Though we, as U.S. citizens, like to believe that our government and it's actions portray us as a people interested in worldwide peace and equality, our actions overseas continue to be interpreted otherwise. We have serious image issues in N. Korea, Iraq, and Iran obviously, but also China, most of the Middle East, Russia, as well as Japan and even Britian. We have become, in world opinion, the "bully on the block" and have shown that we are more motivated by our own self-interests than bringing peace and resolution of conflict through diplomacy. I believe that our next president needs to place a very strong emphasis on diplomacy and bi-lateral discussion. If world opinion continues to slip, I believe we will face challenging times as we lose good-will from around the world and feel even more pressure economically, as well as from a lack of respect. Without the worlds respect, I fear we place our troops and citizens abroad in more danger from terrorism and financial hardship.
15 answers
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Politics & Government
➔ Politics
It is Hillary Clinton, because she has the motto or slogan with a big wisdom: "Lets become to be all of us, genuinely Sincere, Grateful and Respectful with God, with Mother Nature and with ourselves" which one is accepted by Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Christians and all people of Good Will
2007-01-28 04:34:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You probably won't like my take on this, but here goes:
I don't give a damn what countries like Spain and France, the EU or Russia and China think - they have all backed down from facing the murderous and barbaric tactics of the Islamic terrorists as far as I'm concerned.
Do you truly think there can be peace in the world when a group of demented radicals have declared war on any nation that refuses to convert to their interpretation of Islam? And whose tactics include the indiscriminate murder of thousands of innocent men, women and children? History has shown that inaction only results in further attacks - and, moreover, is viewed only as weakness by these dirt bags.
This is the reality. You can accept it and try and destroy this demented ideology, or you can succumb to their demands. The choice is yours.
In answer to your question, our "image overseas" doesn't need repairing - it is their perception that needs an overhaul.
2007-01-28 04:41:01
answer #2
answered by LeAnne 7
I don't believe our image overseas is really all that bad.
You are forgetting that these other countries have their own self interests, and being close to the U.S. after 9/11 would only serve to make their country ,also, a target for terrorists. They don't want to appear cowardly, but they really don't feel as strongly about 9/11 as we do.So, I believe, they exaggerate our differences in order to distance themselves from a dangerous friend.
If we win the war on terrorism, they would not only become our friend again(almost over night); they would even regard us as new found heroes.
2007-01-28 04:47:57
answer #3
answered by big j 5
My opinion:
I'm an "independent republican" who votes with my gut feelings. I would like to see Joe Lieberman in the running.
Do you actually believe you can reason or come to an agreement with the terrorists? It's their way or no way.
As for Saddam, he used WMDs on his own people, defied UN resolutions and did not provide proof of their destruction, refused inspections for 4 years -- someday when the WMDs are found or accidentally unearthed, Pres. Bush will be exonerated.
We are not the police of the world, we are the guardians of the world. Other countries cannot or will not admit to themselves what will happen if the terrorists control the oil. They could cripple world-wide industry, not just the U.S.
2007-01-28 04:39:52
answer #4
answered by TheHumbleOne 7
None, unless you elect an idiot who allows terrorists to kill our people AGAIN. Okay, Clinton. We need to re-elect him so Europe will feel on equal terms with USA. They know they are weak, and small without us, and have to live with terrorism, since they haven't the power alone to face their enemy, and they HATE that we CAN, and DO. It doesn't feel very good when you are not the superpower anymore, does it? America is NOT a coward, and will not bow down to the wishes of the world, that will never be our friends. No matter what we have done, what we will do for them, they will NEVER like us. Jealousy is a powerful thing.
2007-01-28 04:33:03
answer #5
answered by xenypoo 7
Don't care what the surrender monkeys and apologist for nazislamic fascist think in the least
The world is jealous and has always hated the USA
and with the anti-America UN will always hate America
2007-01-28 04:30:08
answer #6
answered by bob b 3
Saudi...hates people, no longer only Bush. They tolerate us via fact they hate Iraq much greater. the speedier people study how the international works and not only examine the leftist media we can be a much greater advantageous place. as quickly as we positioned our women individuals in reformatory for being raped and enable the adult adult males circulate, then and easily then will they like us in Saudi Arabia. FYI- this only befell there.
2016-09-28 02:37:06
answer #7
answered by ? 4
If he runs he has far more honor than anyone else running.
As far as being popluar with the world we try that and got 9/11.
I rather be hated and no terrorist attacks than be love and digging out people from buildings from terrorist attacks.
2007-01-28 04:28:16
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Good question, and I'm not sure about an answer, but I think a combination of Clinton,and Obama would be a good place to start. It will take a conversation, not a missle.
2007-01-28 04:30:42
answer #9
answered by letitgo33 1
Probably Bill Clinton, if he were able to run again.
I don't think Hillary could do it, since those Arab countries don't have respect for women
2007-01-28 04:28:49
answer #10
answered by You may be right 7