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Politics & Government - 29 September 2006

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...By exploitation,i mean they harm others in someways

2006-09-29 02:18:38 · 13 answers · asked by robin 3 in Other - Politics & Government

The Alabama Masons will NOT allow Blacks or any people of Color to join, Bob Riley says that it is just there rules and he will not condemn them or quit.

2006-09-29 02:18:31 · 9 answers · asked by Zen 4 in Other - Politics & Government

i have heard that bush isnt very bright and when he speaks he reinforces that notion ....if this is true we followed a mentally challenged person into war...

2006-09-29 02:17:59 · 26 answers · asked by pokerplayer16101 2 in Politics

Thats what they are right? Criminals? Is breaking the law called something else these days?

2006-09-29 02:17:12 · 17 answers · asked by ernie-h-in-the-place 1 in Immigration

According to Pat Buchanan, by the year 2050 there would be about 100 million Latinos in the United States. What is the problem in that, if their legal right. Or is his concern just a fear of brown skinned people and not illegal immigration. Black population along with Latinos, Asians and Middle easterns is growing, as well as the Whites. The fact that non whites are considered minorites will wash away when all these minorities outnumber the majority. So what is the fear here?

2006-09-29 02:16:55 · 23 answers · asked by Enterrador 4 in Immigration

Subsidies were given to MPs when they didn't receive a wage.
Wages were then given to allow unpropertied MPs to engage in politics and not be at a disadvantage.
Should London house subsidy be abolished, Should meal and drink subsidy be abolished. Should MPs live on their wage like every body else.

2006-09-29 02:14:00 · 6 answers · asked by Ashley K 3 in Other - Politics & Government

I just heard Newt Gingrich speaking to the US supreme court, and it turns out that Newt Gingrich is in agreement with the justices on the dangers of giving up liberties during a time of war. He said that he fears a strong executive branch, and that it will be a quick move from hunting down a terrorist, to an overly zealous judiciary hunting down american citizens. Is he a liberal or a traitor? And what do you think he has to hide? (since all of us who are against illegal surveillance have something to hide)

2006-09-29 02:13:58 · 11 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

black people congregating. Even though, There was no real reason for me to think this way; at a subconscious level I always thought they were probably up to no good. Like maybe the government should be watching them a little closer. My question is does any one else ever feel this way?

2006-09-29 02:12:57 · 9 answers · asked by Thoughts Like Mine 3 in Other - Politics & Government

My girl friend is from mainland china, in tianjin to be more accurate, and well we have been talking about bring her to canada to live, now I know of 2 ways marriage and common law partner, what is a common law partner exactly and which of the 2 is the easiest and less complicated

2006-09-29 02:12:57 · 8 answers · asked by Ryan C 1 in Immigration

paintball? robot wars? winner gets one signed war corpse (or ten points)

2006-09-29 02:12:45 · 27 answers · asked by Mr Gravy 3 in Military

got such vicious comment for mentioning an anti bush event, that I was stunned...probably 17 mean, hateful comment all from republicans and only one or two deomocrats...was told should be shot, run over by a truck, tortured, and recieved multiple insults..I was stunned as I hadn't realized republicans were that mean and intolerant of other viewpoints than their own..do they get they from emulating people like Rush Linbaugh?.

.I was very upset, felt like crying, angry, and felt so ganged up on and wondered what has happened to people to make them so mean, insensitive and intolerant of anyone who differs from they opinion...they even insulted a long time retired vet who didn't like Bush

Several said we should be jailed (and no doubt tortured).

I would never dream of wanting to shot, kill, run over with a truck, jail, or deport any of them...they seem to want the death of liberals.

How do their reconsile this with moral values and being Godly and Christlike? I was told Yahoo

2006-09-29 02:11:26 · 21 answers · asked by iloveflowers 2 in Politics

I been intrested for a while but I'm quite sure i heard someone say that you need a High School Diploma. Well I couldnt finish High shchool for personal reasons, but i recently attained my GED which is just as good as any H.S diploma.

Would that disqualify me for even being considered to join the Air Force?

i never had any criminal records, so why not recruit me? lol

2006-09-29 02:10:41 · 16 answers · asked by Darmcc15 2 in Military

politicians need to understand its not their money its the taxpayers money.

2006-09-29 02:09:36 · 11 answers · asked by david c 4 in Politics

"I worked hard to try to kill him. I authorized a finding for the CIA to kill him. We contracted with people to kill him. I got closer to killing him than anybody has gotten since."
—Former President Bill Clinton, Sept. 24, 2006

Former President Clinton has now admitted to violating US LAW 2333 which prohibits the authority of the President to personally order the assassination of a foreign citizen. Clinton should be arrested immediatly and tried. We know these liber-nazi fascist loving, jihad worshiping freaks and Democraps would want George Bush tried for the same thing. Clinton is a war criminal.

2006-09-29 02:05:20 · 18 answers · asked by dannavy85 1 in Politics

The measure, called the Real ID Act, says that driver's licenses and other ID cards must include a digital photograph, anti-counterfeiting features and undefined "machine-readable technology, with defined minimum data elements" that could include a magnetic strip or RFID tag.

2006-09-29 02:01:37 · 2 answers · asked by ? 4 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-09-29 02:01:29 · 19 answers · asked by david c 4 in Politics

Then doesn't that make Republicans in the 90s EXTREMELY patriotic for the way they disagreed with Bill and Hillary?

If so, then why did the Democrats and the Press simply refer to the Republicans as "Clinton-haters"? Weren't the Republicans just being patriotic?

2006-09-29 01:58:17 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Or are we punishing it's people? How would you, as an American, like to be treated because of something Bush said? Would it be fair for let's say another country refused to buy our exports because our President put his foot in his mouth? Where would that leave our workers?

2006-09-29 01:56:54 · 7 answers · asked by azile_wehttam 3 in Government

2006-09-29 01:56:38 · 1 answers · asked by a_poor_misguided_soul 5 in Politics

source: joe scarbough on his show scarbough country. he is a conservative by the way.

2006-09-29 01:55:36 · 11 answers · asked by david c 4 in Politics

Why is abortion legal, but when a pregnant mother gets murdered theres murder charges for both the mom, and baby?

2006-09-29 01:49:09 · 12 answers · asked by ernie-h-in-the-place 1 in Law & Ethics

In my previous post http://answers.yahoo.com/question/?link=best&qid=20060928202923AA9Qh2P&r=w&pa=F5xxBXHpPmKSlmhy00sKlAnRtuICkv_7ik1PrbpNQ0yTvBQVRP9DGQUjcPQiciHqHbR8eiApXWOnmqF.nkCpDw--

several people stated that having a national debt is good for the economy. Can someone please explain how a national debt is good for the economy?

2006-09-29 01:49:07 · 6 answers · asked by Searcher 7 in Government

2006-09-29 01:48:47 · 3 answers · asked by somewhere someone someday 2 in Embassies & Consulates

My thought is that they shouldn't, for two reasons.
1. It opens the door for boys who get cut from the boys team to try out on a girls team, thus removing the integrety of the league.
2. If the girls are particularily talented, then they should be allowed to be stand out players on the girls team, and by doing so increase the standard of play and improving the game in the long run. College scouts, etc would also notice a stand out girl dominating their high school league more so than a girl playing on the boys team.

2006-09-29 01:45:44 · 15 answers · asked by simplyrelaxinginblvl 3 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-09-29 01:45:24 · 6 answers · asked by jimmydadral 1 in Politics

2006-09-29 01:43:19 · 7 answers · asked by johnhope1 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

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