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Politics & Government - 30 September 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Are there any limitations

medical waiver is for an ankle with screws in it

2006-09-30 10:05:37 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

If it were a Democrat President who now wiretaps YOUR phone, spys on YOUR internet habits, arrests YOU at peace rallies, started a war cuz he wanted revenge on a bad man trying to kill a member of HIS family, took a suplus & gave YOUR future generations a massive deficit, & spends $448 billion on wars to kill innocent human beings...

Would you still be all for the wars
or would you be going ballistic
because a DEMOCRAT is doing all this?

2006-09-30 10:05:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I was just wondering if someone knew if the requirments for SWAT are diffrent for diffrent departments?

2006-09-30 10:05:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Republicans and conservatives here don't think you can politicize Foley the pedophile, but yet they greatly politicize Clinton for practicing adultery. Forget that the GOP tramps around as the party of "family values."

Hypocrisy, huh?

2006-09-30 10:01:11 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I hear many different ways the word liberal is used, but how do you define it... just curious... vote for the one that best describes the entire group... and you can choose more than one...

A. Any democrat that voted for Kerry...

B. people who go to protests constantly and smoke weed all day, maybe even live in communes... hippies basically

C. poor people on welfare...

D. the majority of college professors and scientists...

E. people who push for civil rights for everyone (gay people and muslims included)... ACLU-ish

F. everyone that dislikes Bush

G. Everyone that wants to set a deadline for the Iraq war...

H. anyone who support socialized medicine and state owned schools....

and please feel free to add any explanation or more information on the subject... but let's try to keep the "they are stupid" to a minimum.... I know some of you think they are stupid already...

2006-09-30 09:58:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

explain your answer. If you feel like it. Ya know whatever.

2006-09-30 09:58:25 · 4 answers · asked by Lleh 6 in Law & Ethics

im underage for ciggaretes and i was waiting outside a gas station while my frned went to ask someone to buy him ciggaretes , but the lady at the front saw him ask and she asked the guy who my firned asked if my firned asked and he said yah and she got my licnese plate number and called the cops, well later we went back and my firend talekd to her but she said its too late and she called he cops. well we got home without being pulled oer, but do you think im going to get a ticket or a warning letter in the mail????

2006-09-30 09:55:24 · 8 answers · asked by xsammon 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Do we not have a right to build a fence? Or defend our borders? Or keep 'undesirables' out? Why must we allow those incompitent countries to drag us down with them? There is a reason why we are prosperous, and you are not. So once again, Why do Mexicans think they have a God-given right to America?

2006-09-30 09:53:52 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

or "Haters answer this..." or "why do you racists..."? I don't, because I am not a 'moron', 'racist' nor do I 'hate' anyone. I am against people coming into my country (U.S.) without following the legal procedure. No one from any country should be allowed here illegally. My ancestors came here legally, it is not right that others should be allowed to enter illegally and not face deportation. I don't respond to questions seeking a response from pro- or anti-illegal immigration supporters in such a crude, ignorant and low-class manner. If I did it would be like I admit to being the 'racist/hater/moron' or whatever. I do not.

2006-09-30 09:53:06 · 12 answers · asked by ? 2 in Immigration

2006-09-30 09:51:24 · 10 answers · asked by Zori 3 in Politics

or are you conned into believing the fable that you are protecting freedom? Does it make your girlfriend cream her pants to see you in a uniform? Do you think you're going to fix the world or are there really no good bush parties (pardon the pun) in your area? Do you think it will be a good drunk in Iraq killing women and children??

2006-09-30 09:46:57 · 19 answers · asked by Margaret I 2 in Military

2006-09-30 09:45:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

the last President of the United States?

2006-09-30 09:41:09 · 16 answers · asked by Perry L 5 in Other - Politics & Government

My crazy ex is telling me that he has my SSN and Medicaid# and that he's going to be tracking me wherever I go. I'm moving out of state to get away from him, so I know him having my Medicaid# won't do any good since I'll get a whole new one in the state I'm moving to, but whenever I apply to get a job or credit card or anything that involves my SSN, I know he'll have a PI tracking it to see where I am (he's done it before with a previous ex of his). Does anyone know if I can have my # changed or anything I can do to make it not possible for him to track me? The office is closed right now so I can't call them to find out anything until Monday.

2006-09-30 09:40:52 · 4 answers · asked by Rach 1 in Law & Ethics

degrading Mexicans. If the Government really wanted to stop immigration they would, any of us have stated the same. Why dont they round them up, like some one said earlier, they know where to find them. And why dont they put armed soldiers at every spot along the border? Because they need illegal get it through your thick freaking skulls white American racists.

2006-09-30 09:39:11 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Im concered with my mom, who works at a factory packing products. She has told me things about her manager and says that she feels that she doesnt get the same respect as everyone. She is forced to do much harder tasks than the other employees and when she asked for a lighter task like the other employees, she was told (by the manager) to either keep doing her job or go home. She also says that the other employees have recieved gifts, but not her. Although this doesnt bother her, the thought of not being equal to everyone else vexes her. Ive seen her very depressed due to this! She doesnt want to quit because its very hard to find another job. Is there anything she can do? Legal action? just anything? help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

2006-09-30 09:38:31 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Would "ya'll" believe that it was a static discharge that ignited the diesel storage tanks in the basement, 100 stories down???


2006-09-30 09:37:31 · 8 answers · asked by Margaret I 2 in Military

I dont see any difference.

2006-09-30 09:36:00 · 17 answers · asked by jason_the_cool_dude 1 in Politics

After 9-11 the US Executive branch arranged passage for bin Laden family members and perhaps other Saudi's living in the US before planes were officially allowed to fly again.

Although Osama bin Laden was the # 1 suspect for attack #1 on the Trade Center, and the Kuwait and Embassy bombings it took until Sept, 2001 for the White House to get to work on this looming threat. ???

2006-09-30 09:33:07 · 6 answers · asked by Mary 5 in Other - Politics & Government

Can he be evicted from the other country and be brought here??

2006-09-30 09:32:31 · 7 answers · asked by CHiKKu 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

would even want to go live in Mexico, or that we are illegal aliens or have any connection to them?

The reason I ask is because some of you morons say thinks like "go back to Mexico" you are illegal" and a tirade of ethnic slurs

2006-09-30 09:27:16 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Should we kill people here in England, who kill English citizens without any good reason (in cold blood, NOT in self-defence)?? I think we should, especially immigrants, or foreign people who come over and kill our people, like the case of the Chelsea business man last year stabbed to death in his own home. Should the killers die, this would free up space in our full up jails, leaving more space to chuck more criminals in there who are getting let off, or let out early now because of lack of space for them. Why should the TAX PAYER pay to keep the scum bags alive for like 20 years. Get rid of them and have done?? Anyone agree

2006-09-30 09:27:05 · 28 answers · asked by ? 3 in Law & Ethics

Yahoo says that I am breaking rules when it comes to me asking ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION questions...............oh yeh.....Just because someone doesnt want to hear truth and doesnt like my questions, I get reported by the same person over and over again in hope to get the account cancelled. Just remember that there is no problem if my account gets cancelled because i will just set up another account. Loosing the points is fine and its NOT like the points are of any use either......So to all who Reported me....."I dont care" because I will set up another account and be back within minutes...Laterand peace

2006-09-30 09:26:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Every time there is a question posted on here about "immigrants", that doesn't even mention any nationality, tons of people answer with remarks about Mexicans? But yet, these are the same people who sit here and say, "it's not about Mexicans, it's about all illegal immigrants"....hmmm sounds fishy... People say they are anti immigration but a better way to put it is anti Mexican... It's sickens me that our country has become this way!!!

2006-09-30 09:23:57 · 14 answers · asked by tiece20 2 in Immigration

I feel Islam should be removed from the earth. I see no reason for this false belief to exists as it serves only to inspire such hatred.

Look at all the lives affected by 9/11 and what happened in England.

What do you guys think?

2006-09-30 09:23:08 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

When Fines are issued, should they not be issued on the basis of a percentage of the offenders income, rather than a flat amount. To someone with an income of £1000 per week, a £100 fine hurts but is just 10% of their income; but to someone who has an income of only £100 per week, the same fine absorbs ALL of their income and treats them worse than the person with the higher income.

Surely the current system applies less and less, the more income you have, and more and more, the less income you have.

The Government knows what everybodies income is from the Tax we all pay, so how about a minimum fine plus a percentage of income to make it fairer for EVERYONE! What do you think? Would it work? What could the extra money be used for?

2006-09-30 09:20:13 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

So here is my SERIOUS question. If you are not from the USA but living here and don't like the policies and/or the people and "your Country" is better then why not just leave here and go back to your native place?

2006-09-30 09:18:22 · 14 answers · asked by Julzz 4 in Immigration

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