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Politics & Government - 13 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Who do you think is going to have to pay that off? Did you know we are in debt to China, Japan and South Korea for that debt? Did you know they can cash in at anytime and own this country on a whim? Did you know that is why all of the American jobs are being sent overseas? And you say tax breaks!!

2006-10-13 04:25:47 · 15 answers · asked by Gettin_by 3 in Politics


Now that Air America is now finacially bankrupt, been morally bankrupt for years, but now that Soro's money is gone whats next for the looney left?

Why do they insist on trying to have a Limbaugh of the left? Everytime it fails. Could it be no one cares what they think and no one wants to hear someone bash the country all day every day?

Stay on topic now libbies. No conspiracy theories. Topic is left talk radio continues to fail

2006-10-13 04:25:04 · 13 answers · asked by John 3 in Politics

I am not a bible scholar but I am pretty sure that Jesus would not have promoted war as the solution to any problem yet we in America have political group like the hypocritical Christians for the War? What an oxymoron.

2006-10-13 04:24:48 · 10 answers · asked by marleyjane420 1 in Other - Politics & Government

the law states that, if you are confronted by a criminal attempting to rob you, car jack you etc. you can use deadly force to protect yourself. you then would not be subject to criminal or civil prosecution. 15 states have this law on the books now, and my state is considering it (wisconsin).

2006-10-13 04:24:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

He has the most screwed up background compared to Gabrieli and Reily such as supporting rapists.He refused to reveal his taxes. He is a racist, firing white employees once he had the power to and replacing them with black people and scammed poor people out of there homes. Why the hell would anyone vote for this guy?

2006-10-13 04:23:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

There is no more dispicable group of people on the face of the earth. Refuse to be educated, clean or pay taxes. Cause huge crime and litter problems everywhere they go.
What, if anything, can we do about them?

2006-10-13 04:23:26 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

hi just a question is there any speaical technique to placing the velcro behind patches to then be placed on a flight jacket (aprat from getting your wife, girlfriend or mother to do it for you!?!?

2006-10-13 04:23:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

In a conversation with a liberal, he said the US should give up its "attacks" on iran and north korea, and discuss terms of surrender. do liberals REALLY want to surrender to a lying communist and a religious fanatic? the guy sounded like he was going to cry...

2006-10-13 04:22:25 · 13 answers · asked by kunta kinte 2 in Politics

Couldn't they just have a spouse, friend, or kid blow into it for them? This looks like another waste of taxpayer dollars.

2006-10-13 04:22:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Im not trying to be mean or "racist", but seriously your from a different country with different standards. Dont you think you coming illegally is putting others at risk medically?

2006-10-13 04:21:24 · 25 answers · asked by ernie-h-in-the-place 1 in Immigration

First I will just make it clear I hate both party's. Politicians every single one of them, senators and representatives are not activists, many have no work experience, they went right into politics out of college. If you actually check out how they vote, they rarely ever vote in the interest of the American people but for corporations, plus just look at how much money they take from lobbyist.

2006-10-13 04:17:04 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

2006-10-13 04:15:11 · 11 answers · asked by Gettin_by 3 in Military

How much terror do we have to wage to feel safe? I know, I know cons, the study isn't "credible"- Johns Hopkins University just pulls things out of its posterior. Seriously, though, how many Iraqis do we have to kill to avenge 9/11? I am a veteran of the armed forces, so keep your attacks on my patriotism to yourself. My question is the number of our own dead is approaching the number of dead on 9/11 and the number of dead Iraqis is approaching genocide; when is enough killing enough?

2006-10-13 04:14:28 · 17 answers · asked by Schmorgen 6 in Politics

Whats the point when the Electoral College is what they go on anyways?

2006-10-13 04:14:28 · 12 answers · asked by bigmax1627 1 in Elections

Please give the reason you feel we are or are not living better.

2006-10-13 04:12:04 · 16 answers · asked by JC J 2 in Politics

It is estimated that one and a half million Armenians perished between 1915 and 1923. There were an estimated two million Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire on the eve of W.W.I. Well over a million were deported in 1915. Hundreds of thousands were butchered outright. Many others died of starvation, exhaustion, and epidemics which ravaged the concentration camps. Among the Armenians living along the periphery of the Ottoman Empire many at first escaped the fate of their countrymen in the central provinces of Turkey. Tens of thousands in the east fled to the Russian border to lead a precarious existence as refugees. The majority of the Armenians in Constantinople, the capital city, were spared deportation. In 1918, however, the Young Turk regime took the war into the Caucasus, where approximately 1,800,000 Armenians lived under Russian dominion. Ottoman forces advancing through East Armenia and Azerbaijan here too engaged in systematic massacres.

2006-10-13 04:11:55 · 5 answers · asked by doubts 2 in Politics

Where was our homeland security? Why wasn't it detected?
Are we being handed nothing more than a false sense of security?

2006-10-13 04:11:25 · 11 answers · asked by Gettin_by 3 in Politics

2006-10-13 04:11:23 · 14 answers · asked by rizzzzz 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Wouldn't it be ironic if Bush/Neo cons bomb Iran to save Israel from getting "wiped off the map" but in the process start WW III in which the whole world gets "wiped off the map?

2006-10-13 04:10:50 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

At present I need to leave the country every six months to renew visa. I'm a UK citizen of non Indian origin. Thanks

2006-10-13 04:10:41 · 4 answers · asked by nebulon 2 in Immigration

Wouldn't it be ironic if Bush/Neo cons bomb Iran to save Israel from getting "wiped off the map" but in the process start WW III in which the whole world gets "wiped off the map?

2006-10-13 04:10:21 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My ex-wife wants her new husband to adopt our daughter, and it is taking her so long, i'm not sure if she is dragging her heels so she can get more child support or not. can we just type up our own agreement, sign and notarize it and file it, or do we actually have to go through a lawyer. we did up our own separation agreement, signed and notarized it, and filed it ourselves. thanks in advance.

2006-10-13 04:08:27 · 2 answers · asked by fan_of_the_dolphins 3 in Law & Ethics

My previous question seems to have revealed the lack of morals and in some cases the lack of comprehension by liberals. I do not support Foley or the Republican from Ohio who just pled guilty to fraudulent activity. I do support our Presidents effort in trying to clean up the mess created by 8 years of a Child Molesters administration. If the liberals want to have any credibility at all they need to demand a candidate in 08 who will fight terrorism like our current administration is doing despite the efforts from the liberals to turn our country into a communist state controlled by Muslim terrorists.

2006-10-13 04:06:26 · 9 answers · asked by daydoom 5 in Politics

I was a passenger on a bus that crashed into a car in front, we think he skipped the lights. Anyway the police say its the bus drivers fault as he crashed in to the car in front. Im thinking of making a claim with one of these no win no fee companys for my injurys, whiplash and back pain. Has anybody had any experience with these companys or knows anything about them? They say i dont pay a penny if i win or lose, keep all the compensation and the bus company pays their legal expences. There has to be a catch somewhere, but where?
Any idea's, has anybody claimed with one of these companys, love to hear your experience of it, good or bad.Thanks

2006-10-13 04:02:30 · 18 answers · asked by lucy 3 in Law & Ethics

I've been hearing that word a lot in the news:
U.S. hopes for vote on N.Korea sanctions

2006-10-13 04:02:28 · 6 answers · asked by blair 3 in Government

Why do the illegals that are protesting wave Mexican flags? Would you be more willing to accept them if they were flying old glory?

2006-10-13 04:01:20 · 15 answers · asked by ernie-h-in-the-place 1 in Immigration

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