simply fighting for the irrational, liberal agenda in the U.S. ?... What are the liberals *REALLY* fighting for ?

2007-01-28 04:30:58 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

to rely on the government so much?

2007-01-28 04:26:54 · 31 answers · asked by The Cult of Personality 5 in Politics

If a sign is posted that an item is $10, but the item is really $20 and I want to buy 50 items, can I get all 50 at $10, or do I only get 1 at $10 and the others at the $20. The sign didn't specify if the $10 was per square foot or per piece. The person at the store told me that this was an unintentional mistake and that the Mi pricing law only requires them to sell me one item at the incorrectly signed price. I have searched the gov't web site and cannot find any specifics on this...

2007-01-28 04:25:34 · 2 answers · asked by lahaina luau 1 in Law & Ethics

WWJD? What Would Jesus Do?

2007-01-28 04:25:11 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The 2008 BJ Olympics will be an f'n eye opener for most AMerican homebodies...that's for sure. Most economists think that the Chinese conomy will overtake that of the US by 2020-30...
whereas my educated and historical guess is that the US is in for a huge watershed in the next 25-50 years...think about it...the US will have another revolution in 50 years...1760 (Revolution); 1860s (Civil War); 1960s (Assisinations/Civil/Women's Liberties); 2060s (All hell breaks loose)??
by the time the US has formed some kind of 'reality' towards its own citizens abd its foreign policy, China will be far ahead.
Imagine if China ever became the #1 purchaser of its own products?
Long live the BRIC alliance. Brazi/S.America, Russia, India & China?
It would be unstoppable? n'est pas?

2007-01-28 04:24:53 · 5 answers · asked by Happier in China 2 in Military

Though we, as U.S. citizens, like to believe that our government and it's actions portray us as a people interested in worldwide peace and equality, our actions overseas continue to be interpreted otherwise. We have serious image issues in N. Korea, Iraq, and Iran obviously, but also China, most of the Middle East, Russia, as well as Japan and even Britian. We have become, in world opinion, the "bully on the block" and have shown that we are more motivated by our own self-interests than bringing peace and resolution of conflict through diplomacy. I believe that our next president needs to place a very strong emphasis on diplomacy and bi-lateral discussion. If world opinion continues to slip, I believe we will face challenging times as we lose good-will from around the world and feel even more pressure economically, as well as from a lack of respect. Without the worlds respect, I fear we place our troops and citizens abroad in more danger from terrorism and financial hardship.

2007-01-28 04:24:22 · 15 answers · asked by wsdmskr825 2 in Politics

I want to make online content and Dvd's. I can make the movies and edit them, however after that, how do I actually get the content to shops and distributes, are there agents like book companies.
What do I need to know before making an adult website. I am very motivated torwards this idea and the only thing stopping me is that I dont know about any UK laws governing online porn or how I get content into shops.

2007-01-28 04:24:17 · 6 answers · asked by twocanchew 1 in Law & Ethics

George Bush's IRAQ must be a democracy and a model of Peace and Justice!

Until those goals are FULLY realised...US troops should stay...no excuses , no whining.

The USA wants to "WIN".....so stay and suffer and die....until you "WIN"......but remember who started this mess.

The Republican Party, Christian Conservatives, and the wonderful people that were foolish enough to vote for GW Bush.

Stay in IRAQ...winners.....stay there till you "WIN".....it might take a while.....I figure maybe 150 years.

My the lord have mercy upon your souls

2007-01-28 04:23:54 · 20 answers · asked by T - blaster 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Maybe, because she has a slogan or motto: "Lets become to be Genuinely Sincere, Grateful and Respectful with God, with Mother Nature and with ourselves" and in this one, there is a lot of wisdom and an also an insurance of wellbeing. It is accepted by Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Christians, and people of Good Will. Dont you think?

2007-01-28 04:23:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Like Homosexuals,child violators(NAMBLA),ecoterrorists, PETA and other groups that do damage to the country.

2007-01-28 04:22:54 · 13 answers · asked by ? 6 in Politics

I often wonder whenever I discuss current events with current and former soldiers. I wonder is someone who has been subjected to this treatment is actually a reasonable voice to debate with.

Also if you have been in the military were you aware of what they were trying to do to you?

2007-01-28 04:22:47 · 29 answers · asked by The Angry Stick Man 6 in Military

I have looked and can't find any links about this on the web.

2007-01-28 04:22:47 · 6 answers · asked by letitgo33 1 in Politics

I have a pool and took care to plant "clean landscape" but my neighbor has planted willow trees and bushes that drop leaves and dandalion type seeds allover cloggig drans and making a mess. They reduce to prune to reduce the impact.

2007-01-28 04:22:21 · 5 answers · asked by california bill 2 in Law & Ethics


can i sue in canada becuz of work accident even if im still dealing with (wsib) compansation?

2007-01-28 04:22:18 · 3 answers · asked by chatman6969692003 1 in Law & Ethics

This is an honest question. I'm just curious.

2007-01-28 04:22:12 · 2 answers · asked by americanmalearlington 4 in Government

would you vote for these guys?


2007-01-28 04:20:58 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

First we will elect only Liberal Democrats to office,---then we will all quit our jobs and be supported by the Government.

2007-01-28 04:20:33 · 5 answers · asked by big j 5 in Politics

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