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Politics & Government - 2 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

are you voting?
swing towards the right or left?

2006-11-02 04:58:47 · 19 answers · asked by wolfball 2 in Elections

and how does this compare to the 25% of adults in the general population? Surely you must know this figure to be about the same or more? Otherwise Kerry is correct - right?


2006-11-02 04:57:08 · 3 answers · asked by Dastardly 6 in Politics

For one, I believe the republicans are too comfortable and have too many hands in their pockets. They need to be dislodged. But then, Democrats will have many hands in their pockets too, because they've been in power and have their familiar friends and lobbyists just waiting for them. But they will screw up as well. I want them to sit in office and screw up while me and my libertarian friends get popular amongst the now frustrated rep Amereicans and the soon to be frustrated dem Americans. I believe over the coming few years, Libertarian (and other) parties are going to explode onto the scene in the wake of the two old, constantly disappointing parties. What do you think?

2006-11-02 04:57:01 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

with humman lifes, physical cost (like weapons,soldier payment,ect)

2006-11-02 04:55:29 · 10 answers · asked by smokey_bearme 2 in Military

I am not 18 yet and I was wondering if they would let me fly to say France with my brother( who is younger) alone (I mean without my parents)

2006-11-02 04:54:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

you may think this is insane but there is actaully no law that requires you to pay taxes and do you really now what they are doing with our money. every penny that we pay goes to a PRIVATLY owned bank to pay for the interest of the american debt. military is payed for by corporate taxes that are legal. highwyas are paid for by the tax on gasoline and schools are paid for by the propert and city taxes. so why are we giving money to a bank for making the money if the government can legally print thier own money.

2006-11-02 04:53:57 · 11 answers · asked by pinklover 2 in Law & Ethics

May I refer you to this story, with photos of $20 bills which were microwaved, for a minute. The embedded chips, hidden in the right eye of Andrew Jackson, then explode and burn! Dramatic and scary. I do NOT endorse any other of this site's claims, but this one is eye opening.

The government knows by these chips how much money you carry in your purse or your wallet, anywhere, anytime.

2006-11-02 04:53:28 · 26 answers · asked by Aaron 2 in Law & Ethics

I'm not saying Republicans were being unfair, because Democrats would do the same thing. But what do you think will come out against either side? Certainly it won't be anything relating to real issues, because they all know tha many people are ignorant enough to have their vote swayed by some irrelative scandal.

2006-11-02 04:49:21 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

2006-11-02 04:48:43 · 14 answers · asked by ? 2 in Politics

I was recently forwarded the website for Family Watchdog, the national sex offender registry. I looked up my address, and was confused by the different titles for the sex offenders. I was wondering what the difference, if any, is between "Rape of a child" and "Child Molestation" convictions. Also, would there be a label for statutory rapes?

2006-11-02 04:47:53 · 5 answers · asked by hopelesslydevoted 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

"Two federal agencies are investigating whether the Bush administration tried to block government scientists from speaking freely about global warming and censor their research"


2006-11-02 04:47:44 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

they made me a officer of corp. so the could avoid paying workmans comp. also I was supposed to have 1 share in the company --now they say get lost. they let me go saying they have no work -- thats a lie. am I supposed to get a severence pay of somekind .can anybody help me get some kind of justice.(ps. dont ever even think bout wrking for family-- it wil destroy it!.)

2006-11-02 04:47:36 · 4 answers · asked by offwite 2 in Law & Ethics

With all the 9-11 conspiracy theory nut jobs....made me wonder...What conspiracy THEORY was ever proven true?

Other then Bush hit the hurricane button and caused Katrina.....

2006-11-02 04:45:54 · 24 answers · asked by John 3 in Politics

2006-11-02 04:44:44 · 21 answers · asked by ? 2 in Military

"Religous" beliefs aside (ie. God doesn't agree, the bible says, etc) , how is this justified? Keep in mind that hetero couples have the ability to legally marry regardless of their child producing/rearing plans.

For further clarification: a spiritual union (ie. the commitment ceremony) and legal marriage ( submitting a marriage certificate to the courts, automatically obtaining property and tax benefits, etc) are 2 seperate events. I'm asking about the legal marriage.

2006-11-02 04:44:39 · 9 answers · asked by Sarah 2 in Law & Ethics

I was sick with the flu all day yesterday. I went to bed around mid night woke up at 4 took my phone of the Charger woke up at 6 and it was gone.

I had 4 bananna's before I went to bed and 3 when I woke up. I think my meds had me woozie so I didn't hear the intruder. My door was open when I woke up, I always lock my door before I go to bed, who just steals a Phone and a Piece of Fruit.

What should I do?

2006-11-02 04:44:03 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

today in virigina a sherriff and twelve deputies were charged with dealing drugs and confiscated weapons .it seems to happen everyday .murder rape robbery drug and weapon dealing these are the guys so called putting thier lives on line to save us from crimmanals .when are we going to bring back public hangings to curtail thier activites how can people stick up for these monsters

2006-11-02 04:43:52 · 8 answers · asked by eldoradoman1953 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

who are relatively easy to round up?

"Nearly 11,000 fugitives, including sex offenders, gang members and others wanted on a variety of charges from kidnapping to weapons offenses, were rounded up last week in a 24-state operation, the Justice Department was to announce Thursday."


2006-11-02 04:40:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

democrats are coming out of the religious closet this mid-term election are they just trying to grab some of the evagelical christian vote or are they sincere?

2006-11-02 04:40:08 · 9 answers · asked by April N 3 in Elections

I am 19 years old, a natural citizen and already registered to vote. However, I have never voted. I don't want to vote for anyone I half agree with, and I'm not sure of what other parties there are out in our government. Can someone please outline the beliefs of each party and/ or a webite that will teach me what I need to know about the political parties.

2006-11-02 04:39:34 · 6 answers · asked by Taaammi 2 in Elections

Bush Sr. did) rather than just a little over 100,000 US troops that the war in Iraq would have been won by now?

2006-11-02 04:36:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

We just relocated to a new city for my husband's new job. The company mailed his paycheck to our hotel (his direct deposit hasn't kicked in yet). It was supposed to be here Tuesday but it never showed up. He asked payroll at the company, they say they can't get the money to us until next week. We've gone through half our savings to move here and we really need some money. What should we do?

2006-11-02 04:35:41 · 4 answers · asked by cirque de lune 6 in Law & Ethics

They bloody sold you the Brooklyn Bridge and made you say thank you for it.

2006-11-02 04:35:32 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Governments, to have a reason for existing, must defend their people from other people's attack.

Therefore, do Governments, far from wishing for peace, carefully excite the anger of other nations against themselves?

And having excited other people's anger against themselves, and stirred up the patriotism of their own people, does each Government then assure its perpetual survival?


P2OG Defense Science Board Program: "Develops an entirely new capability to proactively, preemptively evoke responses from adversary/terrorist groups."

2006-11-02 04:33:50 · 4 answers · asked by big-brother 3 in Politics

take a look :http://www.drudgereport.com/

kerry is such loser, think he has enough courage to go to 'irak' and
confront these guys? nah, even those medals he bought during vietnam and has been touting as the truth for years then threw away, no then didn't, no, wait then threw someone else's medals away...oh heck he still doesn't have what it takes to be a man much less a soldier.

2006-11-02 04:33:38 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I couldnt catch it on the news??? but what did he say?

2006-11-02 04:33:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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