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Politics & Government - 17 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2006-11-17 09:25:05 · 9 answers · asked by 6th Finger 2 in Government

You can use links if you want.

2006-11-17 09:24:20 · 10 answers · asked by HerKomisar 1 in Politics

Ok, so I need a medical waiver after my visit to the MEPS. I understand I have two weeks to complete the waiver. What if I do not complete it and take some more time to get in shape physically. Will this hurt me/prevent me from enlisting?

2006-11-17 09:23:03 · 11 answers · asked by alexanderisno1 1 in Military

my X boyfriend destroyed a video game and refuses to pay me back or buy a new one. he did it out of anger and addmitted it to the police officer. he thinks he'll get out of it because of his age and the price of the game.

2006-11-17 09:22:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

how come they arent protecting us from the invasion from the south? im all for legal immigration, but illegal immigration is like an invasion

2006-11-17 09:21:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Bush is in Vietnem now and is acting like he is an expert on their country, but he was too cowardice to go to Vietnem during the war.

He had his daddy keep him from going over there.

Just who does he think he is fooling?

2006-11-17 09:20:46 · 18 answers · asked by Brotherhood 7 in Politics

I am doing a persuasive essay in college. My stand is that child predators should not have the chance after a 1st offense to commit a 2nd offense, EVER!!! Please refer me to the information and a viable internet source I can use & cite for a gr8 Essay paper! Thanks Everyone
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

2006-11-17 09:19:26 · 4 answers · asked by stingray00783 1 in Law & Ethics

I do! 21, same as drinking. I mean really, if you're not responsible yet to control yourself with alcohol (as far as the law sees it) then why are you mature enough to raise another human life? Doesn't make ANY sense to me!

please don't go on about HOW they would control my new theory on "underage mothers", we could argue forever.

Please just say your oppinion on trying to set an age limit. And why you think someone is responsible enough to raise a kid and not have a beer. (don't bring up military soldiers can die for their country and not drink. Unlike young mothers, we get training to do our jobs and to be responsible)

2006-11-17 09:18:39 · 15 answers · asked by ur a Dee Dee Dee 5 in Law & Ethics

2006-11-17 09:18:36 · 10 answers · asked by Andy 2 in Politics

2006-11-17 09:18:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2006-11-17 09:15:31 · 34 answers · asked by jola2fine 2 in Elections

Isn't that the biggest of all problems. Beliving the Reds or Blues will help or fix things.


2006-11-17 09:14:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Do you think that in CA that even though we passed prop 83 that we should allow a 1st time convicted child molester the chance to commit a 2nd crime by allowing him back into society???? I am writing a PERSUASIVE essay for college. I would appreciate anyone that knows about the true CALIFORNIA law upon 1st offense in CA on child molestation charges to PLEASE direct me to a good/valid net source for info on current CA law regarding child predators and thier 1st convistion and what it normally carries penalty-wise...ty so much everyone!!!....

2006-11-17 09:13:07 · 10 answers · asked by stingray00783 1 in Law & Ethics

Some of you may not even know he was even a President, and most of you probably only have a vague idea of his policies from History class. However, he was President during an extraordinary, technological revolution that drove the US economy to incredible heights, the largest economic boom in US History. Americans were living the good life and reaping the economic benefits of the "Roaring Twenties." The stock market was high, everyone had a good job making great money, and was becoming wealthy. However, today no one attributes the economic growth of the 1920s to Calvin Coolidge. Most experts say this was just part of an econmic cycle. In fact, the same exact economic pattern occurred 70 years later during another technological revolution. Why then do many people attribute the economic boom on the 1990s to Bill Clinton? Do you think in 60 years Americans will still feel the same way about Clinton, or will people in their 20s then, only have a vague idea Clinton was even a US President?

2006-11-17 09:12:55 · 11 answers · asked by TheMayor 3 in Politics

Back when the OJ trail ended I remember I was in College and we watched the verdict and all the white people in the class stood solemn and the black classmates cheered. Why did this have to be about race or MARK FURMAN just to distract FROM THE FACT HE IS A COLD BLOODED KILLER?

2006-11-17 09:12:06 · 14 answers · asked by lucy 1 in Law & Ethics

is it illegal to copy actual dvd movies or is it just illegal to copy and then sell. is it ok to copy them for your own personal use?

2006-11-17 09:10:50 · 8 answers · asked by no one 1 in Law & Ethics

Since "Democrats" clearly does not accurately name or describe the rather pathetic bunch of liars that seem to bear that name, any suggestions for a new party name?

2006-11-17 09:08:58 · 17 answers · asked by ib_enigma 2 in Other - Politics & Government

The Dutch are up to it again!!! The first to operate a money making slave trade (Dutch Indian Ocean slave trade), and introduce racism into some remote parts of Africa (like, for example, in Rwanda, where they seperated the local black population into two catagories based upon physical appereance, and allowed these sides to kill each other in the 1990's to present), are seeking 'all white all right' political policies to obtain "constitutional guarantee against religious discrimination."(http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2006/11/17/burqa-ban.html).

As the Dutch government's Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk stated, "The Cabinet finds it undesirable that face-covering clothing — including the burka — is worn in public places, for reasons of public order, security and protection of citizens"

Ok. But are you not a so called 'democratic' country- with freedoms of religions? You show this by BANNING burkas- someones peaceful religious practices?

2006-11-17 09:06:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Just looking for opinions.

2006-11-17 09:06:34 · 16 answers · asked by Derek D 2 in Other - Politics & Government

I'm tired at work and would really like to listen to an exciting story via the internet to wake me up. Maybe a true life spy or espionage story from the cold war, WWII or whenever. If you could give me a link to one or some, I'd be grateful.

2006-11-17 09:06:30 · 1 answers · asked by Uncle Pennybags 7 in Military

Now that elections are over, and their speeches about the low gas prices did not garner enough support, they are willing to allow gas prices to rise again. That's my theory, anyway.

2006-11-17 09:04:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

was recently elected and has a book on newyork times bestseller

2006-11-17 09:02:45 · 6 answers · asked by Keyira M 1 in Elections


Did he simply forget to raise the price after he dropped it in time for elections?

2006-11-17 09:01:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I have a video of a sexual assault done IN an US Marine military base; one Marine assaulted other Marine.
If I want to report it using e-mail, how can I do it?
Someone knows the e-mail addresses/websites of Marine “police”, or maybe Navy “police”, or some other military police force or institution that is capable of investigating this issue?
Thank you.

2006-11-17 08:59:37 · 9 answers · asked by incognitoreporting 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I have a video of a sexual assault done IN an US Marine military base; one Marine assaulted other Marine.
If I want to report it using e-mail, how can I do it?
Someone knows the e-mail addresses/websites of Marine “police”, or maybe Navy “police”, or some other military police force or institution that is capable of investigating this issue?
Thank you.

2006-11-17 08:58:22 · 8 answers · asked by incognitoreporting 1 in Military

A large portion of our country (the US) buys from Wal-mart which is the #1 trader with China. The Chineese government is responsible for the death of over 1.2 million Tibetans. Also their government is reasponsible for genocide of their own people. They still continue to destroy Tibetan culture. Why do we support them? How do we make their present human rights violations known to the American public? Why doesn't our so called "christian nation" do anything about it?

2006-11-17 08:56:56 · 16 answers · asked by anonymous 2 in Other - Politics & Government

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